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Alex Wang






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Site Updates and Changes: August 30th, 2003

HF Members

August 30, 2003 5:39 PM ---Hello there
Sorry for neglecting the site, I've been busy, promoting HF, school, and such. It's tiring these days, but since it's a Saturday, it's all about relaxing. I have the Signing for Hil up in the HF section, for all you members just IM me and i'll give you the information you need to access it.
Click On the Pic to go there now:
Yeah crazy crowd right here, that's how it was, a lotta craziness. Anyways more details inside. BTW, this pic is real, Chris took it when I gave him the camera.

August 22, 2003 3:12 AM ---New Add-Ons
85% of the site is complete. Just a few more things to finish up and everything will be running smooth, so look out for that. Not many updates right now, except for the new side bar which still has things that needs to be added. Anyways, back to work.

August 20, 2003 3:01 PM ---Site Update
As you can see there is a new sliding link bar thanks to my good friend Luke, i'll probably add a few more things to the site, make it look spiffier.


 August 19, 2003 12:21 AM ---A Nice Update
Well I wanted to add a few pictures that I took w/ my "bad" digicam so you can check them out by clicking on the pic below:
Bad Digicam:                Webcam:
Home Photosgame stuff
Well if you are a Hil fan visiting this site I suggest you click here to go to the forums to see several updates, their is a password on there, the p/w would be the site I work at and of course the fans should know which one, since they came from there.

Affiliates Update: My friend finally got his disney channel site up, not much now, but it's still in the works, check it out @ Disney Channel Teens


News of: August 16, 2003 12:07 AM ---A New Update
Yeah, well nothing much going on, hopefully have some fun next week, work on my site a little bit more later. Sorry for the lack of update, but I've been busy.


Site Update: August 7, 2003 1:01 AM ---New Add-On
Okay well the newest add-on we have right now is the link flash. If you put your cursor over a link it should light up w/ a bright red. My bro is helping me with the site so you might see some updates from him, since he is the guy behind that add-on. More add-ons soon.



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 This site exists by Zerofan. Creator: Alex Wang, My personal website.

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