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         aLeXaNdRa & yOuNeS

Welc0me T0 aLeXaNdRa & y0uNeS´s page here u will see a little bit 0f our relat¡0nsh¡p that it just f¡n¡shed, a mexican g¡rl and an arabec guy that fell in love... :(  but d0n´t w00rry we´re just f¡ne now, ¡t was hard for b0th 0f us but, we´re ok like this.  enjoy it  and I just wish the best f0r h¡m.  :)

* 0ur fav0r¡te col0r is: baby blue
* We met eachother at sch0ol (HCCS) in Houst0n, Tx.
* I th¡nk 0ur first date it was when 0ne day we went after sch0ol to a mex¡can restaurant and the f0od was to g0 ... but, anyway that was really funny
* Another c0ol day ¡t was when we went to wal*mart (0nly he knows what am I talk¡ng about)
* He works at night so, everyt¡me that i had to wake up early he used to called me at 5:30am
and he said: come on girl wake up !!! (thanks man)
** that´s only a little b¡t ab0ut us, cuz ¡´ll need a b0ok t0 wr¡te ever¡thing but, anyway that´s was a g0od t¡me .... and ¡ want to let h¡m kn0w that ¡´m h¡s fr¡end everyt¡me that he needs ¡t. 

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