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:: HOME ::
Photos Err of Shit
My Guitar ::smirk::
:: Firwheeler ::
Err More Photos
Other Err... Stuff..
This would be my webpage, mmyeah. Err.. enjoy it and if you have any comments er suggestions keep them to yerself. Nah just joking, email me.

1. Music Rocks
2. Pictures Rock
3. My Life Sucks
4. Foods Good
5. Eat Meat (its good fer ya)
6. Mmyeah!

                                                           What does Chrissy like to do? Chrissy likes to listen to music, colect/take/manipulate pictures,
                                                            eat food, (alot) , Sit on her ass and do nothing... PLAY COM mmyeah, play guitar, and ride her firwheeler.
                                                            Err.. swim, annoy Sarah by saying, iiight, like all the time. Chat on msn, and annoy/bother the hell out of people.

Is Chrissy bored right now? yes
Is Chrissy always bored? yes
Does Chrissy care? no

                                                                                                                                                    What to do in Coffman? nothing
                                                                                                                                                    What is the point of life? there isn't one