(Special Events)

(promote them...)

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This is the page where you promote your special events, starting months before the event happens. You can have a countdown here in days, hours minutes and seconds on this page, to promote awareness of the event and to remind people of it. In the week before the event, you can move this promotion and countdown to the entry page of your web site, to make it more prominent. Here you would also publicize whatever needs to be publicized in order to make the event a success. Of course, how you promote your special events is entirely up to you. Use humour, if you think that that works for you.


Of course, if the special event is meant to be a serious one, then perhaps some other type of approach might be more appropriate. Something a bit more dignified. Whatever approach you choose, remember that you are trying to capture the imagination and interest of people who view this page, in order to get them to attend the event. Some think that the way to draw larger crowds is to be provocative, outrageous and controversial. What is known in some circles as hype. With that approach, your event will be viewed as a circus, and the kind of people who will attend the event will be those who are provocative, outrageous and controversial. You have to ask yourself the question: "Are those the kind of people that we want to attract?"

Important issues

The point being made here is that whatever approach you use to promote your special events, it should be a reflection of the event itself, and should be appropriate for the type of event that you are planning to stage, and also fitting to the image of your organization. These are important issues that should not be glossed over. The event should live up to the expectations that you have raised in its promotion; it should not be an anticlimax, it should be the fulfillment of its promotion in all good senses of the word. If for some reason the event is cancelled, you should post prominent notification of the cancellation on this page at least a few days before the event was to have been staged, with explanations and apologies, and refund instructions, where appropriate.

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