In Memory Of

Dimebag Darrell
8/20/1966 - 12/8/2004

At this point, I'm still having a hard time believing that he's really gone. Every time I start to grasp the concept of it, it just gives me a sick feeling inside and I find myself trying to turn away from it.

The worst part about this, in my opinion, is the plain senselessness of it. Nothing can really top that. I mean, it's not like he died in a car accident or a plane crash or from a drug overdose or suicide, like so many other rock starts have and will...that would've been bad enough. But no, what happened to him was, I feel, much more senseless even than any of that. He was just in the midst of doing what he's always done so well and what so many people all over the world loved him so much for when some crazy bastard who never even knew him at all personally decided to just come out of nowhere and blow him away with no provocation and for no valid reason whatsoever. And right in front of the man's own brother, no less. I can't even imagine, nor do I want to imagine, what Vinnie must be going through right now, and I can only hope that I will never have to find that out for myself by experiencing that kind of pain firsthand. So my heart truly goes out to him and the rest of Dime's family, the rest of Damageplan, and all their close friends, as well as to all the other distraught fans out there, who, like me, feel a painful emptiness with his sudden passing even though we may never have been fortunate enough to actually meet the guy in person.

I first started listening to Pantera when I was about 12 years old. I'm 25 now and I still consider them one of my all-time favorite bands, and I'm sure that I always will. That's largely due to the pure awesomeness that was Dimebag Darrell. He was and always will be one of my favorite metal guitarists, if not my #1 favorite. It's just so sad that he had to be taken from us in this cruel and insane manner.

I'm really glad that the guy who's responsible for this atrocity was killed himself by a police officer during the attack before he could hurt anyone else, but at the same time I can't help but feel that he probably still didn't get quite what he deserved for his cold-blooded act of stupidity. In fact, I almost wish that he were still alive right now just so he would have to deal with the fact that he's one of the most hated people on the planet because of what he did. But in actuality, I know that probably wouldn't really make anyone feel any better about the situation, including myself, and it certainly wouldn't bring Dime back, so fuck it.

I can only hope that Dime is in a better place now, if there is such a thing. And if anything good can ever be said about this awful tragedy, it's that Dimebag Darrell died with a guitar in his hands, doing exactly what he truly loved and lived for all his life. Most of us will not be so lucky, in that respect.

Rock on, Dime. You were a great man, a true guitar hero, and an inspiration and legend to so many, including myself. You will be greatly missed. May your soul rest in peace while your spirit lives on in our hearts and through all of the wonderful memories and music that you left behind for us to cherish for the rest of our lives, and for generations to come.

Official Damageplan Site

Official Guestbook for Dimebag Darrell

Dimebag Darrell's Virtual Gravesite

