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Alicia's World

Hi! Welcome to my homepage. My name is Alicia Belden for you that don't know me. I am 14 years old and my birthday is June 29. I live in the big town of Conde, SD. I go to Conde High School where I'm a freshman and have 13 kids in my class. There are ten guys and three girls. I enjoy Cheerleading for the Boys' Basketball Team, playing volleyball and basketball for fun, and running. I also enjoy talking on MSN/phone, listenin to music, driving around wit friends, helping friends in need, and flirtin' wit guys! Some things about me...I'm 5' 1 1/2", I have brown eyes, brown hair wit blonde highlights...umm...if you wanna know more just ask. For you that don't know, I have four brothers, two older and two younger. Starting from the top with oldest ones, Garrett is 18 and is a Senior at Groton High School. He works for my dad until he graduates in May. As far as I know I don't think he knows where he's attending college. My other older brother is Greg. He's 16, going to be 17 March 13th, and is a Junior at Groton High School. He works for my uncles out at the farm. Now for my younger brothers. Wyatt is 3, going to be 4 on April 5, and isn't in school. All he does is stay at home and annoy people! Then last but surely not least, there's Clayton. He's 1, going to be 2 March 26th, and of course, he just sits at home and is a lil' mommas boy. But he's so cute! Along with four brothers I have a mom, a dad, and a stepdad. My mom is Cheri and is going back to school at Presentation to become a Registered Nurse and graduates in May. She's busy working at Avera St. Luke's Hospital on third floor as a nursing assistant as well as going to classes and still managing to do a little hair at home. She's an awesome person! My dad is Ron and has his own business as an auto body worker person. He keeps himself really busy doing that. My stepdad is Randy and keeps himself busy as a farmer and with his kids. That's basically my family.

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