|| esperanza? ||
April 16 @ 12:50 PM

;D Just been helping sister get ready for her monthly tests. BLAH. skipped a quiz today by skipping college :) nothing new :P


March 21 @ 11:31 AM

Heh. War started. I'm just waiting for that one phone call from my college tellin me not to come :P. Well the princi"pal" better hurry up, it's already Friday :/ Ohh I've been trying to stay out of trouble but ummm

I HATE CELL PHONES! :@:@:@:@:@:@

February 16 @ 1:02 PM

OMG I am annoyed. I just saw this dude getting it on with someone & he does it with everyone. He kicked/banned my friend cos she refused to "flirt" with him. UUGGGGHHHH. I'm gonna try to catch a flight to Riyadh on the 18th hrm that'll empty out most of my savings but its k :D (Natalie you suck ;P)

February 14 @ 7:51 PM

I am not evil. Valentines rawked!! Hrmm the flight was horrible :( And so was the drive...1,987 km in 3 days but was worth it. Umm nothing else. Blah. <3

Outta the City :D
February 8 @ 2:37 PM

Boredom Boredom. *yawn* Tomorrow we're goin to Dubai *YAY* Dunno what for though...but it's cool. hah so I finally get to leave too eh. I'm NOT adding my pics to this site ;D so dont ask when they'll be up aaand now I'm goin to the parlor to get my hair done :D Latah

February 7 @ 6:03 AM

*screams* My absolutely AWESOME friends decided to take off on me starting last week. Alyssa's spending her holidays in Switzerland while Monica flew over to CHINA. Rachey & Erin always wanted to check out France and YAY, their dreams just HAD to come true when everyone else was leaving. Oh yes! Let's not forget Jay. He's touring Greenland. Umm Josh? Somewhere out of this dreary oasis-filled country. Argh I was supposed to go sand duning with some OTHER people but noooo, their dear old grandaddy suddenly decided to leave planet earth last week. There. No sand duning.
Wondering why I dont go off on a holiday like everyone else?

Reason : Too busy with _____ here.

Some people from Australia & New Zealand arrived in the mini USA aka Arabian Rchs. I was thinking...the more people I meet, the more I realize that there are basically only a few types of people in the world. Many times I look at a person and see someone else - it's scary. You look at how people react to problems and you suddenly realize that you've seen it all before. Where's all the uniqueness and originality everyone talks about?


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Thank you very much.


all content copyright Christine M. , 2003.

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