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News & Updates

Letting You in Early
June 27th, 2003 - Cinder

I've done 5 chapters of the Visual Walkthrough so far.. the titles are exactly the same as the ones in the Text Walkthrough. I know you GS players are already (or almost) done the game, but this little thing occupies me. Gee, doing the Kadorean Temple was torture, and to think, that was the first 'dungeon' of the game! Boy, I can't wait to go to Gaia/Aqua/Air's/Magma Rock and the lighthouses.

I'll let you look at something new, since something like that hasn't happened for a long time. You might as well look at the start of the Visual Walkthrough while I'm gradually getting it done, but gee, it's going to take me a looong time. Oh, don't mind the main page much, I don't know what's wrong but everything's pushed down. The other pages are fine, it's just the main page that's driving me nuts. So yeah, don't mind that much ^^ I'll try and fix it when I can. For now you can just take a look at the structure of the walkthrough. Nothing too big, but I'll get finished eventually... (that's what I said for the other 'projects' -_-;;)

Something You'll Like
June 26th, 2003 - Cinder

Man, I love summer. I'm finally done school (YAY!). I started yet another new project.. before you say anything, I know, I know. I'm starting a lot of projects and not really finishing them. Nobody looks at that Level Guide anyways, right? Anyhow, I think this is something you'll like. I'm actually remaking the Visual Walkthrough for the Lost Age. Yeah, it's kinda late and all, but I've got this little spark in me suddenly. I nearly strained myself last night trying to get the coding right and I finally got it. There's no images to make the pages look spiffy yet, but I'll get to that soon enough. Anyways, I'm using the text from the text walkthrough to do the visual, and am remodling the text to make it more easier to understand. I'll try to release the first few parts of it soon!

New Gaming Topsite
June 20th, 2003 - Cinder

Hiya. Told ya I'd post another news today. Because of the ranting about the topsites, I made another one dedicated to ANY kind of gaming whether it be Golden Sun-related or not. Soon, sites like Bound Kingdom will be moved there. So any non-related Golden Sun sites -- sign up in the Gaming Top 100!

4/7 Down!
June 20th, 2003 - Cinder

Yayayay I'm half way done exams. I feel.. relaxed in some way. I get this whole day free to myself before I need to study for my final ones! You know what, I think that I should make the topsites for the other categories, no? I think this will be pretty exciting. I'll also plan that layout I promised you all. If there's anything else that I'm forgetting, please do say before Saturday. I'll post again later today to let you know that there's more topsites for those other genres!

Some Random Thingies of Interest
June 16th, 2003 - Cinder

I just took a little break from studying a bit. I'm getting a little nervous, too, and I'm also tired.. but when something exciting comes up, I'm already back on my feet. Anyhow..

I've been thinking that this site needs a new layout. Well, I really like the one that's here right now, but something new wouldn't hurt, and I'll try to use a JPG for the logo instead of a PNG. PNG makes the images a very good quality, but the loading time isn't that great. I'll try something during the summer time to make sure that it loads a lot quicker. PHP does make a website load faster but.. nope. Can't do it on Gamespy Servers, not this one anyways, and I'm not planning on moving to the Dynamic Servers either. It's already crammed with the forums!

Yes, I hear rants coming from many places. Rants about the topsite in particular. Golden Sun sites don't like those other sites crowding up the spots. I can make different categories of topsites for those Final Fantasy ones or anime. It sounds like a good idea.. maybe. I'll do that on the 26th-ish, is that okay Golden Sun websites? Give me the okay, VL, IR, and GSAR!

I hear sometimes that websites who host topsites should enter them themselves.. but is this a good idea for me? I would have joined when the topsite was first created, but.. you know, I don't want to be rude. So what do you think? E-mail me about this one if you'd like and I'll see what I can do. But.. there's at least 20 e-mails so far that I haven't read yet, wait for one week okie? Or ask at the forums.

Lastly, I think it will be time to take down some original Golden Sun screenshots. They aren't proving any use to me, not yet anyways. I do have plans for a Visual guide, so they might come in handy sometime. I also do want to save space, although Gamespy doesn't have a disk space quota on hosted sites. All together, with the other server, I think it racks up to at least 60 megabytes (the forums themselves are 30mb some and screenshots are about 30mb). 60mb is a lot! During the summer, everything's going to be changed. I'm getting too anxious, but first things's first, so wait for one week please! Thank-yee :)

--Old news


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