Hull Cemetery

Redding, Connecticut

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Hull Cemetery

Hull Cemetery is located on Redding Road (Route 53) in Redding, Connecticut. The oldest recorded burial seems to date from 1800 (Timothy Hull). The majority of the burials date from the mid- to late 1800s and there are many modern burials. Hull Cemetery is the resting place of a large number of veterans, from the Revolution and Civil War through Korea and Vietnam.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 573.

Photos were taken 8 August 2014.

Anna Hull

Anna Hull, died 23 April 1805, age 72 years

David Sanford

David Sanford, died 4 October 1806, age 37 years.

Two Revolutionary War veterans:

Lyman Thorp

"Lyman Thorp, Capt. Horton's Co., Died Oct. 12, 1830 AE 68."

John Hull, Jr.

"John Hull, Jr., Capt. Gray's Co., Died Apr. 7, 1838 AE 79."

Lydia Ann Bartram

"Lydia Ann, daughter of

Aaron R. & Harriet Bartram

Born Jan. 12, 1828,

Died in peace,

July 7, 1859.

Hull Cemetery

Among the veterans interred at Hull Cemetery are the following:

Civil War
David S. Bartram, 2nd Lt., Co. G. 17th CT Vols Inf. Died 5 July 1898, age 64.
World War II
Raymond R. Barrett, Sgt. US Army. Aug. 14, 1920 - Jan. 3, 2003.
Richard Douglass, Tec 4 US Army. Aug. 2, 1923 - Mar. 13, 2005.
Bernard C. Gippert, Capt. US Army. 1919 - 1979.
George Iles, Cpl. 812 Base Unit AAF. June 20, 1911 - July 21, 1959.
Richard T. Rude, Sgt. US Army. Mar. 3, 1923 - May 9, 2005.
LeRoy S. Sipe, Tec 5 US Army. 1918 - 1985.
Burton H. Violette, Tec 5 US Army. June 6, 1918 - Oct. 28 - 1997.
Norman S. Wills, Cpl. US Marine Corps. Dec. 21, 1925 - Dec. 11, 1991.
Korean War
Robert V. Hallock, Sr., A2C US Air Force. June 6, 1934 - Mar. 9, 1999.
Nils Everett Johnson, Sgt. US Army. 1928 - 1993.
Vietnam War
Robert Russell Wilson, SP4 US Army. Jan. 14, 1940 - Nov. 12, 2006.

All photos copyright by the author, 2014. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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