East Village Cemetery

Monroe, Connecticut

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East Village sign

East Village Cemetery is located on East Village Road in Monroe, Connecticut. The cemetery was established in 1766 and many of the names contained therein reflect place names of local areas. There is a contained family plot and other stones for Shelton (Monroe's neighboring town), and Nichols (an area of another neighboring town, Trumbull) and Botsford (a section of Monroe near Newtown) are also present. There are also several graves with GAR (Grand Army of the Republic) markers. This was a political organization formed by former Union soldiers after the Civil War.

Estimated number of interments, as of January 2024: at least 697.

Photos were taken 12 December 2008 and 29 April 2010.

East Village

A view of East Village.


This monument rests in the center of the cemetery. It lists a family history of "Rev. Peter Bulkley B.D. Tenth in descent from Robert of the English barons of Runnymede of 1216 A.D. came to New England in 1635. Founded Concord, Mass., established the first church, and died there March 9, 1659..." A close up is pictured below.



One of the oldest stones in East Village.

"In memory of John Moss Curtis

son to Elijah & Jane Curtis

who died March 30th

AD 1777 in the..."

(The remainder of the inscription has sunken into the earth.)

He was three years old.


David (d. 25 April 1795, age 49) and Mary (d. 6 Oct. 1799, age 40) Blackman.

"They were boath Snatched from there growing offspring before they were eather of them settled in the world, or even the youngest could reallise that they ever had a father, the widow remained with her children a few years but soon a disease Seized her that mocked the power of medicine."


On November 19, 1801, David Brinsmade Wilcockson was returning home from Derby. Supposedly, while crossing the Housatonic River via Leavenworth's Bridge, he was thrown from his horse. His body was found the next day in the river, his horse still standing on the bridge.

"This Monument is Sacred to the Memory of Mr. DAVID BRINSMADE WILCOCKSON A Masonic Brother who unfortunately Drowned Nov.r 19th 1801 in the 26th year of his age. he was graduateed at yale College in the year 1788. he possessed while Living every virtue to make Life happy and talents to make it agreable. by his Death his Relatives acquaintance & Society Sustains a real Loss."


"In memory of William Tucker who was stabed by his nearest neighbor, Sept. 30, 1845 & Died Oct. 4 AE. 56.

Behold, the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it cannot save; neither his ear heavy, that it cannot hear: But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. For your hands are defiled with blood, and your fingers with iniquity; your lips have spoken lies, your tongue hath muttered perverseness. None calleth for justice, nor any pleadeth for truth: they trust in vanity, and speak lies; they conceive mischief, and bring forth iniquity."

Tucker and his neighbor, Foster Marsh Cargill, shared a well-known and vicious animosity. Cargill was put on trial for murdering Tucker with a knife. He was acquitted. Cargill (1814 - 1896) is also buried within East Village Cemetery.


"Father and Mother

Amaziah B. Downs

Died at Salisbury, North Carolina

Dec. 18, 1864.

Ae 43 Y'rs.

Catharine J. Downs

his wife

Died Mar. 24, 1875.

Ae 56 Y'rs."

There is a GAR plaque, post 26.


Samuel D. Judson

died 25 September 1848

aged 29 years.

All photos copyright by the author, 2010. Not to be used or reproduced without permission.

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