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This Man Has no Balls
Free Marijuna in Canada!Don't be a Sheep led to the slaughter

Speak you mindA monitor is NOT a billboard

(Don't fuck around!!!)

September 16, 2004


well this is it Muther fuckers...

the last post I am ganna put here, to the people that were SUPPOSED to post here SUCK MY FUCKN' DICK!!! and to the people who come here to read for some fuckn' stupid reason, FUCK YOU!

not to be a dumb nigger but this site has become a joke and I don't think that I should put any more time into fixing this bullshit, as for chirs: learn some fuckn' HTML!!! man!


not sure what else to say but the fact that in the matter of 3 months I am the only one to post so... in other words you ppl that were supposed to post he you are dumb niggers!

good bye

(Don't fuck around!!!)

Augest 8, 2004

Well hello there readers of the page... if any are still out there

Any ways, we went to a show lastnight that was in a house, Closet Monster played as well as some others, I saw a shitload of pepole from high school and some people that I know from all over.

I saw Sharmane (Nicole Boismeire's younger sister) I see her all over the place these days, she is always getting drunk or stoned though... don't ask me that thats about :) her and Nicole are nothing alike

Ummm yeah what else can I rant about on here about.... OH yeah! The shelter is pretty Rockn' thses days, The pictures on the page here are really old now, I wanna head down there with Mike L today and we'll do up some fix'age of the shelter

In the pictures down further you can see a small bench off to the right, Well there is a roof over that whole thing now and there is even a room behind it... The Selter #1 was turned into a hotbox... any ways this is quite the post so I'll get back to sliming down this page to make it load faster... of and Ryan if yorr reading this... WTF is all this 100 lines of code you added to the fuckn' page is is all style tags!?!?

(Don't fuck around!!!)

July 26, 2004

Jimmy boo-yah's hous is what is goiing down right now some pple are freaking out and going nuts... i got some next guy chilln' next to nme rolling a joint.

yeah thius is rockn' i am seating up a storm.. time to go.. gotta go out side.. these ppl keep saying "YEAH, YEAH" it's gay!. any-hoo ... Biff Puke

june 25,, 2004

wassup al you mather fuckers... what the fuck am i supposed to say... im all fucked up.. i drank a lot.. im gonna fuckin freak out... this shit is pretty awesome... there was some wrestling on... now there is Dogma...oh shit titties... now there is a guy in a sombrarro........ so anyway... its been a while... and not a lot has happened... ive basicly forgotten everything i learned incollege and i have nothing to show for it.. .. i am currently working on talking my old man's business and there is good ptentional and shit.. fuck im too drunk no i dean what im talkin about... ill try and fill you in on what is goin on tonight... ssandy has 8- dollars... he gt rocked with monkey ball... ask him about it... i laughed n his face.. it was fuckinhillarious... HaHhahAHHAHAHAHHAHAHHHAHAAHAHa
that was last night... i have no idea what the helll hapened but im ok now and im sober and im goin to see f9/11 and its gona kick my ass... so later