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Hi, welcome to my little corner of the intranet.

This homepage was first developed on August 2000 as a normal web site with personal items. But now i decided to include more realistic and systematic stuffs. Therefor i got this inspiration of doing this site for TG Academy with numerous categories and will be add with more in future..

Thanks for visiting - enjoy yourself...

My way.....

The purpose of this site is to let you know who I am and maybe learn from my experiences and my way of living. Of course you can’t get the whole picture of me just from reading my words, but it’s the first step on the way. Maybe you are the kind of person that immediately thinks: ”Huh. ZK, how come you think you’re so special?”. The answer is twofold. The first kind of answer is the philosophic, philanthropic one: I’m a human. We are one very special specie, and are all very rare individuals. This is true for everybody, and makes anyone a person to care for. The second kind of answer is almost as confident: I’m not special at all. The world wouldn’t be a better place without me, but my presence doesn’t really make any difference at all.

So why bother? The ever-present strive to make a difference is what keeps me going. I want others to be aware existence of TG Academy, and to make them feel good about it. More than that, I always try to make impact on other peoples lives thru training, in a way that brings them to a higher state of being. To make you laugh... but learn something at the same time. To force you to think before you act, and to make you realize how great it is to make another person smile. But sometimes people look negatively when we make someone happy, why?..I can never accomplish this by telling you how to live, but to live this way myself.

A contradiction seem to lie in the foundation of this philosophy. I build my way of thinking on one single fact: I’m the most important person in my world! Everything I do has the single purpose of me benefiting from it. The outcome of this radical statement could be disastrous. With this single rule I could convince myself to ignore the lives and feelings of the presumably unimportant people around me, to exploit and abuse their unwitting kindness for my own profit. So why doesn’t this happen? As stated above, wasn’t my intent to make others contented?

The solution to the contradiction lies within the paradox itself. To optimally benefit from my actions, I have to make others benefit too.

On my own, I can’t give myself half the delight that can come from people who like me. It becomes an interdependence that gives everybody benefit! A typical win-win situation, this is the way of making the world a better place. While I’m the most important person in my world, you’re the most important in yours. Together, we can make a DIFFERENCE in Tuah Guard!


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