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The Fuedal Era

Welcome to the Fuedal Era. This is the archive of Inuyasha. The story of Inuyasha is something like this: 50 years ago, in Fuedal Japan, the girl named Kikyo sealed Inuyasha to a large tree with her sacred arrows. Naraku had deceived them into hating each other which turned them against one another. Now Inuyasha is back. Kagome, a 15-year-old girl from present day Japan, goes through a well and finds herself at the foot of the tree where Inuyasha was sealed in Fuedal Japan. The two now fight against Naraku and his incarnations and armies of demons for the sacred jewel shards. Now, about Inuyasha. He was born a half demon, his father a full fledged demon and mother a human. His fathers demon blood that runs through him is to powerful for him to handle which is why he carries the sword, Tetsaiga. That sword is the only thing that keeps him from losing control and turning into a deadly killing machine. Only when he has tetsaiga in his possesion can he remain how he is. But every time he loses it, he turns into a mindless and murderess demon. He has great feelings for Kagome and shows it. Some of the time. Feel free to take a look around. Note: Most pictures used on this site are coutesy of Inuyasha and Kagome Shrine.

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