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Vida Morte


Race: Human

Age: 27

Gender: Male

Rank: Ex Vice Admiral

Division: Command - Formally 2nd Advisor

Profession: Commando

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 195

Eye Colour: Blue

Weapon: Blaster

Forum Name: Vida Morte

Biography of Vida Morte

Vida was born and raised during the glorious rise of the Empire. He began his career as a Tie Fighter Pilot stationed with the 696th Attack Wing known as “The Dragons” aboard the ISS Interceptor. It was during this time, early in his service to the Empire he was decorated with the Emperors Flying Cross for his actions in the Centra asteroid belt. He is one of only five Tie pilots to ever get while still being alive. That is also where he received his call sign. Watchdog.

After the engagement with the Rebel forces at the Centra asteroid belt Vida began to move up the ranks quickly. He had achieved the rank of Lt Commander in the Imperial Navy when he decided to transfer to the Imperial Army. He was involved in many combat actions and led many attacks on Rebel hideouts. After 2 years with the Imperial Army Vida had made a name for him self and was hand selected for the Empires covert intelligence section. It was his time with intelligence that gave Vida many of his diplomatic skills. Though much of it was the back alley type diplomacy.

When the Rebels struck down the Death Star. And many loyal Imperials were killed. Vida know there was only one place he could go that he would be given the chances to strike back. The immediately ask for another transfer. This time to the fabled Imperial Guard.

There was no other unit in the Emperors grand military that came close to the Imperial Guard. Vida transfer was approved, and before long he had risen to the rank of Captain and Commanded the Imperial Guard Army. Then shortly after that promotion the unthinkable happened. The loss of the 1st Advisor Colonel Silentfury. It was a devastating blow. Vida was promoted and placed to replace Silentfury as the 1st Advisor.

Vida was in the position of 1st Advisor for many months. Then on one mission to survey new locations for the Imperial Guard base, the Rebels captured Vida. Vida was believed to have been killed. There was a funeral and service to remember him in life. After a short time in captivity members of the Imperial Guard heard that Vida was alive. The Imperial Guard mounted a rescue, saving Vida. Upon his return to duty Vida had learned that Vice Admiral Hifler had replaced him as 1st Advisor. Vida did not wish to have his friend Hifler step down from the position he once held. Admiral Deveron placed Vida as the 2nd Advisor and head of the IAI.

Now Vida waits. Waits for the inevitable call to arms. Waits to continue the fight against the Rebels. To free the Galaxy for the chaos they bring.

Vida Stands ready...Always.

Long Live The Empire

Long Live The Emperor

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