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Darth Vassago

  • Name: Izlos Kun
  • Alias: Darth Vassago
  • Title/Occupation: Emperor
  • Age: 41 standard years
  • Species: Human
  • Faction: Sith
  • Gender: Male
  • Home world: Unknown
  • Achievements:Killed Akira, became Dark Lord of the Sith, is the current Emperor of the Galaxy
  • Family Status: Married and has one son with Angel; son's name is Revan.

  • Appearance-
  • Height: 6’6”
  • Weight: 258
  • Build: Tall and fit, with a chiseled physique
  • Hair: Jet black hair that shines, and hangs just below his ears
  • Eye(s): Pale, sapphire blue
  • Skin: White (tanned)
  • Markings: Various Sith tattoos spanning his entire upper body, though usually covered by his flowing robes
  • Weapon(s): One custom made, single bladed lightsaber. (Darth Vassago is trained to use two lightsabers, but carries one), The Force.

  • Clothing: Darth Vassago, as the Emperor, has chosen a more elegant choice of apperal, something that shows his status upon entering a room.. He sports a long, black tunic, that hangs just above his knees, and is held to his body by a dark leather belt. The belt sports a few small compartments, and a large silver buckle. The tunic is layerd, and is held closed by a fastener located on the far left at the top of the tunic. The tunic matches the deep black color of the long pants he wears. The pants stop at about his shin, due to the tall, elegant dress boots he wears. The boots are made of a glossy black leather, and have buckles up the sides, and are very expensive, as is his entire ensamble. All that the Emperor wears is made of extremely costly materials, and most of is has a armorweave to help protect against blaster bolts, and even lightsaber blades. Over his shoulders Darth Vassago wears a long, flowing cape that comes to a stop just below the height of his boots. The cape is fastend together with about eight platinum links that go across his upper chest, the emblem of his new Empire on the connecting links. The cape serves not only to increase the size of his sillhouette, further intimidating his opposition, but also as a sign of his status of Emperor. The cape has an underlayer made of fine-grade, costly armorweave fabric, that drapes like silk down over him and, as mentioned before, helps dissipate blaster bolts and lightsaber blades. EmperorVassago, at times, also wears a large, black, baggy hooded robe over his entire outfit. The hood to this robe is put up at times, shrouding Vassago’s face in darkness.

  • Lightsaber Description:
    Hilt- The Emperor Vassago carries a lightsaber with a curved hilt, which is rather uncommon. The hilt is not shiny or glossy at all, but has a dull black finish, and is laced with subtle, yet intricate gold designs. The curved hilt allows for superior finesse and precise blade control. Being custom made by the hands of the ruling Emperor himself, it was built for power, and speed.

    Color-The crystals within the lightsaber of Darth Vassago are rare synthetic Sith crystals, which generate greater power than a normal, Jedi crystal. The crystal that provides the color glows with a deep, almost hypnotic Purple tint.

  • Lightsaber Fighting Style: Vaapad, some Fencing
  • Personal ship: To Be Announced

  • NPC: Coming soon

  • Biography: Aside from the fact that he is a devoted Sith, and an evil man, very little is known about Darth Vassago. His past is shrouded in mystery…and darkness.

    Aside from the fact that he is a devoted Sith, and an evil man, very little is known about Darth Vassago. His past is shrouded in mystery…and darkness.
    Born Izlos Kun, he was identified as a very strong Force user at an early age for obvious reasons. The blood running thorough the veins of the Sith known as Darth Vassago is that of two very powerful persons. Two people who changed the face of the galaxy…forever. From his father he gains the name “Kun”, and all the power that comes along with that blood; his father being a blood relative to the great Sith Lord, Exar Kun. And from his mother he gains the blood, and the sickening power of the greatest ruler of all time, Emperor Palpatine. With these two bloods combined and running through Darth Vassago’s veins, there’s no doubt he is one of thee most powerful Sith alive.

    Early in his life he was fed the Dark Side, trained in the ways of the Sith. But before he could advance too greatly, he was abducted by the Jedi Order. They thought if they put him under their guidance early in his training, before he was too well trained in the Dark Side, he would be easily turned…and he was. But there was something the Jedi had to do. The Jedi had to keep his family’s history from him, for if he ever learned of it…there is no doubt he would return to the Dark Side. Izlos was trained as a Jedi for many years, and was recognized as one of the Orders most promising students. He was on his way to Knighthood when he stumbled onto a powerful tool…his past. It didn’t take Izlos long to make up his mind, and embrace the Dark Side, leaving the Jedi and their corrupt Order for the Sith. The way he saw it, the Jedi were holding him back, keeping him away from his true potential and power. The Jedi were afraid he would become more powerful than even their strongest Master, and for that…he hated them. He hated the Jedi and their ways for many reasons, being suppressed under their order for so long. But that reason was on top of his list.

    So, as it were, he left the Jedi and roamed the Galaxy for a time, coming across many different types of aliens and people…none of which he liked. Something few know about Izlos has a great hate for any species that is not human, or not nearly human. A hate no doubt inherited by his ancestor, Exar Kun. As the young man traveled the Galaxy, he harnessed his hate and turned it into power, forgetting his former name, Izlos Kun, and adopting the “Sith” alias of Darth Vassago.

    After many months of traveling he finally found a home in the Sith Order, under the guidance of Rex Wiggins…but that was not to be. Wiggins did nothing for Vassago. Wiggins held him back and kept him suppressed much like the Jedi did before him. For this, Vassago hates his former Master and all who support him. A silent vow he made to himself was to kill Wiggins at the first chance he gets.

    From Wiggins, Vassago went under the guidance of General Oochy, now Dark Lord of the Sith, and learned much from him. While under the guidance of Oochy, the Wolatarian, Vassago found a love interest in the young captive Jedi, Angel. At first, the Jedi Angel wanted nothing to do with Vassago, but he wasn’t going to just back down. He kept up his pursuit of the beautiful young woman, and in doing so, won her heart. The two are now engaged, and are to be wed in the very near future.

    While under Oochy’s guidance, Vassago ran into a young Jedi that he had a previous grudge with, Akira. He had fought the Jedi Akira when he was aligned with Wiggins, but was unsuccessful in his attempt to end the Jedi’s life. But, once he learned of Akira’s attraction and feelings for Angel…there was no stopping Vassago. Akira had made his feelings clear to Vassago that he had a love for Angel…a love that got him killed. Vassago did not let the Jedi slip through his fingers, but instead…killed him at the first chance he got.

    As time has passed, much has changed in his life. As mentioned, he is now married and expecting a baby boy. Also his Master, Oochy, was killed helplessly by a rouge Jedi by the name of Kev. With Oochy's death Vassago was named the Dark Lord of the Sith, and his wife Angel, the Dark Lady. With this title comes complete rule over the Sith, and all it's followers.

    Just recently, the Dark Lord of the Sith paid the Jedi Order's most powerful Jedi Master, Robal Krahl, a "visit" on his home planet of Bakura. This visit was a long time coming in Vassago's mind, as he had been planning it since their meeting back on Naboo. Once Vassago reaches Bakura, he proceeded to destroy the Jedi Master's home, strip him of his Force powers, attack him relentlessly, murder his wife, and abduct his infant daughter. The Dark Lord of the Sith had destroyed the Jedi Order's most powerful member, and there was nothing anyone could do about it.

    As Vassago returned to Korriban with his pregnant wife, Robal's daughter, and a Sith apprentice, Nemisis, all seemed to be going very well...until the Jedi Robal showed up on Korriban, cutting Vassago off before anything could transpire. The Sith apprentice was able to get back to the Sith Installation on Korriban before Robal arrived, but Vassago was not able to do so. With his wife in a pregnant state, he had to stay and protect her, which he did. A duel followed, with Robal and the Dark Lord fighthing aggressively until the Jedi pulled a most under handed trick. As the two were fighting, Robal jumped onto Vassago's ship, with his pregnant wife, and although Vassago fought to get into the ship, cutting a hole through the top, Robal managed to escape with his wife. But, the Jedi was not done there; he tricked the Dark Lord into thinking that he was actually giving Angel back to him, in exchange for his daugher. But in reality, Robal was giving Vassago one of Angel's triplet twin sisters, Briina. Vassago was not so easily fooled, he knew the moment the switch was made, and toyed with the young woman as Robal made off with his duaghter, and the Dark Lady.

    While Robal held Angel captive, he attempted to turn Angel back to the ways of the Jedi, and almost did, but was cut short by Vassago threatening to kill the young imposter, should Angel not be returned to him. Being a Jedi, Robal could not allow this, and sped to Briina, Angel's twin sister's aide. Once he arrived, a trade was made, and Vassago got his wife back safe and sound...and Robal left with Briina. As Vassago nursed his wife back to health, he felt the good within her...and promptly killed it...brining back the power that was the Dark Lady of the Sith, Angel. Not long at all after the Dark Lord of the Sith got his wife back, she gave birth to their son, Revan. Their son was then taken by the two rulers of the Sith to Iego, Angel's homeworld. There the child was raised just long enough so that he would be able to us his angelic powers.

    After taking their son to Iego, time seemingly flew for Darth Vassago and Angel. They returned promptly to Korriban, after a short stay on Dantooine, and began planning a massive assault on one of the biggest Core Worlds...Coruscant. The purpose of this attack would be to wipe out it's current leaders, and create a Sith Empire, the likes of which have not been seen in thousands of years. The preparation for this attack lasted years, with immense amounts of resources collected, and precise planning...the rulers of the Sith wanted to make sure nothing went wrong. All of the planning paid off, as the rulers of the Sith, acompanied by their Sith followers, lead an attack on the planet, and over throw the Government, naming Darth Vassago the Emperor and Angel the Empress of the Galaxy.

    Not long after Emperor Vassago and Empress Angel took their thrones at the head of the Galaxy, the Empress returned to Iego to retrieve their son, Revan, and brought him to Coruscant to be raised in the New Sith Empire by his parents. Revan was then raised in the ways of the Sith by his mother and father, harnessing his unimaginable power within the Force, grooming him to be one of the most powerful Sith to live...and how could he not be? Just look at his bloodline.

    Just over thirteen years have passed since the Emperor and Empress brought their son to Coruscant to be raised and trained in the Force, and things seem to be going overly well for the rulers. Once again, the Sith have risen, and their Empire is one of the most powerful ever seen in history. The rulers of this New Sith Empire, Emperor Darth Vassago and Empress Angel, are among the most powerful rulers of the Sith in history. Now, nearly fifteen years after gaining the title of Dark Lord and Lady of the Sith, Vassago and Angel out their master plan into motion...the second Jedi Purge; a virtual holocaust that will sweep the galaxy, totally eradicating the now decrepit Jedi Order, and all of it's remnants from the face of the Galaxy. One thing is for certain, a very Dark cloud looms over the Galazy, and only suffering awaits those who oppose the Emperor Vassago, and his Empress Angel...

  • Level 7- Dark Lord of the Sith(40 points)

    Force Lightening: 5

    Lightsaber Combat: 5

    Dissipate Energy: 5

    Combat Sense: 5

    Enhance Attributes: 5

    Telekinesis: 5

    Create Force Storms: 5

    Dim Other's Senses: 5

    Drain Life Essence: 5

    **I will Update Soon. Until then, hit your back button and keep looking around, if you would be so kind. Thanks!**