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Korlon Space Pirates

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We are the Korlon Space Pirates. Long ago, A family by the name of Korlon Became a powerful Trandoshan Family. They had Political power, riches, everything. but when the Kashyyyk war ended, they lost everything. The eldest Korlon son returned in shock to see his family a mere skeleton of thier former power. He and his Brother, Kataz, resorted piracy. They formed a band of Pirates now known as the Korlon Space Pirates. They are responsible for millions of Spaceport bombings, Ship raidings, and countless murders. They especialy target wookiees, whom Joraz blames for his family's misfortune. They also are very Pro-empire and hunt rebels relentlessly. They have established a good place in the galaxy and are always looking for members. We have a Forum too! if you would like to join go to our forum! or IM me. my AIM is AyarNauk