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This is the incredible, the infamous, the amazing The Book: The Website! Made for cool people like you, assuming you're one of the worthy few who have read, written in, or are interested in The Book.

If you're still asking what The Book is, why the hell are you here? But in case you've honestly just now heard of it, I'll reiterate. The Book is a pretty much a long-term RP my friends and I started writing in late 2003. No one really remembers the exact date anymore. The way it worked was that we each chose a character. Many of us chose our Final Fantasy IX namesakes, a few created original characters, and one picked a member of her favorite band. We threw these characters into a modern fantasy high school setting and *BAM* instaBook. One person (Zi, that's me) wrote the first chapter, and then passed it onto the next person. After each person completes their chapter, it gets passed on to the next, creating a cycle. We're now on the THIRD Book and damn, have our characters been through a lot. And yeah. We're still going strong.

On this site you will find our list of that rules all authors of The Book must follow (when we feel like it), the many characters we have used and adapted, an archive of The Book's chapters, some info on the wonderful people that created The Book, and a bunch of pointless ramblings that are supposed to refer to The Book, but most likely won't, by the several authors, probably most often me. Now, without further hesitation: The Book: The Website. Enjoy!


Site To Do List
1) Getting individual art to put in galleries and to be used to gallery logos, arrows, etc.
2) Ami has this awesome alternative idea, since the guestbook is non-do-able. It's like an emaily survey-type thingie, so you can suck up to us and tell us how wonderful our site is. Wouldn't that be a great feature? So yeah, getting that fixed up and running is a to-do and has been for a while. Not sure if it'll ever go through.
3) Freya's been doing massive work on the site. So I guess going through with that is also a to-do.
4) Deciding what to do as far as backgrounds and character pages go. Ideas, guys?

Um. And some other stuff I don't remember. Oh well. We got sometihng done recently, at least.


You know how it goes by now. We rant. It's funny. Odds are it has nothing to do with The Book.

Due to personal reasons in the lives of our authors, The Book is on, possibly permanent, hiatus. Thanks to everyone that read it and kept it going for so long.

9/06/05 First day of school....all went pretty well for me. Got lots of people in my classes...hope Qu will actually finish the book, which she had most of the summer. Hehe. Well, got to go get papers ya'll,

8/19/05 Zi here in MYRTLE BEACH, SOUTH CAROLINA, enjoying her vacation very much. I'm all burnt though, and it hurts. There jst happens to be a computer in the lobby, so yay. I hope you're all enjoying Western New York, except Isa, who better be enjoying Italy, damn her. Love you all, see you soon.

8/15/05 Congrats on your licence, Zi... I'll rethink the idea of coming on X-Mas... Just kidding! I'm starting to get mine myself in September and next year I'll pick YOU up from the airport or the train station or whatever... Ooooo.. Only so many days 'till Christmas.. Please get me good presents. I'll get lots of German goodies for everyone, promise. Happy Birthday, Qu! Party hard XD or something... Hehehe, can't wait for you guys to come to Germany next summer.... You won't believe what you're gonna see... Trust me... XD

8/12/05 Okay guys, are you ready for this. . . I HAVE MY LICENSE!!! No, seriously! I passed my road test about an hour ago and I'm soooo thrilled! Eeee! And Ami is silly and went on vacation so everyone gets to know before her. ^_^ I know, you're all very proud of me. Let's all gt drunk to celebrate. Oh, and of course. . . HAPPY 16th BIRTHDAY QU!

8/3/05 Ok, I put the new background idea on the site for now until the rest of you look at it. It's just an idea. (Blue paint on a Best Buy ad that kinda rolled a bit for highlight effect with gold paint speckled on it. I've been experimenting with the digital camera.) I left the original coding for the original background as a comment at the top of the index edit page with the color codes. K.

8/2/05 So yeah hi and stuff. I'm experimenting with a possible new theme. If you look under the /a pics directory there should be somethign called "Background experimental" or something like that. and then a cropped version of it. I wanna know what ya'll think. I'm gonna experiment with possible banners and such to go with it. So someone check it out. Bye kids. P.S. *psst* someone should move some of 'theze' updates. (Note the hot new way to spell 'these' it makes me think of 'sneeze'. Actually i accidentally spelled it wrong. So sue me.)
Freya and Clarie and Saxy

7/29/05 As some of you skilled people with good memories might recall that on 11/24/04 I mentioned making love to the FFVII game I had then recently started. Well, today, more then 8 months after that post, I have finished it. No, I'm not gaming-retarded, I just tend to lose interest in things right before supposedly tough parts. But it was be far the easist final battle and last dungeon in all of 7, 8, and 9. So I rock Now to start FFIX over. Come on, honestly. Did you expect me to start 10 or something? XD

07/26/05 Yeah, that's right. This is FC in person updating this site. Oh man, it's been three frikkin weeks since I'm gone and I can't wait to come back in 5 months exactly/5 months + 1 day. But something around that. Oh, guess what. It's my anniversary tody. Well, ours. But it doesn't sound cool :P. So yeah. I hope you guys are enjoying your summers, cuz mine's gonna rock so hard. I'm leaving Monday 'till Saturday with some friends to a lake. Yeah. And then.... flying. For like a day. I don't even get to fly, but I get to see the gliders and that's one step closer to heaven. Oh, and every tick of my watch brings me one step closer to Lockport. I don't know whether that's cool or sad. I think both. Can't wait to go to the Brewhaus and ice-skating and the X-Mas party and all that jazz. Hehehehehehe.

7/25/05 Zi here again. I'm at Ami's house. Did she finish The Book yet? Not to my knowledge. Wow, she sucks. So yeah, I'm babysitting. I'm babysitting Tristan who is absolutely adorable and a great little kid. He's napping right now, and he's even cute when he's unconscious. ^_^ I only wish I'd brought a camera. Or a recorder. Or something to document his cuteness. I'm sure future girlfriends would love to see what a ladykiller he was at age 1 1/2. Oh and AIM isn't working. Dammit.

7/20/05 Ok, okay, I'm a bad person. But I'm writing it in now! I swear! I'll finish it tomorrow at the latest! I guess I can never yell at anyone for being late again. Unless they're later than me. But hell, if you're later than me you ought to be thrown out of the book. I've taken three weeks now. *gulp* Eheeeeeh....

7/5/05 Hi whoever reads this. Ami still has The Book. I bet she forgot about it again and is working too much this week to remember it anyway. Good job, Ami. =P Okay, enough with stuff that has any significance to this website at all. I feel like crap. Flat-out depressed. All effing day. And I'm like "Damn, this is stupid," because it's not like anyone -died-, but still. . . So everyone, I'm really sorry if I'm being whiny or emo or retarded or whatever, and I know I'm no worse off than anyone else, I'm just really "off" right now. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll get the nice maitenence guys on it right away. I feel like consuming alcohol. Wtf?

7/4/05 Happy July 4th, people! My mom's having a huge-ass party today and I'm absolutely unprepared. I stil need to do my hair and wrap Isa's present and get dressed and. . . pretty much everything. And then a huge swarm of like a billion people (okay, more like 50, same thing) are taking over my house and backyard. Awesome. I'm really hungry. There's a TON of food all over my house and it smells very good, but I'm not allowed to eat any of it because it's for the damn party. Whatever. And I'm actually going to see the fireworks tonight! Whee! I'll be armed with the lovely John Rzeznik, of course. It'll be great. Oh Hyne. It'll be insanely hot out today. My mom's balloons just started exploding in the heat. That's a good sign. XD

7/03/05 Hey guys. I haven't updated in a loooong time. I'm so social I just haven't had time. Hah. Yeah right. So like... there's a pile of fortune cookies next to me. So cool, huh? Yeah. Like...4th of July tomorrow! Fireworks! In more ways than one, eh, eh? Mmm... :D
That's all I got for ya.

6/27/05 Bleh. Nothing new, really. Passing time. Should sleep or something. Ami never called like she said she would. Big surprise there. Ten bucks says they haven't even left the Falls yet. Let's see, it's about quarter to 1 in the morning now. I'll ask later. Yeah I'm bitter. And I need to know when the hell Duck's party is tomorrow. Prefably before it starts. Um yeah. Blah blah let down blah blah no one's fault blah blah still not happy. Same old same old. Oh, and I burned my stomach with hot oil. Don't cook in your bikinis, kids, it doesn't turn out well.

6/23/05 AHHHH! I'm so freaking out. I don't care how lame that sounds. I went to dinner with my mom tonight and it was oddly enjoyable. Spiffy, eh? But the freaking out part being I was telling my mom how Isa's family is going to NYC on Tuesday. . . THIS Tuesday! Holy shit. There's so few days left. I can't believe it. Gah. Don't think about it. Better note. Ami and Isa are at prom right now. ^_^ They looked SO good together (and separately, I guess, but better together). So effing awesome. After they left I hung out with Jill for about 20 minutes and discussed some very interesting things. And Tristan is the cutest thing ever. In other news I'm a lazyass and I promise to update this place correctly ASAP. It's summer '05, baby.

6/4/05 For some reason I just randomly remembered that this site exists. And then I went to update and it hit me that it's June. I was sitting here for like 5 minutes trying to figure out what day of May it was. That yellow is too bright. It burns my eyes. Or maybe that's just 'cause I'm tired and the whole computer is burning my eyes. Which makes alot of sense with me being on it and all. I went to the library today with my scumbag/giant. Trying to make him do math homework is very frustrating and exhausting. Zi, he's worse than you. I ended up having to bribe him... ^_- Haha just kidding. But I did eventually get him to do a bit. Guess what. I have a summer a job for the first few weeks of July! Playing my clarinet! In Beauty and the Beast! Come on, it does not get any better than that people! I'm getting paid for this, man. It's very exciting. And I'm totally section leader for next year. And a band librarian (I get to file music. Hey, it's not that easy.) But then I went adn fucked up the whoel definition of 'steady tempo' at my All-State solo audition and, missed a bunch of notes here and there and sped up and slowed down through the whole thing when I wasn't supposed to. I guess I just freaked out or something. Oh well. Next year, man. I'll finally go into an audition and not get nervous to the point where I shake and freak out, but still get through it fairly well/ok. Though I think I'll be lucky if the lady gave me a 92-93. Arr. I'm done now.
~Freya and Clarie

5/19/05 the german's updating. guided through zi i did it. almost all by myself, except not. but that's ok, because.. urr... i can't read/write american html. though i guess it's the same in german. but, i'm foreign, therefore i have an excuse. just like yesterday at RJ's where i asked whether i could have the icecream just in the cone. the girl looked at me like i was insane. maybe i am. according to the insanity test i am. hm.. well, what else. this morning ami was almost desparate (spelling?) over her bread, describing her brothers as animals who will eat the bread before she can eat it when she comes home from swimming. so we ate it hot. and we'll get a stomach ache from it, at least that's what they teach us in germany. maybe they just want to teach us the characteristic where you can hold yourself back and don't shove everything down your throat whenever you want it. anyway. that's it. i think. if not, i'll add stuff from ami's house. or my house, however you want to look at it.

5/10/05 Look I'm updating how cool. Hmm... What has been new. Oooh band trip. That was very awsome. even though it was like two weeks ago. Still awsome. Great memories. Um, I have an All-State solo to work on now for the next few weeks. I think it's sounding pretty good, and my teacher said so too, so i think that's like, good. And stuff. And I played really well in my lesson today. Today was just a good clarinet day. It's very exciting and makes me happy. *Gasp* the Freya is happy. How strange. I think I'll go to bed now.

5/2/05 May! New month. Last month of this update section. Loads of news. Nothing on The Book. I worked for 13 hours this weekend! Much thanks to Ami and her dad who hired me. =D <3<3<3 So now me and Qu work for Ami's family. And so does Ami, of course, but that's a little different. o_O Isa gets to "volunteer" because she's foreign and can't legally get a job. She just gets paid in unorthodox ways. ;) She gets free food, of course. It looked like Ami's Work Force Saturday night because only three or four people working weren't friends or related to her. So hardcore. So basically I spent the weekend making cash. So I can go to Europe. And it's really great fun. And I think I've developed a permanent craving for french fries and Reid's sauce. Not to mention chocolate raspberry milkshakes. Mmmmm. . .

4/26/05 I'm updating. I know, you're thrilled. Love me. Peace out.

4/25/05 Whoo, I'm in chem lab. Kickass. Well, technically, it's Ami and Puc's chem lab, but me and the German invade it. Because we're just that cool. So we get to play with laptops and I have nothing better to do. Except maybe extra credit for math. Which I'm too lazy to do. Ooh, Smelly is going to get me a copy of Vince's CD because she rocks sometimes. I love that Gangster Princess song. Yay. =D Isa's keeping a secret from us. She wants to "try something on me" in the Library after school. Sounds hott. Can't wait. -ueberwink-

4/20/05'tcay peaksay nyay theroay anguageslay. In your face, German.
In other news, my sister and nephew arrived two days ago and are now living with us. It should be better than last time cuz my sister's actually here. Last time we watched the kid on our own and it was exhausting (for my parents). But anyway. So yeah. He's ultra cute. And...I just started thinking about my art mural and I no longer have the will to type. Goodnight.

4/20/05 der asphaltboden zitterte es wummerte im ohr als ich an einen dicken beat mein hunges herz verlor seit damals gefaellt mir die stadt besser als zuvor wenn ich durch berlin-city cruis' ist reggae mein motor ich sing auf dem fahrrad ma bass und ma tenor... ok i'm done. this totally was a german rapsong that i rapped at the castparty. isn't it amazing. so yeah. i'm stuck here with zi. the entire night. well until like 9ish. or a little later. whoopdeedoo. i totally just put a german word in there (you can't see it now, cause zi told me, but it was there before... never mind). that's so creepy. i got the order from zi to tell you about my personal life. well, there's not a lot going on. apart from the fact that i'm in another country not speaking my native language. but that's, well, normal. or so. Oh yeah and I love Zi she's so hot and sexy rawr =D ok, zi's done with being self-centered. or not. not really sure. anyway, i'm so totally looking forward to friday night, because i get to point at people and laugh really hard. maybe i won't do that. but laugh anyway. ^FC^

4/17/05 Well, my weekend was thoroughly enjoyable. I never did know how to spell thoroughly. I'm totally making up the spelling now. So. Because everyone is just DYING to know. . . the musical was AMAZING. Of course, the Pit Band rocked very hard. Tubby looked extra shiny. And we (being me, Sum, and Ami) totally heard Freya's 5-note solo. Oh, and Freya, my mom said those pants you wore last night were "very cute" on you. I told you your personality looked great in them. And Isa, of course, was the hottest German to ever play a Siamese wife/mountain/tree/snowflake. Ever. Since me and Ami were lame and didn't show any material appreciation yesterday, we went out to Tops and bought some really hot flowers for the coolest people in the play that we deemed deserving of our love. They were hot pink. And not that last minute, Freya. =P Somehow I think Ashley would have appreciated it more, though, if I'd had my article done on time. Oops. Ami did the most traditionally romantic thing yet for her girlfriend. So cute. I love you guys. =D Ooh, my first official driving lesson is on Tuesday. It is also supposed to be 75 degrees out on Tuesday. IT'S SO WARM! Ahhh! This summer will kick so much ass. Oh, AND I drove for the first extended period of time today. Like half an hour. For an idea of how that went, take a stroll through the Kenan Center parking lot. There's some nice tire tracks in the grass in front of one of the parking spaces. Enjoy.

4/12/05 Oh, and I still have yet to write in the book. I have no idea what to do though. I need to figure out what time it is currently in it. Or day or something. That could help.

4/12/05 I made my own addition to the author's page, which I have read. I now have a 'what i do when no one's looking'. I need a toothpick. I guess I'll go. My mouth kills from too much clarineting from musical rehearsals. So does my hand. It keeps cramping up. And I'm exhausted. So bye.

4/11/05 Hi guys. Um. I took a three hour nap today. It was sort of unplanned. I also slept through my guitar lesson, so so long for that. This was not a particularly working day. But hopefully that three hour nap will revive me enough that I can function completely tomorrow. Chyah! I'm happy. Maybe sleep is like...happyness inducing. Who says Chyah? Oh yeah, I remember now. That Warp-aci from Mabsland. Gotcha.

4/11/05 Whew, I had an off day. I paid no attention to school whatsoever and did almost no homework and you know, in the end it wasn't so bad. I'm supposed to be eating dinner but I'm not hungry because Isa bought me a sub. Much love to the German. So yeah I'll be catching up tonight on everything I failed to do yesterday. Like Western Civs. Blarg. Anyway, this is a REAL update! Kinda. I actually updated something. Specifically the Author's page. Go! Quick! Click the little link and read the updated goodness! Or, if you are an author, log the hell on and update yourself. I have new shinies for you to fill in! Short, easy new shinies. And if you have any other fun ideas that you'd be comfortable to fill in or work on, tell me! I feel productive. How awesome.

4/11/05 I just really need a hug really really badly right now.

4/10/05 Yeah. So, I finally updated. Praise me. Love me. Or just send me some sherbert. Oh, what I wouldn't do for sherbert. Oh, and just lovely, it seems my body was feeling left out. It has now joined in on the dramatic loss of blood. Lets all celebrate. Or we could all just stuff our faces and hate all males. Now that I think about it, that actually sounds like a good plan. Oh yeah. I was supposed to be updating. Well, Eiko is officially out of The Book. I wrote her out. I also had some interesting character development. I feel so bad for Davey, first I put him through hell and back, and then I go and do this.. If I were him I'd hate me. On second thought, if I were him I'd be too busy in my room inspecting my new found male genitalia. Yeah.. If only.. *whishful sigh*.. Oh, I did actually do something on the site as well. Just look at Davey's page. Its totally hot, and you all know it.
..Who actually reads this?.. I mean, I'm part of The Book and I don't even keep up on this page. I mean.. I'm a good person? Well, until next month, don't forget to make your toaster feel loved. Take it in the bath with you.
-Quina 'The Q' Quen

<4/9/05 Thanks for that lovely edit. It really clears things up. Psch, f*ck that. And fu*k the world. And whatnot. I would say fuc* you zi, but you'd enjoy it too much. Ha I win. I'm hormonal and waiting for my *ucking popcorn damnit. I wonder how many times I can make use of the word '****' before it gets old. I'm bored of it already. And I can't decide where I like the censor best. Damnit all. And my body started bleeding profusely a day too early, hence me not going to the lazertron. Well fuck that too. Ha. I like no censor best, methinks.
~Freya. Oh, and my fuck*ng popcorn is done fucki*g popping.

4/9/05 Oh. I get it. My body decided to be a bitch and bleed a week early. Well, that explains everything. Thanks, God.

4/8/05 So I edited my last post a little bit. Lasertron is going to be SO FUCKING AWESOME. Yeah. Back to my sub. My body is spazing on me. I've started to eat a form of breakfast and some lunch at the appropriate times during the day. Now normally I don't get hungry until like a little before lunch, where I can't stand to eat anyway. But since begining to eat at these obscure-to-my-body hours, my body has greedily demanded more food more often. I bought lunch three out of five days this week. Ate breakfast four out of five. Add that to my normal afternood snack, dinner, and late snack and. . . I'm eating a good deal more food. o_O So this morning I woke up starving. Which makes no sense. Since I never wake up hungry unless I didn't eat the night before. But not only had I eaten and eaten well, but I'd also had a second dinner at only an hour before going to sleep. Go figure. If anything more interesting in my eating/sleeping patterns come up, I'll be sure to alert you all.

4/7/05 So yeah. I um, exist and whatnot. I got back from musical rehearsal not that long ago. I'm eating ice cream now. It's really good. But of course, it's Isa and then Freya in the musical now. Because she takes over or something. Ah well. Just because I'm not on stage... OOoooh....I have a solo! It's a REAL solo on account of it's just me! It's very exciting. Even if it's only like, 5 notes. I'm tired and stuff. I think I might just go to bed. Tomorrow/ the next day is gonna be real long. Make-up swim class and almost die on account of my chlorine-issue, Pit Band/Musical rehearsal 5:30-9:00, Lazertron thinger 1 AM dammit to 7 AM dammit. Ugg. It better be fun dammit. :p I'm tired so I'm going to bed. Goodnight.
4/04/05 Well, we survived the first day back. I didn't sleep at ALL last night. My body hasn't quite adjusted to the Daylight Savings hours yet, much less school hours. I couldn't sleep until 2AM and was hungry almost immediately, probably from the shock of being awake at what my body perceived to be 6AM. And the milk machine wasn't filled. -emos- But the day was bearable because it was varied. In Western Civs we talked about Freud. SEX. Yeah. Third period we just listen to speeches all week. I skipped 4th period study hall and went to Western Civs again. Haha, I know, so rebellious. I was late to fifth, actually ate lunch 6th (I was STARVING), and missed a good 10 or 15 minutes of lab because I chose not to leave lunch for a prolonged period of time. Char said the BAD F word. I'm telling on her. Haha. After school is going to start getting interesting. Ami has this swim camp thing until 4:30 Mon. - Thurs. until like June. For the next two weeks Isa and Freya are* is enjoying night rehersals starting at 5:30. Interesting schedule, guys. Me, I have nothing to do but fence. Meaning I get to whore Isa on Wednesdays starting in two weeks. Freya you should totally come watch sometime. Fencing, I mean. Not whoring Isa. o_O My mom's gonna start being pissed at me due to my lack of interest in being home. What I really need is a bike lock so I can just ride to school and get around more easily. -prays for nicer weather and a bike lock- Did I mention I got my permit? I can totally drive now. With a liscensed driver over 21 in the car. Yeah. But still, it's legal. And that's all that matters. . . *This modification is brougt to you in new Bitch-O-Vision.

4/02/05 All is right in the world again! Yay! Puc's back at her mom's! Eiko came back Wednesday and didn't tell anyone! Isa came home early due to suck-ass weather! Cass got home last night and spent all day with Jake! And Summie is my savior because my math homework is done! Oh, and the pope died. At. . . 2:37PM today. Our time. I missed it 'cause I was making breakfast. Thanks a lot, Pop Johnny P. x 2. Despite that he thought that, like, half of my friends are "evil" he seemed like a pretty cool dude. Chyeah. Oh, and Sum demonstrated the sickeningly high level of my and Isa's curiosity. Screw you, Bea. Hey, I totally just realized that I called Summie Bea by two totally different parts of her nickname. Sum. Bea. Summie Bea. Teehee. How cool. I rock.

4/02/05Hi guys. I heard a song yesterday that said "I think I'm turning Japanese". It was interesting. I don't get it. But okay. It snowed. This makes me sad. It's also very wet. Like, VERY wet. It's both snowing and raining at the same time. Some people would call that "slush", but it took me so long to come up with the right word that I'm just gonna stick with "snowing and raining at the same time". Synonymous with "crap weather". So yeah. This post is brought to you in fantastic "VOWEL-O-VISION", the VISION of the FUTURE.
Ths txt brght t y n lss-fntstc "NT-VWL-VSN", whch scks.
Um, yeah. I'm gonna go do the laundry. Or cook. Or clean something. Ew. I'm like a freaking mini-housewife. I fear for the house run by me.

Happy Belated Birthday to the Website, by the way. March 28th it turned 1 year old. Yay! Well, in Author News, Summie went to a movie last night. Robots, specifically. She apparently enjoyed it. Heheh. Qu did not finish The Book in time yesterday, but we won't kill her because me and Ami suck slightly more than she does. Freya is at a movie as I type. Wonder who with *HINT HINT*. I ate ALL my Lindor Truffles and am now going through a depression. I'll eat my sister's later. The German returns Sunday but word most likely won't be heard of Virginia before Monday. Goddess Cassie is still in Florida, her boyfriend has probably resorted to screwing his guitar. Puc is at her dad's for the week and Eiko is presumably still dead. . . I mean in Florida, too. :) That's pretty much it. I'll go do my homework now. Or not. Peace.

3/29/05 Ok, clearly Ami did NOT update in below space shortly, as demonstrated by the fact that you can still read that message and it's now 5 days later. Oh wellness. Um, the book website begins to walk today. We still have a year before it begins talking though. By that I mean it's a year old. Aw how cute! Ok enough. I'm gonna go now. Have fun with your lives, loves, cheerio and hi-ho and dig for gold and all that lovely lovely stuff. And if worst comes to worst, look for Captain Jack. He'll get you high tonight.

3/23/05 Ami will update in this space shortly.

3/23/05 Holy shit this place looks empty. As you can see, as it's spring break, I decided it was time for spring. So I moved all the winter updates from the New Year to before the break to the Winter o5 update page. Soon to be listed on the side bar. Right, Ami? So yeah. Perspective time! So I'm sitting here at nearly 2AM on a Tuesday night in my clothing from all day. It's too damn late to take a shower so I'll just be scuzzy and wait 'til morning. My bra is undone. Granted, I still have all my clothes on, but the bra is not done. Because, yes Rusty, I felt the need to try your little trick. Practicing, see. For next year. ;) Haha, sure. I think I've got it with the right hand, but the left. . . not so much. I'm working on it! I got a new swimsuit. It's blue. Really hot. I had to get a small top and large bottoms. What the hell. Where'd my boobs go?! I need to gain some serious weight in certain convenient areas. Boo on nature. In other news, I discovered people actually sometimes read this thing! That's what we get for putting links in places, I suppose. So all kinds of random people are going to know I'm sitting here typing with my bra undone. Lovely thing, this internet is. That also means that I shouldn't say certain things on here. Despite that I'm thrilled about them. MY LIFE IS A SECRET OF HAPPINESS. So yeah. Earlier today the entire main page of the site got deleted. But I saved it. 'Cause I rock so hard. Okay, it was me that fucked it up, kinda, but not on purpose. It was the site's fault. I hope. I'm hungry. But since it's 2AM I'll sleep instead. Happy birthday to me, bizzotches.
