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What is Wicca? (Wicca FAQs and other Info)

Wicca FAQ: The Wicca FAQ is designed to answer the questions of both seekers and concerned friends/parents/family members.
We hope this will help to to further understand what Wicca is about.Although no FAQ list is ever complete,
we hope to answer the questions that are of the biggest concern to the general populace.
We sincerely hope this helps.

#1: Do Wiccans worship Satan? Answer: No way! Wiccans follow positive paths ONLY.We do not like, support,worship, or otherwise follow anything negative.

#2: I've heard wiccan covens support hazing and very dangerous sexual this true? Answer: No true coven would EVER put anyone through these things.If you hear of any coven doing such acts (and be sure they are not just rumors/gossip), report it immediately.This is not only dangerous and negative behavior, it is also illegal.

#3: Do wiccans believe in god? Answer: Wiccans do not follow the Christian god, no. However, we do believe in higher powers.

#4: I've seen many so called wiccans who seem to be heavily into drugs/alcohol, etc.Does the wiccan religion support this? Answer: NEVER. Wiccans like to keep they're senses about them.Those sad souls who claim to be wiccans who are constantly on drugs need to get help.Wicca is not about drugs, sex, or any other such acts. It is about spiritual growth and development.

#5:Well then, what exactly DO wiccans follow? Answer: Easy.Picture yourself back thousands of years ago.The greek, roman,celtic and egyptian gods were commonly worshipped in a time when Christianity was unknown. Wiccans follow these old deities and paths, however they have been changed to be acceptable in this day and age. (IE, no parts of animals, no killing,no depraved sexual acts,and no violence of any kind, period).Wiccan have many gods as each god represents something different. For example, Venus represents love and beauty, while the celtic god Cernunnos represents the forest and it's creatures.

#6: Is it safe to let my son/daughter practice wicca? Answer: It is always best to let your child choose they're own spiritual path, however if your child seems to be confused as to what wicca is and is hanging around those who would take advantage of it, I would suggest finding materials for them that explains what wicca really is.I also highly suggest that parents do NOT let any child under the age of 16 join a coven if you do not know the members of it well.This can be very dangerous as not all people are trustworthy.Letting them read and learn and practice on they're own however is perfectly fine, so long as i said before that they have the right info and are practicing only postive, real wicca.

#7: My child is fascinated by Harry Potter-know they want to learn wicca.What should I do? Answer: Explain to your child that harry potter is purely fantasy, and has nothing to do with real magick. In wicca, you cannot fly on a broom, you do not brew bizzare things with animal parts in it, and you don't go around zapping people with a wand. If they still insist on learning wicca, give them some basic knowlegde, and stress that wicca is a religion, and give them the basics.If they wish to keep learning it, let them learn.If they don't, then that is great too.I hope this has helped answer this question.

#8: Okay, I understand it is a religon, but what is it's connection with magick? Is it like the movie "The Craft?" Answer: No. Magick is, simply,a way of gathering energy, then programming it with a purpose and then sending that now programmed energy out into the universe to do what you need.Magick is a great resource to make life a bit easier, but wicca has a very serious rule.You should only use magick to change things when you need them to change, and that all your magick should be positive.The rule is called the law of three, or the law of states "Ever mind the rule of three; what ye sends out comes back to thee". basically, anything you send out in magick, good or bad, will always come back to you times three.Those who use magick for a bad purpose generally hate the karmatic results enough to never try another negative spell.Another general rule of magick is to keep it reasonable.If you try doing a spell to win the lottery or make your pinto into a corvette, chances are the universe will say "no." and it will have been a waste of energy.What magick can be used for is to, say, get you a little bit of money to buy gas to get you through until payday, or to perhaps find a bargain on a dress/suit you need for a special occasion.

#9: Do wiccans have familiars? Answer: No, but most of us LOVE animals.Most wiccans have at least one pet of some kind, and no we are not restricted purely to cats and bats and rats.We love dogs, iguanas, rabbits, and practically every other animal on the planet.Many wiccans are also veggitarians for this same reason.

#10: How do wiccans feel about other faiths? Answer: As always, I can only give you a on the whole answer, as each person has they're own opinions.On the whole, Wiccans have no problem with any other faith.We believe all positive paths are right for someone.Our only apathy towards any one religon is that they have claimed to be the "one right and true way".It was that type of thinking which caused many a person, wiccan and otherwise, to be tortured to death.Wiccans have a popular saying: "Never again: the burning times". These were a very sad and dark times for everyone, not just wiccans. We do not focus on our past, but we will never forget it, as we never want something that horrible to happen again, to anyone simply because of what religion they are.

Last Question: Okay, so it sounds good, and now i'm a little curious.Where could i find some good, reliable books on basic wicca? Answer: There are many good authors out now. I would highly reccomend any of the books by the following authors: Scott Cunningham, DJ Conway, and Silver Ravenwolf to name a few. I would reccomend Silver Ravenwolf for teens more than adults, but for those who are just beginning to understand wicca regardless of age, I would also reccomend her.(However, she has made something called the teen witch kit.I do NOT reccomend buying this.Although it is also positive, it gives no info on wicca and has tended to cause problems with soe teens thinnking 'wear all black and a star necklace and smoke and POOF! your a witch-obviously, she made a mistake making this.)

Wiccan Do's and Don'ts

If the basic FAQ didn't answer your questions, I hope this will. This is a basic list of what real wiccans do-and do not do.It also gives good advice for new practicioners of wicca to help them avoid mishaps.I hope this helps you in your quest for answers.

Unless you are very certain of what you are doing, do not invite deities that clash almost completely in attitude. It would be like asking fire to work with ice; it would be interesting to watch, but not a good idea. It just isn’t a good idea (it can be done, but it really is a lot more hassle than it’s worth). If you need the aid of two such extremities in personality, talk to them at separate intervals.

Try to keep it to four deities or less at any one time. Trust me, you don’t want to get over your head by trying to communicate with so many that you forget to talk to one that you invited. It’s rude for one, and very very draining for the other. I have never seen a single case, even in the most extreme circumstances that needed the aid of more than five deities. Purposely trying to talk to them all at once will not make you more powerful. All you will succeed in doing is looking like an idiot as well as being so drained of energy afterwards that you will not be able to more for a week. So try and keep it simple.

If you haven’t read this statement enough to know it by heart, you need to read it again; Keep it simple. More complex rituals for festivals and holidays and especially long term spells are wonderful, but the rest of the time, you really do not need to stress it so much. A secret to magick is the simple rituals work just as well as very long and complex ones. The only difference is how they work. This goes with every part of your magick workings. Use only the tools you need, keep chants short enough you can memorize them by heart and say them in less in their entirety in less than three minutes.

Egyptian deities have a sense of humor, and they honestly do not mind if you accidentally do or say something funny. The same goes for if you mess up your chants. They know that as mortals we are far from perfect and they usually get a kick out of watching us be our natural clumsy selves. However, always be polite to them. Keep your language clean, as well as anything you say to your fellow Wiccans or Pagans if you should choose to do this in a group.

As you should know, each Egyptian deity has his or her own unique personality. You should also know that they each like different things, just as we do. Some of them love sports; others would prefer a game of chess. It is a good idea, albeit unnecessary to invite each deity for a talk. Find out what each likes. Ask about the type of weather they like, colors, animals, foods, etc. Just like us they usually like more than one thing in each category. This is an excellent exercise, and it can help you to see which deities you are more inclined to agree with personality-wise than others.

Never forget to thank a God or Goddess that has helped you. This should be done immediately after asking their help, and is polite although not necessary to thank them afterwards by giving a gift or offering.

You may find that certain deities have strong affiliations with certain magickal creatures like dragons, unicorns, and merfolk to name a few. So invite a deity, and then invite a magickal creature it likes to join you as well. This will help develop relationships with both the deity as well as the magickal creature in question.

As a note on creatures and spirits that are not deities, never call or invite something into your circle if you are not one hundred percent sure what it is. I’ve seen this happen a couple of times, and it isn’t always a pretty site.