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Magickal & Fanciful Stories

(this is a comic book styled story, with lots of comedy. If you ever watched the cartoon 'Mummies Alive' you'll know what I'm talking about. First, lets go over the list of Characters so far. First, there's Anubis-he's a nice god with the head of a jackal and the body of a man-he is however a bit clumsy, never stops eating, and is addicted to game shows. Then there's Jackal. Jackal is a human Priestess of Anubis, but really they are very close friends and will generally hang out. Then there's Jareth, a 13 year old boy who Jackal sort of adopted as her brother, he had no place to go, but had lots of talent with magick. )
Flick, Flick, Flick
"we bring you this late breaking news report..."
Flick ,Flick
"welcome to the cooking..."
Flick, Flick, Flick
"Welcome to Press Your Luck! Our contestants are......"
Anubis smiled and dropped the remote. He was currently lounging on a black leather couch, feet up on the small wooden coffee table, munching on dog biscuits and sipping a glass of milk.
All in all, he looked comfortable. Or as Jackal would have it, lazy.
Jackal Had just walked in carrying a couple paper bags full of groceries, one full of nothing but dog food. "You're STILL watching that?"
She sat the groceries on a old white vinyl table that as starting to crack .It wasn’t the best apartment in the world, but it was inconspicous, which is what they were going for.
Anubis Shrugged. "I like it.",br> Jackal Stared at him "You have been watching game shows for 70 hours straight! If you weren't a deity I'd put you in a rehab clinic."
Anubis didn't reply-he was watching intently to see who won, if it would be Gary the Lawyer of Nancy the housewife-he was rooting for Nancy. Housewives were generally nicer to dogs than lawyers.
Jackal sighed. She knew there was no way of getting his attention now short of unplugging the set-which she refused to do. She had done so once and he chewed her out so badly she wouldn't do it again.
What urked her was he knew it. Jackal plopped down on the couch next to him, and smacked Anubis' feet of the table.
"At least leave MY table in one piece."
Anubis muttered 'sorry', and put them down. She had a point, the claws on his long feet could do some nasty damage to woodwork. Soon they were both engrossed watching TV.,br>
Jareth rolled his eyes at them watching their game shows. He had better things to do, like water his plants.
So he was watering his plants, watching his watch to for the time when Jackal and Anubis would stop watching that game show--another six hours--that's it??? Yay! thought Jareth.
So he decided to see what all the fuss was about with that game show after he watered the plants their room was covered in...hmm, this TV show was actually interesting...

Jackal looked over at Anubis during a commercial break-his eyes were starting to get red from not blinking. Standing, she turned off the set. "We, are going out tonight."
Anubis blinked rapidly, eyes watering as he just noticed how dry they were himself. "What? No, we'll miss 'What's my line?'!"
"Anubis...try to stand up. Go on"
Anubis tried-it had been hot and he did sweat-he was stuck to the couch. And he needed to shower.
"Ouch-okay, I see your point-now help me up." Jackal grabbed Anubis by his arms and pulled-she eventually had to ask Jareth to Help, he was stuck good. They got him free though, Anubis' bones creaking from non-use for 70 some odd hours.
She pushed him towards the shower with his muttering "I know, I know..." and "I would never get pushed around in Egypt...."
Jackal Looked at Jareth "Pack a picnic basket-with Anubis de-attached from the couch, better pack double rations."

Jareth snickered and did so. They walked outside and started walking towards the clothes store nearby with ten dollars off robes if you purchase over two hundred dollars in clothes in their store, and Jareth began to walk in when Jackal stopped him.
"We are not going clothes shopping Jareth...Anubis won't be able to stand changing TV for a robe." Jareth nodded and stared longingly at the pants that store had, and they left.
Anubis did not seem to like not watching TV, but he cooperated, especially when they sat down and began eating.

He liked it so well, in fact, that all Jackal and Jareth had was an apple a piece, the only things they could grab before Anubis did-how any one, deity or not, could be so ravenous was beyond them.
Jackal was just finished her apple when she heard a yelp of pain from Jareth, who had wandered off to look at the robes again. Jackal and Anubis were both on they’re feet in a flash and looking, ears at full alert, for the cause of the cry of pain.

It was a mugger, who was trying to steal money from Jareth and was supposed to have a knife to Jareth’s neck just as a threat--but Jareth had moved a little too sharply.
Jackal and Anubis knew that if a vital vein had been cut there was no hope of Jareth’s survival, and they knew that if Jareth DID survive he would never wander off on his own again...especially not to look at robes.
So the sat, watching, to see if a vein had been cut--and before the mugger could run Jackal had pinned him to the wall with strings that shot out of the palm of her hands.

More specifically, they were not strings (As jackal had protested so many times to Jareth about the spider woman reference, much to Anubis's great amusement), what they were, to be exact, was tightly wound chains of energy, gathered at will from the astral realm.
Currently, though her bonds were no longer needed-Anubis was holding the man up in the air by his throat, his clawed fingers acting like 5 knives being held threateningly at his throat-well, it only seemed fair.
"The next time you attack a person, make sure they are not accompanied by a very large and ravenous were-jackal." Jackal said in purely matter-of-fact tones.
"It would also not be a good idea to piss off a were-jackal that is a deity on the side" Chipped in Jareth.
To they're surprise, the man started laughing. He glowed blue for a moment, swirled and was out of Anubis's clutches in an Instant "Hey, can't ya take a Joke?" The man was small, both in height and weight, and was currently floating in the air, wearing a old Viking helmet, which contrasted sharply with the vertical striped zuit suit he was wearing.
"Catch!" He Threw a large cream pie in the face of Anubis and vanished in a blue snowflake looking swirl of Light. Anubis licked the cream off his face, growled.

As you can tell, Jareth’s vein had not in fact been cut and he survived that event. However Anubis never trusted someone again if any part of their body that he could see had blue on it.
Anubis was yet again eating with Jareth and Jackal--but this time Cas did not look at robes and get attacked by blue people who vanish in smoke and play jokes throwing pies in random deity's faces--and had yet again taken most of the food. It was a surprise he was not fat.
While they were eating, a bird flew onto Anubis's shoulder and a cat, who had been chasing the bird, sat on Jareth.
"Baaahhh!" yelped Jareth in surprise.
"Baaahhh!" yelped Anubis in surprise.
"Baaahhh!" yelped a local sheep.
Jareth did not like cats, and neither did Anubis--but Jareth sneezed when he got too close to a, of course, soon enough, he sneezed.
Anubis no longer cared that random cats and birds were flying on them; he said, "Jareth! I am ashamed! You almost got spit on my food!"
Jareth pushed the cat off of himself and looked at Jackal. She was oddly quiet, and he wondered why.

Well that wasn’t the full truth-the truth was she was laughing hard but trying to hide it. Anubis had a thing about her laughing at him-he didn’t mind if she did it-but he would get even later, one way or another.
Right now she was shaking with laughter, eventually falling backwards laughing aloud. Anubis flicked the bird off-it was saved the trouble of having to use it's own wings to fly south.
The cat , just now losing it's attention on it's prey, took one look at Anubis, did a full arch hiss (much to Jareth’s pain, it dug all it's claws into him) and took off at top speed.
Anubis shook his head and finished the rest of the food-all of it, he didn't leave crumbs, not even microscopic ones.
He licked his lips, looked around for more food. Seeing that it was all gone, he let out a heavy sigh. "Can we go home now?"

After that exciting adventure of sheep and birds that don't need to fly south, they decided it would be best to stay out of local parks...and to shop instead (much to Jareth’s delight, shopping meant shopping at clothes stores also).
Of course this did not last long--I gave them a week to stop going to the park, they went back in a day...also much to Jareth’s delight (seems as if he is very pleased lately).They tried to sit at tables now, and of course, tables were not the solution they had hoped for.
They had to share a table with a family of twenty-two, all with blue makeup making them blue from head to toe...Jareth, Jackal and Anubis couldn't sit.
They sat on the floor (looks like they can sit), but they did not bring a blanket because they expected to have TABLES *ahem to the park owners*, so they needed to put their food on the floor.
This was not exciting for Cas and Jackal but Anubis loved it ("more for me!" he said) and ate, again, every last crumb.
But he did not trust the family of twenty-two (party of twenty-two, your table is now available) because they were blue.

Anubis kept one eye on the blue people the entire time-at least none of them seemed to be glowing. Must have been for some sort of game rally. Then it was there, with a zing in between everyone, spilling drinks and throwing food-Loki had shown up.
Anubis growled, but Jackal quickly pulled him and Jareth under one of the tables people were fleeing from. Anubis glanced at Jackal, knew immediately what she was thinking, and agreed with a silent nod.
They kept watch on him-he was still playing pranks right and left-but he was also searching for something-and if he was taking time out of his pranks it would be like Anubis taking time out of his game show time-it had to be something REALLY important to someone.
Finally they saw it, Loki was floating over a table that held a small object, but they couldn't quite see what it was-Loki grabbed it, and in a burst of multi-colored confetti, he vanished.

It took a few minutes for everyone to get over the shock of Loki--and they said, "He has struck again!" One man stood up--Jareth immediately recognized him as the man who had something stolen from him--and he began to speak.
"That creature stole--" he was cut off by stampeding people who knocked him over. "Oh no..." Jareth muttered.
He saw Jackal with her eyes closed--he was sure she was up to something...

And she was. She was using her third eye clarivoyance to see what was stolen-with Anubis nearby it made things a lot easier, she could use his energy rather than hers. She saw it.
It had been the test model computer chip for the latest NASA project. She told Jareth and Anubis what she had seen. Anubis blinked. "What would a deity need a computer chip for?"
Jareth shook his head, crawled out from under the table. "I'm going to see if he left any note or anything else usable" Jackal nodded. "Good, while you do that we'll try to think our way into Loki's thoughts."
Jareth nodded and took off. Five minutes later you heard a sharp slap issue from under the table-Jackal crawled at with a slight glare at Anubis, wandered over to Jareth. Anubis quickly followed, with his arms raised and a slight grin "What?"

Jareth smirked--he clearly liked knowing something others didn't as he said, "I know something you don’t know, and I like knowing what you don't." Jackal said, "Jareth, we don't have enough time for this! It is IMPORTANT!"
Yet Jareth persisted, "It IS important--and I found it."
Anubis said, "Boy, if you don't tell us what it is, you won't tell many more things in your life." That got Jareth out of his trance--he pulled something out of his pocket and handed it to Jackal.

Jackal looked at it, it was a small bluish box with symbols on it-jackal had no idea what it was or what it said so she passed it to Anubis.
"can you read it?"
Anubis smiled. "I can."
Jackal and Jareth were nearly dancing on they're tip toes in anticipation. "Well, tell us!"
Anubis shook his head-obviously he was only concerned about getting info when it wasn’t a mystery to him. "no, you slapped me."
Jackal narrowed eyes "Because you were-" She cast a quick glance at Jareth and didn’t finish the sentence. Anubis grinned.
"give me a kiss and I'll tell you." Jackal gave him a quick kiss-she wanted to know, and now.
"And another one"
Jackal said through clenched teeth "Tell us, or I'll tell Ra everything" *she pulled him close, whispered something in his ear. Anubis looked frightened "You wouldn't dare."
"I would"
Anubis let out a soft muttering growl, and told them the following.

It says at the very top that this came directly from Scarab." said Anubis. Jackal did not think that this was enough, so she said, "More."
Anubis said, "Give me a GOOD, passionate kiss and I'll tell you."
Jackal said, "Ok...I guess I'll just...have to...CALL RA!"
Anubis said, "Fine fine! SHHH!!! don't say his name so loudly he might actually come!"
"That's what I want." said Jackal. She took a deep breath as if about to shout and said, "Oh RA--" but Anubis cupped his paw around her mouth. "Fine, I'll read it." he said. And he read the whole thing as follows:

Anubis read it, verbatim. 'I see you have done well so far Loki. We are nearly finished with our plan. Now just steal that blasted chip and bring it back here so we can begin our tests.'
Jackal hummed, paced back and forth-they were building something, and knowing Scarab, would be something to get him a step closer to godliness, which was his goal-not to only rule over mortals, but gods as well.
She mumbled aloud 'we'll have to find someone who can find out what Loki is up to....Hermes! he'd be perfect!'
Anubis didn't comment, he was looking very sour at the moment. He liked getting his way, and being pushed around was not something he took well. Her threat had been good though.
He had always had a thing for her, and more than once he had broken a few of the divine laws with her. If she talked to Ra he'd have holes in his pelts from the lectur Ra gave him,
not to mention how much all the other deities would laugh-ah well, he was still willing to risk it-he happened to like the mortals, especially these two, as they treated him with some respect, which was more than he got from other deities.
Most especially, towards Jackal, he did have such a crush-too bad she was mortal, he rather liked her current form. Jareth was standing by the table, tapping his foot. "Can we go already?"
Jackal shook her head as if snapped out of her thoughts. "Yes, we need to get going."

The first thing on the agenda was to fly to Greece-Anubis refused to fly (he was terrified of heights, but would never admit it).
So he agreed to meet them there (After Jackal forced him to promise he wouldn't forget while watching game shows).The flight took all of 12 hours, they slept the entire way.
Well, Jackal slept, Jareth was busy testing out all the buttons on his seat and driving the other passengers and stewardess nuts.
When they arrived in Athens, Anubis was standing there, wearing black rayban sunglasses, holding a 'Jackal N Jareth' sign (written, no less, in hieroglyphics, Greek, AND English).

Soon they were at the base of the mountain. They began to climb, and Jareth constantly talked about mountain safety.
"Always check to make sure that your cord is strong and that your hammer is sharp on one side and strong on the other and make sure the iron part didn't fall off, you would not be safe on the mountain if that happens--and
also make sure to be careful of how long you listen to something as dumb as someone who won't stop talking cause you can always fall asleep on a mountain which is also not a good idea--especially if you want to be safe on the mountain...and another thing to be safe on a mountain is to--"
"If you want to be safe you'll SHUTTUP!" screamed Anubis.

Jackal was climbing up right behind Anubis-even the fur on his ears was standing up straight from fright. She rubbed his back reassuringly, and kept climbing-after two hours, they reached a well-misted flat area.
From the rest of Greece it just looked like the rest of the mountain, one sharp slope-but from the view of one right by it, you could make out golden stairs which led upwards.
They rested for a half hours before continuing up the stairs. Finally, the made it to the gates-here it was a large flat land, with lots of trees-
and the first thing Anubis did when he reached the top (after he stopped clinging to Jackals waist that is) was to run into the trees saying 'be right back!" He must've really been scared.

Five minutes later, Anubis returned, looking a lot better than he had. They all started up the golden stairs-it was a long walk, took them nearly two hours to reach the gates.
Jackal went to knock but Anubis catches her hand "Don't touch-these gates are to prevent mortals entering without a deity-I have to do it."
He sighed and knocked-from his attitude, he obviously didn't think to highly of such biasness, but it had to be done. The gates swung open-but instead of a nice greeting, the doors grated n squeaked.
Jareth and Jackal both looked at Anubis, eyebrows raised. Anubis shrugged "Well, since they lost they’re popularity they haven't really been overly concerned with keeping it up." And in they went.
It was amazing--beginning with the mist making everything look more magical, then going to the look of this place, to the thrones of Hera and Zeus.
They looked around for Hermes and talked quite a bit, mostly about where the mist comes from and other details about the place they were in.
Hera kept looking at Zeus then at Jackal, as if just daring one of them to speak to the other. Jareth hoped that, just for kicks, Jackal would not talk to Zeus--and he was lucky, she did not.

Particularly because she needed to live. Not that she particularly enjoyed her life, but because someone needed to take care of Jareth-and well Anubis needed someone to take care of him too. God or not, he needed the company.
Jackal and Jareth let Anubis do the talking. "Zeus, where is Hermes-he is needed to-" "Howdy!" A small bluish deity (a different shade than Loki) wearing white winged sandals, a toga, and a odd metal hat with wings was floating upside down in anubis' face, who at the moment didn't seem particularly pleased with his speedy reply.
"Do that again and I'll tear off your wings." Anubis growled.
Hermes shrugs, turned upside right in midair, and looked at Jareth and jackal, broke out in a wide grin. "Mortals! I haven’t seen mortals up close for two thousand years! How do you do?"
The last said to jackal, with a bow from the small blue deity currently floating in mid air-he even picked up her hand and kissed it-Anubis looked ready to strike him, but didn't.
Hera, who was finding it amusing, and giggled. Hermes turned his attention to Jareth. "ooh, a elfin mortal! neato! What’s your name? I'm Hermes, messenger to the gods" He bowed again to Jareth.

Jareth smiled--he enjoyed the attention. He began to speak, "I am Ja--" but was cut off by Anubis. "Hermes--we need you. Loki stole a chip and we need to get it back." said Anubis.
"A chip? Go to the supermarket there's bags full of ‘Em!" said Hermes.
Jareth started to leave to climb back down the mountain and go to the store and get chips when Jackal elbowed him to make his movements unnoticed. It didn’t work. Hermes started dying of laughter, accompanied by Hera.

Anubis shook his head-the fur on his ears was starting to bristle-to keep from hitting Hermes, put his arms around jackal and pulled her to stand beside him. Jackal tried to talk to Hermes when the laughter died down.
"Hermes, you know us mortals didn’t forget you like we did all of the rest of the deities " She tossed a glance to Hera that made her glower.
Hermes smiled broadly. "Really?" Jackal Nodded. "Yes. But now we need your help-and if you help us you get to see lots of mortals up close again." Hermes looked delighted.
"Ok, so you need a chip-what kind?" Jackal elbowed Anubis, who had been staring at Hermes with something near loathing, and he told Hermes the entire story so far. "Hermes stood at attention in mid air. "I will do my best."

"You had better" Anubis muttered-but her was muttering to thin air-Hermes was long gone.

After a while of talking to the other deities, seeing if they could get help from any of them, they decided it would be best to leave.
So they climbed down the ladder for only one hour and forty-five minutes this time, since the way down is faster than the way up, and they crossed the field of trees again (to the delight of Jareth (They couldn't get him out of one for another hour.)
They then climbed down the mountain to find a place to rest until Hermes comes back.
It was very stormy when they climbed down-apparently Hera had been yelling at Zeus again and he lost his temper-there was always a storm when he was angry.
They sat in a small glen of trees with a pond and ferns, which Jareth was delighted with.
Anubis on the other hand only had two words to say about it.
"It's wet."
A good thing to note at this time is Anubis is a jackal, which is a dog-and he smelled like one, especially when wet.
This didn't bother Jackal-for some reason it as if she couldn't smell it. Jareth on the other hand caught one whiff of his wet fur and was now sitting on the other side of the pond, playing with small water nymph faeries who jumped in and out of the water.

After Jareth stopped playing with the water-nymphs, which was when the bank overflowed from the rain, they rented a room in an inn.
After days adding up to a week and a half, they heard something from in their hotel room. They opened the door and went towards the bathroom....where they went to the closet in the bathroom. They saw what they had least expected: something blue...

"Howdy!" SPLAT! All three of them were hit in the face by cream pies-they heard Loki's maniacal laughter in the room, and the drawers all being opened quickly as if searched.
Anubis was the first to get all the cream out of his eyes-with his powerful legs he lunged at Loki, caught him, and slammed him into the bed, baring teeth-for the first time possibly, Loki was not smiling.
Anubis growled while Jackal was looking at Loki, a pair of handcuffs in hand (why she has them, don't ask)-obviously magickally imbued. Anubis lifted Loki by the arms in his powerful clawed hands.

Loki began saying, "My master...he needs the chip I know you know I stole, you know. He needs it badly." Anubis wondered why and voiced his thoughts. "Why?" Anubis asked.
"Because..." began Loki But Loki vanished in a puff of blue smoke, handcuffs and all.

Jackal spoke first "That tricky sonuva......" Anubis raised a paw. "That was Scarab's little bit of magick-in those handcuffs he couldn't leave-as I well know......"
Jackal slightly blushed-she had only ever used them on him once (to his dismay) and that was to keep him from picketing the ASPCA's habit of putting dogs in metal cages.
Jareth rolled his eyes and sighed "So what are we going to do?"
"We wait for Hermes-he'll be back soon" Anubis said matter of factly. It was amazing how leader-like he could be, considering he was still covered in cream pie. He couldn't have chosen a better time to say it either. At that moment, Hermes showed up.

"I just bumped into Loki." said Hermes. "He had handcuffs on, so I helped get them off...gave them back to Scarab too."
Then, when everyone's mouth was on the floor, he cackled. "Do you think I'd really do that?" Another layer of pie was added to all of their faces, but after seeing the grim expressions on each one, Hermes shrugged, waved his hand and it all disappeared.
"I guess you wanna know what happened?" he said, in an 'I know something you don't know' tone of voice.
"Yes we do." said Anubis with a look that straightened Hermes out very well. "Alright--here it is, the whole thing, complete.Sheesh."

Hermes turned to face Jackal-he didn’t seem keen on facing Anubis. up close and whispered it in her ear. Jackal looked shocked. Hermes added one more whisper which made her giggle, before vanishing.
Anubis stood right in front of her "What did he say?" "He said that Scarab wants the chip to complete the time portal-he wants to go back to ancient Egypt with some of this technology, so the people will worship him as a god."
Jareth Smirked "well that's not bad"
Anubis sighed. "Yes it is. For one if he succeeds he will have worshippers for thousands of years-this time will be changed to have him as the main god.
Secondly if he succeeds he'll be back on his own turf, when his powers were strongest. He could very well pose a threat to the true gods.
We must stop him and this means" he sighed heavily and looked down, mumbled "I might have to go home to the Egyptian underworld after him-you two would come with me."

After the events of that day, Anubis trusted blue objects and people even less than he already did. Soon enough they felt like leaving the hotel--they had their information.
But the only ways to stop what is going on are to either create a time machine themselves and then stopping Loki and Scarab in the past, or to stop them from creating or using the time machine altogether. Both were difficult.
Jareth asked, "Jackal...what was it that Hermes said that made you giggle?"

Jackal Whispered to Jareth as they packed their bags "He said Anubis has entered the world records as being the only deity more jealous than Hera"
Anubis had his ears raised, but glowered slightly. Obviously, his hearing wasn’t good enough to understand what they said.
It took them five minutes to pack-and another ten to figure out who would pay the bill. Anubis forked out his money and looked through half narrowed eyes at Jackal "Last time i play rock, paper, sissors with you."
Jackal and Jareth grinned.15 minutes later, they were in a cab, speeding across to the other side of town, where a bark (an Egyptian styled boat) would take them across the Mediterranian ocean, to Egypt.

Anubis was too happy to be back in Egypt, since he is an Egyptian deity, and immediately even looked at home (probably because of the clothes he wore).
Besides him, Jackal also looked VERY happy to be here. Jareth, on the other hand, would have liked it more if there were more trees and plants.
He didn't complain though, because he thought Jackal would start muttering about how you can't please everybody.
In Egypt they immediately fit in, for even though Jareth did not like the desert, he was also a studier of the Egyptian language and religion.
So it was not unusual in the least that they all immediately befriended some of the native Egyptians that still lived there, and that they were able
to talk to each other in languages other than English (except for Jareth, he was not as good at speaking in this way as Jackal and Anubis). They did, of course, explore some of the pyramids, though not all--they did not have time.

Anubis, was of course, glad to be the guide-he was actually strutting and Jackal could swear his chest was puffed up with pride-he loved to show off, and this was something he knew everything about.
It was nearing sunset when Jackal finally had to pop his pride and tell them they needed to get going (mainly because Jareth was dancing on tiptoes-the pyramids didn't have food or bathrooms, and he had drank a lot of soda and water before hand).
Much to they're amazement, Anubis didn’t bother to sulk or argue. He simply nodded and lead the way to the gates that led to the field of reeds.
The field of reeds is the entrance to the underworld-this is where mortals stay during the times they are without bodies.
Anubis opened the gate and held both Jackal and Cas's hands-without his help, they'd be stuck in the field of reeds, unable to leave until another deity came through and decided to help them.
They walked through. One through, they stood in a beautiful field. The gateway behind them had vanished.
They made they're way through the field-actually Anubis did-he pulled them along with him at amazing speeds (most likely, done to impress Jackal rather than to arrive quickly).
At the end of the field it turned seamlessly from reeds and plant life into a hallway-this hallway led to the realm of the gods, rather like Olympus was to the Greek deities.
Here Anubis sighed and walked slowly, like a condemned man-he was sure of what Ra would have to say to him about his behavior on earth, especially with a certain mortal-whom he had so kindly dragged into the realm of gods (something highly against the rules but not a huge offense if it's a emergency).
Slowly, he pushed open a large gold door engraved with hieroglyphics, and walked inside to the large open room, filled with gods sitting on thrones or laying on couches.

It was amazing for Jackal and Jareth to see but completely normal for Anubis (which Jareth couldn't believe was possible).
Many of the gods were writing notes and letters, (on papyrus and in hieroglyphics, of course) and Jareth could have sworn he saw one of them sticking his note to his wooden throne, which immediately became engraved and painted (in solid gold!).
Again Anubis thought it looked completely normal, but even Jackal looked at it with a slight look of amazement (or even amusement). Soon enough they had walked a larger distance than they had expected or even noticed, but it apparently seemed correct.
It took a while for Jareth to notice where they were going, but once they got within a half of a hundred meters from their final destination Jareth knew immediately where they were ending up...

Right in front of Ra, the sun god-who generally oversaw all the activities of the other deities, especially while on earth.
Anubis saw Ra staring at him, and gulped. "I knew I was going to get my ears chewed...." He made his way slowly up to Ra with jackal and Cas on either side.
Standing next to Ra was the green skinned, white-wrapped god of death, Osiris. Osiris was, by all logics, the boss of Anubis (and adoptive father of him, as well). "Greetings, Ra...."
"Hello, Anubis." he said almost lazily as if it was nothing new that he came here to get in trouble. "Why? Why bring these...these...mortals into our lands?! Have I taught you nothing?! And why in the name of me did you act that way with--"
he looked at Jackal and stopped yelling, as if out of politeness towards her, "--her?" He looked at Anubis in a way which made all three of them shudder--but Anubis shuddered most of all, and his ears lowered slightly out of fear and shame.
"You watch game shows, a mortal...not to insult you two, Jackal and Jareth--you two are completely fine mortals..." he looked disgusted to say 'mortals'.
Anubis seemed unable to hold himself back. "But they watched them with--" he stopped right there because of the look he got from Ra.
Ra stared at him for a moment, then continued. "I am dissapointed Anubis, but in a strange way, pleased. You have learned much of the ways of mortals I would have never been able to record otherwise....."
Jackal was blushing red-even Anubis' fur was going red-the last thing they wanted was THAT recorded for all the gods to see and read.......
Jareth was giggling so hard Tawaret the goddess of pregnant women clapped her hand gently over his mouth and motioned for him to be quiet.
Ra continued, ignoring them "I am not however without the knowledge of why you came here. You need our aid and so you shall have it. You have always served us well Anubis and, even though I do not approve of your-"
he looked like he was trying to find the right word that wouldn't be too crude. "You participating in extra ciricular activities with a mortal, I will help you."

Jareth seemed completely comfortable with Ra there, and seemed fine with the fact that objects that are in the way moved all by themselves when Jackal was about to throw them with anger.
Anubis, however, moved the objects himself, probably showing off to Jackal and Jareth.
They were all surprised that Anubis had not once turned on a game show--most likely for fear that Ra would give another--but longer--lecture about how game shows are dumb and how only
mortals do those things--then he might even start talking about insulting things that Anubis thinks are good, which he feared even more--he hated being insulted.

Jareth, however, had written in advance before they met Ra a two hundred question interview, from "What's it like being a deity?"
to "What color is your toothbrush, if you have one? Do you just go "Alakazam!" and your teeth are clean? or can they not get dirty at all?"
Ra gave him a stare--a single stare--which made Jareth stop immediately.

Ra (after Jareth finally broke him and finished answering his 200 and some odd question interview) had just finished ordering all the items that they would need, from magickal objects only Anubis and Ra could use to food.
Speaking of which, it was now time for the dinner feast (in the realm of gods, it was always a feast).Ra ordered the 'mortals'
Jackal and Jareth to sit at a table with Tefnut and Bast, both of them feline-headed goddesses, while he ordered Anubis to sit at his feet (the untold reason being to keep a closer eye on him while he was here).
Jackal and Jareth digged right in-the food was warm and filling, and one bite filled you with a sense of peace and happiness-Anubis however only picked at his food,
delicious as it was, and contiued to watch Jackal and Jareth-he seemed not to like being away from them, which was true.
He liked being watched even less, and with Ra staring at him the entire time, it had made him lose his appetite. Finally the plates and goblets were gone (just gone, no poof of smoke or anything).
Ra Stood up, and made a small speech:

"It is with great pleasure that I announce that we are all, apparently, filled. I would also like to point out our guests for today--ahem, our mortal guests--"
these few words sparked the attention of all the gods and goddesses who did not already know about Jackal and Jareth being here "--Jackal and Jareth!" He pointed at the two and there was quite some applause. Jackal blushed but Jareth stood up and bowed.
Attention-crazed, he always accepted applause and praise, while Jackal tried to stay small, tried to stay the outcast. With great difficulty, Ra started to speak again, through the cheers and applause.

"I am afraid I have some bad news though-Scarab, our old enemy , is back" There was a uproar of angry and somewhat frightened deities.
Ra raised his arms and it was silent. "Not to fear-these...mortals...informed us in time to plan a counter attack. I am afraid to that I will have to leave you for some time, I will accompany these mortals and Anubis.
During my absence, you will all turn to Osiris for leadership." Osiris stood and bowed slightly, the deities clapped, but seemed disdainful-they were not particularly happy to have the leader of more than 3000 millenia-you heard me, millenia, not years-taken from them.
Jackal and Jareth, heard none of this though-the trip and the food had proven too much for them and were fast asleep.
The other deities were making they’re way out of the room, going to take care of they're own realms. Anubis had snuck over to Jackal and Jareth and was just lifting Jackal in his arms when Ra caught site of him.

"ANUBIS! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU ARE DOING??!!" was the shout leaving the mouth of Ra with such force that Jareth woke up and began to whimper in pain in his ears, and Jackal jumped up to Anubis immediately into his arms for protection.
This did not please Ra at all. He waved his hand and two pairs of earmuffs were now on Jackal and Jareth's ears.
They must have been magickal because Jareth and Jackal heard nothing but "mortals" a few times because he said that loudest. The rest of the deities had heard what was going on and knew better than to interrupt.
Ra was actually not as mad as it seems--he is a deity, so when he gets mad his voice is immediately louder, so he is actually only yelling and lecturing while it sounds like he was knocking down Mt. Olympus.
Jareth immediately knew the weather report for tonight: flooding...flooding...and more flooding...and a tornado or two (or three, or four...). Yet even though he felt like laughing at these thoughts he did not dare laugh...
Soon enough Ra was done lecturing Anubis, and began walking away. Anubis stayed to kiss Jackal goodnight--when Ra saw...and if it is possible, he got even angrier.

*Jackal looked defiantly at Ra, and kissed Anubis-and kept kissing him, for about 3 minutes straight-Ra was so angry he let out a screech (because he has the head of a hawk, it was exactly like being screeched at by a very large and divine hawk).
"That is it, I have had it Anubis-get out of my realm and do not bother comming back!" Ra stormed out of the room, Anubis had his ears laid back, sighed.
Jackal was to the point of anger she wasn’t much less calm that Ra, and shouted some very ugly things after him-which luckily, were muffled by Anubis' paw or they may all well be destroyed right now.
"Let him be-he'll calm down in about a millenia-and he already gave his word to help us to his full extent tomorrow-he won't go back on it."
Jareth looked slightly frightened-he didn't like the thought of an angry deity. "What do we do until then." Anubis Shrugged. "I kinda feel like watching Press your luck. Anyone else for Ciaro's Comfort Inn?"

Jareth giggled slightly and they all agreed. They made sure to get the one room with the most cable channels and slept
(or, Jareth and Jackal slept--much like Jareth When he was in the airplane and drove the stewardess nuts, Anubis was driving Jareth and Jackal nuts (until he got kicked away from the TV, the not-so-gentle nudges provided by Jackal, who was yelling "Get to bed! and stop watching gameshows!").
The next morning it was not raining but it was very misty outside--seems Ra was steaming off a bit.
Anubis seemed to have cooled down also (but he was still mad at Jackal for interrupting him while watching game shows the night before).
Anubis now felt no fear of looking at Jackal, yet again, in a few places other than her face, while Jareth rolled his eyes thinking, can they ever act NORMAL???
Jareth was getting fed up with those two...and decided to take a walk outside for a bit.

Jackal knew what Jareth was thinking, but wasn’t about to argue with him. She was still in a bad mood-bit for bit, the gods of Greece were taking bets as to which one, mortal or god, Jackal or Ra-who would calm down first.
It was looking like a 50/50 split. Zeus was shaking his head on top Mount Olympus. "I don't see what they did which was so wrong..." Hera glared, but agreed. She herself had looked at the occasional mortal man (but never touched) and felt that, deity or not, love was love-or in Zeus' case, lust was lust.
She didn’t approve of her husband doing it because he was after all her husband, but Anubis was single, as was Jackal-being together was not a crime in any of the Greeks minds, and they were busily discussing this.
Finally, Aphrodite sent a invite to Jackal to come to Olympus. Zeus sent one to Anubis, and Hermes sent one to Jareth-Hermes was fond of Jareth, the only one who had as much energy as he did. Hermes flew down to Cairo, knocked on the door of they're room.

Jareth opened the door--as planned by the deities. Hermes and Jareth shook hands and started talking immediately.
Jackal was washing her clothes ("Go wash your own clothes! Just because I'm a woman does not mean I need to wash your underwear..." she told the Greek god Aries when he dumped his clothing into her laundry basket) and Anubis was, yet again, absorbed in his TV shows.
Jackal confronted him, and said, "You have seen this show three times today--wait, this is a rerun...whoah...uh...Anubis, let me tell you something...this rerun was shown five times. You have seen this rerun five times...meaning that you watch this channel way too much. Get up, do your laundry."
Then she realized how ridiculous this statement was--his clothes were always sparkling clean, even if he wasn't.
Soon enough, Hermes and Cas were playing little tricks--they put a red sock in with Jackal's white clothes. Jackal went back to do the laundry, not noticing the red sock because they had stuck it in deep enough. She put in a bit of soap and went to check up on Anubis to see if he had listened.
Hermes and Cas had now put in a bit of bleach.
Jackal went back for the last time and put quite a bit of bleach in, saying "Darn, I put too much in...oh well, they're all white clothes."
Jareth and Hermes had just started talking about the invitation when the washing machine turned on, and Jackal looked through the window of it.
"So do you think you can make it?" asked Hermes. "Of course," said Jareth.
"AAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHH!" screamed Jackal, promptly after seeing her clothes.

Anubis jumped about three feet in the air at her scream and went to see what had happened-when he did he was laughing so hard he was actually on the ground, rolling back and forth.
With the combination of the sock and the clothes and way too much bleach-all her clothes were stiff and pink.
"Jareth!" She went running at Jareth in nothing but a toga-she couldn't run very fast though as it would have fallen off-togas are not designed to be run in.

Anubis also began to run, and was not catching up to Jackal yet so he grabbed her by the toga. Luckily Jackal was quick enough to slap him and pull it on more before anything fell off, but she seemed to be under the impression that Anubis had meant for it to fall off.
When she reached Jareth and Hermes, they were so deep in conversation (a convo that they were so deep in that it was obvious they had just started it at Jackal's reaction) that it was hard to stop them.
Jackal held up the sock and one of her shirts, and asked, "Do you know anything about this?"
Cas knew exactly what not to say--and said it. "Well, that's your pink sock and that's a tye dye shirt." If Anubis had not been rolling on the floor enough before, he was now.
If Jackal wasn't red enough before, she was in anger.
If Hermes had not been "serious" enough before, he was now (well, as serious as hermes could ever be). Jackal was not pleased.

KABOOM! That was all that could be heard by the rest of Greece-what had happened on mount Olympus was Jackal losing the rest of her temper, and went off on Jareth and Hermes, not too unlike what Ra did to Anubis.
Even Hera winced. By the time she was finished finished, Apollo was busy making those pretty colors across the sky that come with sunset. "And never, ever touch my clothes again, do you understand!"
Both Hermes and Jareth nodded-Jareth meant it, but whether or not Hermes was serious was unknown.

Jareth said, "Seriously though...why in the name of--" Jareth froze when Jackal looked at him "--Why would we want to ruin your clothes? Come over here Anubis." Jareth took Anubis's hand and waved it over the clothes--the pink was off but they were still dirty as if never entering the wash. Then all the pink came back and the clothes got even dirtier than before. Cas looked at Hermes who seemed to wink. Jareth stifled a giggle--he couldn't help it--and Jackal got even madder.
Jareth was so nervous he was stammering apologies, and thanks for some reason.
"Sorry...I didn't do that...thank you so much, I'm sorry...really, I apologize so thank you...sorry...pretty clothes, I...I...thanks...I mean, we didn't do it! Why would we get NEAR your clothes? Anubis tried to rip them off! I'd be more mad at that!
Just put both of your socks in the bleach a few times and they'll be white or pink but who really cares? And as for the rest of your clothes just put them in the bleach a few more times and they're fine too!"
Hermes burped.

Smack, smack, smack! Jackal had smacked all three of them, very hard, with Anubis muttering "What did I do?". Athena took Jackals side immediately.
Jackal and Athena went down to the mortal world, and went shopping. Normally Athena was the logical goddess of battles and female rights, but today she decided to act as a normal female (besides, she hadn’t seen the mortal world up close in a long time either).
When they returned, it was midnight-Cas was sound asleep in a spider web thin hammock. Jackal walked in wearing black leather pants, with a dark purple t-shirt, and black leather jacket-and she was wearing Raybans (which looked familiar-they were Anubis').
Jackal smiled. Apparently the shopping had done her good "Much better." Athena had boughten herself a whole wardrobe of clothing, and was busily showing it to all the goddesses, explain the new styles to the goddesses (who couldn't believe the toga had gone out of fashion so quickly).
Anubis was still up, staring at the television set-but it was off-he was thinking-he did some of his best thinking in front of a TV.

Of course Jackal did not like the feeling of a smacked face but he guessed he'd make up for it by pulling a few more pranks...all in good time...(or all in the worst time, but oh well).
Hermes seemed to think that that was one of the best he had pulled, although Jareth largely disagreed...the pies were great, too and besides, it's just a sock and a few shirts which they had bought enough of the day before when they went shopping.
Besides shirts and clothes, they bought what had to be a year supply of food, even though they were in Mt. Olympus right now, where the food is all free and is not bought from anywhere, meaning that it is unneeded.
Jareth and Hermes looked at each other when they thought this thought, and they both realized that they must have been shopping to cool of, for no reason at all. At least they had calmed down...but Jareth could not believe his eyes...
"YOU BOUGHT BONDAGE LEATHER PANTS?" he exclaimed in shock.
"It was on sale." said Jackal. "Only one forty-nine ninety-five." "You're kidding me..." said Jareth. Jackal said, "Jareth, since when were you against pants that can tie your legs together?"
Cas said, "Who said I'm against it? They're great! But the holidays are can't wear them anywhere special!"

Anubis looked over, snapped out of his thoughts by the pants arguemnt-he smiled a wide grin "I like it." "Oh sush" Jareth said-of course Anubis would like it.
Jackal shook her head, and was about to change subjects, but something changed it for her-Anubis went flying across the room.He had Loki by the throat again-he had been preparing to throw itching powder on Jareth and Jackal.
Anubis demanded to know where the chip was at, or he'd become a female deity in a really painful way. This is what Loki told him:

"They are my master's plans...his secret plans..." he seemed to be grinning...he was stalling horribly, very obvious. "I cannot tell..." "TELL!!" raged Anubis.
"'s a''s..." said Loki as he was thrown against a window, glass shattering and flowing down the mountain along with a few drops of blood from Cas who stood to close to the window.
As the glass began flowing down the mountain, it hit two mountain climbers--one of the ways they never get to the top of Mt. Olympus.
They saw the few drops of blood and thought it was their own, so they screamed and a loud siren was triggered--there was a bug in the siren's mechanism.
All this noise, of Anubis yelling, the mountain-climbers screaming, and now the siren, triggered an avalanche...starting directly under the window that Loki was now hanging over. Snow filled the room, and in the confusion, Loki disappeared.

Anubis and Jackal were standing side by side-it is interesting to note how at one with each other they could appear when it came to such situations-in one swift move they had grabbed Jareth
,Jackal banaged his hand while Anubis used his staff to remove the snow, and Zues repaired the window with a snap of his fingers.
Anubis, Jareth, and Jackal were all panting by the end of all this, and were starting to discuss this strange occurrence of an avalanche hitting them when they were sitting on the very tip of the mountain-when they saw a beam of greenish light shoot straight into the air.
It let off such energy the cloud floor of Olympus vibrated underneath them. "He has done it, he has created and activated the portal-we must find Ra at once!"
With that, they were off-Anubis took them at speeds impossible for a human to calculate to the very same hallway that led into the Egyptian god's realm-he was about to walk in, when he hit an invisible barrier. It shocked his nose and he let out a small yelp-apparently, Ra had not yet forgotten the ban on Anubis.
Anubis began to yell, "Ra! Ra!" while Jareth winced, wondering if there would be another avalanche. Yet in the confusion, Jackal was looking around for help
while Jareth decided to try to go into the astral plane and call for Ra, the place where he would definitely be he closed his eyes, and Jackal realizing what he was doing, did it also.
In a whirl of colors, Cas's vision went black (most likely because his eyes were closed :o) ) and he saw exactly what he wanted: Jackal. They together were stronger and tried calling Ra.

Ra finally showed up after a good 15 minutes of two mortals and a deity calling him at the top of his lungs-he was acting very cold and curt to them. "YES?"
Anubis only bothered to say a few words "You had better get in the mood to help. The portal has been opened-Scarab will make the jump anytime now."
Ra straightened up. Angry as he was, he would never go back on his word. To do so would in his mind, lower him to the level of 'mortals'.
"Let us go."

They began going into land of the desert gods again, and again Jareth felt like interviewing everyone in sight. "Maybe someday I'll become a news reporter!" he claimed. Jackal said, "Yeah!" For a second, Jareth had believed her.
Then she added, "And maybe someday someone *cough *"me"* cough* will throw you out of a window!"
Cas went red. They continued their travels.
They arrived in Aswan, which is in Upper Egypt. Here Ra knew that Scarab had a lab somewhere, and he had a good idea.
"The Sphynx"
Cas shook his head "There is only one sphynx left standing in egypt!" he said matter of factly to Ra. Ra smiled with that fatherly "aren’t you cute" expression.
"Really mortal? I am only a deity, what could I possibly know about the spyhnx statues....." Jareth blushed and said nothing.
Jackal and Anubis were for once glad of Jareth's mindless pratter-Ra was fond of young mortals more so than any others, and Jareth could be amusing when he wished. This was one of those times, and it was doing wonders to Improve Ra's mood.

Jareth wondered how to get to this other sphynx, and when they stopped in the middle of the desert and turned to Cas he got scared...a little coward...very weak until he's in the spotlight. "Jareth, empty out your pockets." said Anubis.
Jareth had no idea what that meant...but he did. He turned his pockets inside-out. Out flew a white faerie, Cananaa
"BAH!" yelped Jareth in surprise. He had no idea that that fae was still with him--apparently that one Fae had stayed with Jareth for over three hundred years. Jareth could not believe it--it was Cananaa.
Anubis said to Jareth, "Tell Cananaa to draw a circle in the air out of purple sparkles...go on...a large circle, she'll know exactly what I'm talking about..." Jareth wondered if this was true.
He did, and Cananaa listened, making a huge circle, big enough for three men to walk through comfortably at the same time. And that is what happened: Jareth, Jackal, Ra and Anubis fit through the circle, with Cananaa leading the way. And there it was: through the porthole was a huge sphynx, bigger than the one known to humans by hundreds of times. It must be the lair of Scarab.

The walked carefully-they had landed far enough away to get a good lay of the land-and where the traps may be-so they wouldn't instantly be spotted.
Well, the thought they had'nt anyway-what they did not know was loki was following they're every move (under strict orders not to play any jokes, apparently).
It would be a three day walk through the oasis and desert land before they actually reach the sphynx which towered over them.

Ra began to tell small anticdotes to Jareth about when he was younger, with the typical "I was such a cute deity...and I got into a whole load of trouble..." he looked over at Anubis at the word "trouble".
He continued talking, slowly going over to his teenage millennia, when he got into less trouble but pulled many pranks...and he looked, again, at Anubis. Yet he never said anything to Anubis. Maybe he was about to before Jareth interrupted with, "Uh...can't we teleport ourselves there?"
Ra looked horrified, and said, "No...we can't dare do that...all of the alarms would go off." They took refuge in a camp conjured up from the hands of Ra, and slept for the night...and the night after that...and the night after that. The fourth day is when they finally got there-the mortals couldn't bare to walk more.
Then, about to reach an area of the sphynx where they would get there in another hour or so, something horrible happened--Hermes appeared. He had teleported himself there.
All of the booby traps went off, all alarms rang, and one arrow had horrible aim and hit Jareth--then another hit Jackal--and another went through Anubis, for he had made himself like a gas, able to walk right through, so that the arrow did not hit him
--but Jackal and Jareth were in horrible condition, and it wasn't long before Loki and Scarab were ready to fight--while they were not.

Well, Jareth would have been hit. Jackal However, had instinctively grabbed him and used her body as a shield-she was hit in the shoulder and the chest. She fell to the ground, cover Jareth , still protective, even though she had blood starting to come out of her mouth.
Ra cast a powerful circle that would protect them from attacks for about an hour. Anubis was about to lunge at scarab (you can jump out of a circle, just not in) when he noticed Jackal.

Ra, though his body was turned slightly away, saw Jackal's heroic efforts to save Jareth, and then saw Anubis jump directly out of the field of protection he had had around them all while they crossed through the desert and tried to help Jackal.
As another five arrows shot, he jumped up in the air so high that what would once hit him directly in the heart was now just inches away from...ahem...between his legs.
Ra immediately shot a single droplet of energy from each of his eyes. They joined in the air--barely bigger than nail clipping on a baby's pinky toenail.
Yet, much like a black hole, do not be fooled by its small size and puny appearance--or by its slow movement. Moving slower than a car at a red light, (sense the sarcasm?) the water droplet eventually hit Scarab with the force of all the deities punching as one.Scarab had cast a field of protection upon only himself just before this toenail hit him, but that only blocked ten percent of the energy--he was not even knocked out though very close. Whimpering in pain, he ran into the sphynx.

Meanwhile, Loki had taken Cananaa hostage, much to the sadness of Jareth. But a greater sadness lay on what lay on Jareth himself: the dead body of Jackal.

Anubis fell to his knees before her, and was crying he was crying so hard, even the hardest hearted of deities felt pity for him.
Ra started to speak-but he could think of Nothing to Say.
Jareth , very sad but not crying (Jackal had taught him that death was something all mortals did, so not to mourn it) suggested probably the best thing he had ever come up with.

"I have an idea." he said. "An idea that may just bring her back to our world." He looked down at her body and sniffled. It was most likely the time that he realized what her death means: no more teacher.
Anubis would never teach him--and Ra even less, even if he is young. But there was something in the eyes of Ra...something unmistakable: interest. Something he only felt from Jackal...she was the only one interested in him and now she was gone...gone forever...unless his idea works.
But that meant that her entire life was hanging by a thread...they had to act fast for his plan to work.
"Hm...about my long does it take for one to completely die and evolve, to be reincarnated?" asked Jareth.
"Usually a few minutes...for her, she only has about two minutes left after this morning...two minutes in five seconds actually." said Ra.
"Then we need to hurry! Quick! I have a great idea!" They all looked at him. "What is it? Quick! We don't have time!"
Jareth thought a little bit just might work... "WHAT IS IT??!!" they stormed at Jareth--and it began to rain from their anger and anxiousness. "Hold on! Hold on!" said Jareth. "YES! I've got it! This is it: close the door of Jackals."
"Jareth, I never thought I'd be saying this, but you've snapped." said Anubis.
"NOO! I have NOT snapped! This works! Stop all evolving Jackals from turning into Jackals! Don't you see? If you close that door, Jackal will stop turning into one...into...a jackal! So then she'll come back to her original state!"
Ra seemed to approve of the idea, but Anubis seemed to think differently..."I don't think it'll work." he said.
Hermes was finally serious: they would go to drastic measures. But they only had a minute and a half.
Anubis vanished and reappeared in his own realm, that of death and jackals-he shut the jackals gates and locked them. Osiris didn't bother asking-all the gods sort of knew what the other was doing, and as Osiris was the step father of Anubis, knew the full story. Osiris nodded and went back with Anubis. 1 minutes 8 seconds to go.

Osiris had an idea of what to do, but if he could do it fast enough, that would amaze even him. Yet there is more going on that just that.
Cananaa was being dragged into the sphynx--and when I say dragged I mean that literally. Remember what I said before, about the missile the size of a toenail?
Same with a faerie--size of a short and thin finger, but can destroy lives if they are evil enough. Yet Cananaa was not evil, she was protecting herself from evil.
And was doing so by making herself a wide load for Scarab--she had grown herself to over two hundred times her size. She was now not as tall or wide as a normal human but big enough to stop herself from being pulled.
Fae are shape-shifters, she can do these things. She would not have been surprised if Scarab had given up, but he did not--he wanted to attack Jareth without touching him, as he saw that Jareth was well protected.
Then it came to him: Jareth is well protected. He would have been able to hit all the others and they would throw a charm or two on themselves and be
protected, but just now he had killed that one girl (a pretty girl, too, thought Scarab...too bad she died...) trying to protect Jareth...why not just charming him? Now Scarab wanted to kill Jareth but first his faerie...while Jareth was watching.

With a last surge of strength, Scarab threw the Fae into a cage with laser-like bars-no matter what she shifted into, she couldn't get out "That should hold you" Scarab said, panting-his powers were beyond any other mortal, and he was healing quickly from Ra's blast-a blast that would have killed any other human, sorcerer or not.

Scarab paced quickly across the large room to the portal "Loki!"
"Here!" The blue insane deity called.
"We must enter the portal now, before Ra gets through! And Loki?"
"Yes Sir?"
"Who was that female?"
Loki Smirked, giggled insanely "The girlfriend of Anubis"
Scarab's face dropped from shock "She dated THAT?!"
Loki Nodded. Scarab's face broke into a wide grin "If she would date that she would certainly go with me-I think she would make a good Queen. Quickly Loki-We shall go back-I shall Gain my rightful place as not only a God but as King of all gods on Earth, and-I shall get my Queen." With that, they prepared to jump.

With only forty-nine seconds left... The Fae watched as Loki and Scarab talked and began preparing themselves and their bodies for time-travel, something very stressful, which one under the age of thirty should never do.
So Cananaa got herself into a circle with her back to them making it look as if she had gotten mad at the two and did not want to face them while she was really going into the astral plane...but she couldn't contact Jareth!
The walls were too powerful...maybe, just maybe....She put her hands to the bars of her cage, made fully out of energy, and took that energy into she was strong enough...she sent a message to Jareth saying exactly how to get through the secret passageways to this room.
Since Jareth was doing nothing to help Jackal because he was way too young to do any of that, he decided to sneak into the pyramid. Finally Jareth found that room in which the two evil men were, about to jump...
Jareth leaped towards his faerie--at least he could save her before the earth gets destroyed...but the strong shock of the bars of the cage threw Jareth back--he was falling directly towards the was a small, green, bean-sized portal which you only need to touch to get sucked into.
Hold on a second--let me go back to what was said before: time-travel, something very stressful, which one under the age of thirty should never do. Jareth was only thirteen...and he knew this. So he immediately sucked in his belly...he crouched on all fours, still flying through the air...and he landed....

And somehow, was caught before he slammed into so very sharp and unpleasant looking metallic objects-it was the spirit of Jackal-she smiled down at Jareth and dropped him gently behind a fruit stand in a bazaar-it was ancient Cairo. Jackal smiled, and vanished before Jareth's eyes-she was being pulled back to her body.

Jareth was sent back in time...Jackal was caught in her own body again...the fae was still trapped but was telling others how to get to her room. Jareth was sent back in time, but Jareth was just a young child...thirteen...

But it was too late--Anubis walked into the room along with Jackal and Ra, and now, Osiris, who all got to witness one of the more horrible things in life: they watched as the two men went back in time.
Jareth meanwhile was looking through his pockets for money--he liked some of the things he saw here--thick pottery, thin pottery, and food of the like Jareth would love to eat forever...when behind him came, from the future, the two men/deities, Loki and Scarab.
Jareth knew it was all over...when Scarab punched Jareth with the force of a deity--Jareth flew ten feet back and was stopped only by a stall in the bazaar which was flipped over from the force. Jareth was still conscious though. Then Loki took a piece of thin pottery and smashed it across Jaretha's head...Jareth began seeing stars and everything was happening slower in his eyes than it really was happening...then a thick piece of potter smashed onto his head--he was out cold, having no idea what's happening...but no one at the bazaar would help--these were two deities, no one stood a chance.

Ra however, was not one for letting one of the few people who still believed in him enough to see and talk to him face to face die.
Without further notice, he followed the Fae's direction, and made the jump. Just as Scarab was about to take the sparkle out of Jareth's eyes for good, Ra caught his hand.
"I think not." And threw him backwards, a good 30 feet. Ra was far older and more powerful than Scarab, but still Scarab had Loki's insane help-Loki hit Ra in the face with a pie, temporarily taking away his vision.
Ra let out a screech of pure energy, knocking Loki through a mud brick wall with enough for to turn what he hit to dust.Loki was so dizzy he just laid there. "Ok, I give up, you win" Scarab Snarled.
"Coward!" Then Scarab did something Ra did not know he had managed to gain the knowledge of-he turned into a giant spitting Cobra-no, he hadn’t, but he had called one-and it happened to be Ra's Mortal enemy, Apep, the demon Serpent of the Underworld.

Soon enough, Jackal and Anubis had appeared along with the fae, and a few seconds later, Hermes also.
Something in the scenery disappeared...something only three feet tall...but what was it? Soon they found out--another pot was picked up but had an invisibility charm on it, so soon enough it was crashing down on a head--Jackal's head. Ra yelled, "Why always fight the mortals, you cowards?"
He summoned the cage of pure energy and then, the force of one mortal, one faerie, and four deities threw Loki and Scarab back...hundreds of feet...until they hit the one original sphynx. The nose fell off with this force...but were they still alive?

Jackal was not knocked out, she was made of tougher stuff than that, but even if not hurt too bad, head wounds still bleed like crazy, and she had blood running dhow her forehead, down her nose and dripping onto the sand.
Osiris had an Idea.He chanted while pointing his staff where her blood fell. "Blood and bone, rise as my servants, and strike at our enemies hearts!" From each spot of blod, a giant black scorpion rose up, and ran to stand over scarab and Loki, venomous stingers dripping acid, alomst on they're heads.
Ten minutes later, the other Egyptian deities had shown up, and they took the two back to the current time from whence they started on this adventure.
Ra saw to it that neither of them would be seen again for another ten thousand years. He stuck them in a bright orange super bouncy ball and buried them deep under new york cities main dump landfill.

They were having a feast with all of the Egyptian deities, all of the Greek deities, the two mortals and the one faerie. The food was better than usual and probably better than they had made in milennia.
Now they knew how the nose fell off of the sphynx, and now they had a nice idea of where Loki and Scarab would stay for a very, VERY long time, hopefully until the year three thousand.
A garbage man walked through the New York dump--he saw an orange bouncy-ball with something swirling inside of it... "The stuff they sell to kids..." he said, throwing it.
The feast was over, and Ra stood up to make another speach. "I would like to announce that Scarab and Loki a condition that we would like for them to stay in forever!"
The cheers were enormous and when it calmed down, Ra began again, "I wish to re-welcome Anubis to our community!" The cheers were again huge. "And, as last words, from now on, Jareth and Jackal are our friends....throughout Eternity and Beyond!"

Anubis took both of them in his arms, gave them such a hug bones were being moved-and gave Jackal a kiss that should have been left to more private scenarios. They stayed to dance and sing, then left, back to they're apartment in new york city.
When they got home, Jareth ran to water his plants, Jackal plopped down on the couch, absolutely beat, and Anubis went to the kitchen to get food.
He popped a bunch of microwave and eat biscuits into the microwave,set it for ten minutes on high, and promplty filled the kitchen with smoke.

"Um, jackal, a little.... help!" Jackal ran in, unplugged the microwave, opened it, and let the smoke dissaparate.
Coughing, Jackal gave him a slightly humored look.Anubis grinned, and licked her across the face in true canine fashion.
Jackal pulled a Face "Anubis..." Anubis raised his hands in an innocent air, grinning "What?"