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Fun Crafts for the Magickally Inclined

Make Your Own Wiccan Vine Wreath!

Instructions: Cut lengths of vine after the leaves have fallen off. Soak them in a large bucket in plain water to make them pliable.
Thin branches will need a few hours, thicker branches longer. The test is to see if they bend easily without breaking.

Using the sturdier branches as a base, twist a few strands into a circle. Tie with fine wire, no thicker than a 20 gauge wire.
Then add as many layers as you desire using the thinner vines, anchoring them with wire as needed.
Using a terry cloth towel or something like it, wrap the cloth around your wreath until it's dry, then remove.
Attach herbs, flowers, Seed pods, etc. and decorate as desired.Makes a wonderful Samhain gift.