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Team Infidel

The Website of the Informed


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This website is dedicated to keeping the public informed about what it is that's going in the world. We also wish to do this in a bi-partisan format there will be 2 (possibly more if people wish to contribute) posters, one is Dr. BootyGrabber, a fierce conservative. and the other is E-Z-D, a devoted Liberal. both are noted columnists on the Official Kutas Website, and both are respected as world renown writers. There will be weekly updates for the Opinion section, and almost daily updates in the posts section. Dr. BootyGrabber and The Eazy D will be rocking your socks of all the time. and together they will be bringing the important news to you.

click for more info about EZD




Media Bias

Dr. BootyGrabber Opinions EZD Opinions

For Whom the Bell Tolls.


          There is a truth that I believe everyone can agree on, and that is that everyone, and I do mean EVERYONE has a certain Bias. Everyone is either on the left, or the right. Those people that claim to be independents usually fall on one side or the other, they simply reject the title or they have mixed beliefs.( they fall to the right on some issues, and to the left on the others.) 

          Most people have begun to mistrust the mainstream media. This is due largely to the extreme bias that they exhibit on a daily basis. CBS, NBC, and ABC all are devoted liberals. Now, I don't have a problem at all with liberals reporting the news, and putting their slant on things, but they should at least be able to state that they are putting a liberal slant on things. I think it is their inability to do this that has cost them so much in the ratings that their news programs. This is also apparent in the Cable News Wars. Fox News has now surpassed CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, CNN Headlines, CBS, and ABC. (they are gaining fast on NBC. This isn't because the people that report the news for Fox News are independents. It is because every host on their programs lets their bias be known in no uncertain terms.

          Looking at Fox News's Highest rated program, Hannity and Colmes, one can see why Fox News is able to get and hold the audience that they do. Hannity and Colmes is a debate based news program where they call a variety of guests, from all political stances, and then question them with a liberal, and conservative slant. Because of programs like this and hosts like this on Fox News, is the reason why Fox News is destroying every other news company that stands in their way. 

          Another major main stream media alternative that is growing at a rapid rate is Talk Radio. Talk radio was pioneered by none other than a personal role model of mine, Rush Limbaugh. It is because of Rush that the wheelings and dealings of crooked politicians becomes known to the rest of the country. Looking at Rush for the moment, his radio program is heard by more people in 3 hours a day than CNN, NBC, MSNBC, CBS, ABC, and CNBC combined. in addition to that, Rush's current contract has him making more than Rather, Koppel and Jennings, Combined. Clearly, the people have spoken, and people that are upfront about their political beliefs are destroying those that have hidden agenda's

 Stop Whining!
      Hello, my name is The Eazy D, not EZD, like Dr Bg likes to call me.  So please refer to me as that if you want to contact me, thank you.  Anyways, I am really looking forward to this site, and I see a ton of potential in it, I hope you really enjoy, offer feedback, and keep on visiting.  But hey, enough of my yackin' lets boogie!
       Over the years I have heard conservatives constantly whining about the "Liberal Media".  This is really pathetic.  Enough already!  Stop Whining!  This is all a bunch of crap.  If anything, Conservatives have a stranglehold on the media.  You probably think this is outrageous, but let me explain.
      Sure, maybe most of the major news stations, such as NBC, ABC, and CBS are a liberal bias.  But it is all very subtle information that might be considered as "Liberal".  You have to be pretty smart to actually look deep and figure it out. 
      On the other hand conservatives in the media are straight up radicals, and they don't keep it a secret.  Whenever I want, I can just tune into the am radio dial and find some conservative nut-bar, or just turn on Fox News channel.  Why cant I listen to any Liberal's on the radio?  That one Liberal radio network (I forgot the name, Air America maybe?) just started this spring and I would love to listen to Al Franken, but It is just in a few markets.  Conservatives have so much more power in persuading the masses.  Liberal Bias?  I don't think so.  
      Besides, its all about money.  Do you think the major media outlets are going to say any radical or anti-bush stuff?  No, because they will lose sponsors and all that good stuff.  I also have read that in Clintons first 18 months of office, the news stories were 62% negative, compared to a "fair and balanced" look at Bush I.  In fact when I look back at the Clinton years, all I remember hearing is the negative, why is everyone such a Clinton hater?  I sure hope the Conservatives can stop brainwashing everyone, and bitching about the "liberal media".  Maybe they can start doing some good for a change, I would like to see that.  I'm out.


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Dr. BootyGrabber Posts EZD Posts
Finally, the Proof that everyone needs! (posted 9/22/04)

Wow, amazing double standards (posted 9/22/04) 

Greedy Owners (posted 9/20/04)

Is Bush a socialist?  (posted 9/20/04)



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Parting Shots


Parting Shots

     "It is amazing to watch the destruction of CBS firsthand, the networks have been consistently losing views to alternative sources (read Fox News/Talk Radio/the explosion of Blogs) and I think this just shows there arrogance and contempt towards the American Public. Watch how this develops, I promise the truth will be forced out eventually.

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Homeland Security

(due to difficulties, date is undetermined.)

    "Don't Believe the Hype"


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