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Saturday, 19 November 2005
The attack against Black people by Semties has gone on for about four thousand years since the Hyksos invaded Egypt, ruled it for about 30 years and were driven out by Black Egyptian Pharaoh, Ahmose. The Semites were enslaved in Egypt after centuries of oppressing the Blacks of Egypt and forcibly mixing some of the population of the Northern part of Egypt.

After being enslaved for about 400 years, the Hyksos and other Semite tribes within them were freed and they entered Canaan, a land of Blacks including Moabites and others. There they fought with the Canaanites and took over the land. Some of the Canaanites intermarried with the Semites to create the Negroid/Semite mixed type of that region who were the original Jews.

The first defaming and propaganda attack against Blacks by the Semties comes directly from the Bible's Genesis where the myth that Noah 'cursed' Ham is thought to this very day to be a face. Yet, this is a great distortion and has been used for justifying every evil act committed against the Black race. Moreover, it was Canaan who was 'cursed,' by Noah and Canaan was also one of the founding fathers of the Semites who moved into the Levant from Central Arabia's desert regions in ancient times.

The myth of the curse being on Ham was created out of envy of the ancient Egyptians who rejected and retaliated against Semite racism and slavery when the Hyksos ruled Egypt. After the Semites were exiled to Assyria and later to Babylon (A History of Racism and Terrorism, Rebellion and Overcoming," pub. by also see 'Race and Religion,' by Dr. Frederic K. Price, Crenshaw Christian Center, Los Angeles, CA), they began to write in their religious books stories about the Great Flood and other myths and ancient tales that had existed before.

From this early period of about 1500 BC to 600 BC and down to this very day, the propaganda attack on Blacks by the Semites have continued. Not even the Germans who are said to have kept Jews in concentration camps are the victims of the type of racist propaganda and defaming of Black people through movies, rap music dominated by Eurosemites, books and movies like '..purple' and books like Freakinomics and The Ball Curve.

In the case of rap and hip-hop music, the powerful have used is as a means of using Black ghetto youth to do the dirty work. Hence, while they can use insulting terms like 'ni..r' and 'ho' to refer to Black people, not a single reference in a racist name will be tolerated when referring to the Semties or Caucasian.

The defamation of Blacks by the Semites for over three thousand years is not the only case in history where this racist scheme has been used. The invaders of ancient Black India also used the same trickery when these white Eurasian barbarians of the plains encountered a magnificient in India and tried to conquer it.

They began to refer to the Black Kings as 'Demons' or 'Rakshasas' and one only has to read the Mahabarata or other Indian mythology to get the hint of this period of about three to four thousand years ago, the same period that the Hyksos and Semites invaded Egypt and the roots of racism began both in India and Egypt (see also, "Susu Economics," pub by )

The propaganda attack against Blacks by the Semites has been going out of control in America since the days of Birth of a Nation. It was this type of racist propaganda that led to the racist mentality and demonic posession of anti-christ racism that permeated much of the South and the entire nation.

Today, in order to cover up the tricks of fooling White America and the rest of America for that matter, the Semite media dominators have pushed the attention on Black people while at the same time, Americans are being slaughtered in Iraq, billions of American dollars are going to support entities in the Middle East and America's money and economy are being sent overseas due to the policies of the money grabbers and those who believe that the American gentiles are foolish and are so racist that as long as they are constantly fed lies about Black people and others, they will keep their eyes off the tragedy that is occurring in the Middle East and the billions of their money, thousands of their jobas and much of their national wealth that is being sent overseas to places like China.

Ferpo Carr (Black German Holocaust) wrote in the Los Angeles Sentinal.

"The book Freakonomics has been a bestseller for months and at one time hogged the #1 spot for weeks. The authors are Steven D. Levitt, an economics teacher and Stephen J. Dubner, a bestselling author who writes for the New York Times newspaper and New Yorker magazine. Though not ascertained from its title, this book endorses pseudoscience in its alleged sociological study of Black people. In reality, it's a 'peak' by Whites into the inner workings-yes, the organizational aspects-of the Black underworld of drugs, crime, and violence in Chicago, hence by implication, Every Big City, USA."

He observes. "On a few occasions in this column I've referenced the book in several of my pieces, but never offered the long overdue critique it so deserves. It's called Freakonomics because the material is an amalgamaation of theme3s that, prima facie, have no relation to each other, like the chapter comparing school teachers with sumo wrestlers. As the book's jacket says, this is a 'freakish quality." And since co-author Steven D. Levitt is an economist, they combine 'freak' with 'economics' and come up with the neologism, 'freakonomics.'"

"With this chapter titles like "Why Do Drug Dealers Still Live With Their Moms?" "Where Have All The Criminals Gone?" and "Would a Roshanda by Any Other Name Smell as Sweet?" Black people are cast in a disturbingly offensive light. The titles irrepressibly invite critique."

"In the chapter "Why Do Drug Dealers Still Live With Their Mom? the author makes the 'freakish" organizational comparison to a Black Chicago gang (the 'Black Disciples")and McDonald's. "So how did the gang work?" asked the authors. "An awful lot like most American businesses, actually, though perhaps more like McDonald's. In fact, if you were to hold McDonald's organizational chart and a Black Disciples org chart side by side, you could hardly tell the difference." The data was acquired by an unverified "Gorillas in the Midst"-like adventure. (A male university student from India supposedly lived among Black gangsters in a Chicago housing project and, after gaining their trust, obtained an org chart)"

Ferpo Carr continues as he gets down to the core and psychotic reasons why the propaganda attack on Black people by the Semites is taking a very insulting and dangerous turn.

Carr's analysis and observations are important to the issue first discussed at the beginning of this page, he goes on. "As you peak into this infinitesimally small sliver of Black culture as presented by two Jewish men, do not be misled by their bias. The dynamics of the circumstances which they know all too little are so prodigious that space won't allow me to fully consider them here. I therefore submit: this critique, written by Jewish scholars who freely print the offensive word 'n---r' and 'n----rs' throughout. He apparently had no problem with this. Contrariwise, when he directed Schindler's List, we never heard the offensive words, "kike" or "hymie." It's difficult to imagine the Nazis avoiding the use of these or similar terms when they referenced the Jews. Something's wrong with this picture."

"Oh, by the way, the drug dealers who still lived with thier moms were low-level street dealers who had not yet budded into 'drug lords' as authors Levitt and Dubner labeled them. The higher-level gangsters did not live with their moms. The Chapter, like the book is abysmally anticlimatic."

Ferpo Carr continues his brilliant observation,"And though the authors don't single out for examination Black criminals only, thier motives are suspect when they place the chapter, "Where Have All the Criminals Gone?" right after "Why Do Drug Dealers Still Live With Their Mom?" Poor placement, at the very least. And though cogent arguments may be presented here and there in the book, the collective Black community hasn't given the authors permission to ask, "Would a Roshanda by Any Other Name smell as Sweet? No, I don't speak for Black America. But, I am a part of the Black Diaspora, and do reflect its psyche."

Dr. Ferpo Carr continues with a very thorough and enlightening point of view in the newspaper, The Los Angeles Sentinal (Opinion, Nov. 17 2005 "Black Freakonomics, White Peakonomics: The Tragedy").

"I'll be very pleased when a couple of Black scholars get together and write a book on their study of Jewish history and culture. I think it'll be a good way of showing a reciprocal appreciation for the keen interest in studying Blacks." (Dr. Carr should read, "A History of Racism and Terrorism, Rebellion and Overcoming," pub. by and "Susu and Susunomics: The Theory and Practice of Pan-African Economic, Racial and Cultural Self-Preservation," pub. by also see )

"So the lives of a minority of young Black males and females are paraded before America like lab rats to be studied, encouraging the further embrace of a distorted view of Black culture. Prejudices are reinforced, and fuel is provided for further justification of everything from racist White employees saying, "When we hung that 'Whites Only' sign, we were just having fun," to racist White cops saying, "When he moved suddenly, we thought he had a gun."

"White America, you can rest easy now. Levitt and Dubner just gave you further permission to get your 'freak' on. But, they aren't alone. The entire commentry on Blacks in America as generally written by White scholars-yes, the entire book; the whols corpus of material-hasall the earmarks of a Shakespearean tragedy. And sadly, it's a bestseller." (Originally written by Dr. Firpo Carr)

One thing is clear in regards to the continued propaganda attack by the Semites against Blacks so the real issues will be covered. That is that the world's people realize who dominates the world and its resources and they are not Black people, youth or even the wealthy. The world's gold and diamonds, raped out of Africa's soil at the cost of African lives are not dominated by the Africans who own the sources but by others.

Hence, the time has come for Black America to establish a movement for Black national independence so no group or system will have any power over Black America.

The move for total autonomy and Black rule is not new and Blacks have ruled themselves in a great kingdom in the US before Columbus (see "A History of the African-Olmecs: Black Civilizations of America from Prehistoric Times to the Present Era," published by AuthorHouse, 1663 Liberty Drive, Suite 200, Bloomington, Indiana 47403 USA).

White America who loves to be fed propaganda and hateful, insulting images of Blacks should ask themselves, will the Semites attack us when we refuse to be used by them? Anyone who remembers the ending of World War II in Germany will realize that the attackers turn on the very people who supported their atrocities.

Black America must be prepared and must respond and build a fortress around itself. In the war against a people, the propaganda war is the first to start. People like Limblow, Savarage, Connity, unCoolter, O'really, Imush and that ilk are all part of the Semite propaganda machine who continue to play propaganda tricks on the American people and the world in general.

However, the saying goes, "You can fool some of the people some of the time, you can fool some of the peope all of the time, but you can't fool all of the people all of the time." America must REJECT ALL RACIST PROPAGANDA AND TRICKS THAT USE BLACKS (AND OTHERS) TO COVER UP THE REAL TRICKSTERS.

Posted by empire2/susunomics at 1:17 AM PST
Updated: Saturday, 19 November 2005 1:26 AM PST
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