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** ^Minni me ^ **

PL: 1,127,000

Speed: 498

Forms: super namek

Personality: good


Records:0/0 (W/L)

Finisher: Special beamcannon lv.f

Items: Senzu beans(5), weighted clothes(+1000 in train/spar)

Zeni: $500

** Attacks **

* Chobakuretsumaha PD:1200(2400) AD:1500(3000) *

* Tsuihdan(Tri Beam) PD:600(1200) AD:1200(2400)(Cannot Dodge) *

* Ki Beam PD:300(600) AD:750(1500) *

* Solar Flare(Blinds opponents for 1 turn)PD:300(600) *

* Regenerate PD:10% AD:n/a (restores 25% of pl)(2x a battle) *

* Special beam cannon lv2 PD:600(1200) AD:1575(3150) *

* Zanzoken PD:300(600) AD:360(720)(dodges any move 1 a round) *

* Regenerate lv 2 PD:20% (heals 45% of pl, 2 times a battle) *

* Fusenko PD:1650(3300) (sends opponents attack back once a round) *

* Kamehameha lv3 PD:900(1800) AD:3000(6000) *

<BGSOUND SRC="God_Smack___Snake_Bite.mp3">