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Hello Once again. My name is Snake. It is not my real name however, just an alias. I will not give out my real name because i do not want people to know. Most of you should know anyways for this link has been given to you by me. Pictures have been added to the site. Just scroll to the bottom and look at my picture gallery. I am having difficulty doing so. If you're wondering why i even have an alias name, take a guess. Why do some people use online alias names? It should be easy for you to figure out.

The New target is confidential. Crunch and Acid only know about this operation. This operation must be finish and must be complete. Failing to do so will be very bad and could give out the other code names. This must be done soon (you know who you guys are). We will Enter the Matrix, lol, not really but you know exactly what i mean. Dont even bother asking who Crunch and Acid are by the way. I will tell you one word...No.

If you want my opinion, i think the saying on the last picture is absolutely true. Why? Because i couldn't just sit or stand around and watch someone get hurt or killed. You dont need to know why to save someone, you just do. I know if I were in that situation, i would help out whoever it was. You don't have a sufficent excuse to why you didn't help someone. If I was able to make a choice to help someone, you bet your ass i would.