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The Easiest Way for Slackers to Make Money Online

Hey...This is isnt gonna be long cause im a slacker like most of you. I dont take surveys or read e-mails to get paid online. All I do is run this program while I mess around on the internet. Every minute the program is running you get 1 point. 1000 points equals 1$. But the trick to getting some real money is signing other ppl(people) up. This is called "reffering". Pretty much you get paid for them being online too. And if they "reffer" ppl you get money for them being online too. This goes on for up to 8 ppl. But you can "reffer" as many ppl as you want. Once your "refferal" list gets bigger you'll start bringin in big bread. So once you get started and earn a few points, you should start reffering ppl (friends and family). After that, create a cheap web-site (like mine) with a link to your "Refferal Address" (you'll get this after registration). I would also suggest joining a program to get your website some traffic (there should be a link at the bottem of the page). Oh yea! I forgot to tell you the name of the program (im a lil high rite now), its called But please click the link below. This is so that I can use you a a "refferal". If the link dosent work just go to At the bottem of the sign-up page it will ask who reffered you, put in "awilliams121212". Please do this! If not your account will be deleted. You can go to to get a free web-site. If you want you can copy everything from this site (to make things faster). Make sure to read the refferal tips at If you have any questions the answers can be found at their web-site also.


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