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Electricity n. 1. a property of matter that causes bodies to attract or repel each other and is responsible for such phenomena as lightning. 2. Electrical current as a power source. 3. Emotional excitement or tension.

word history: the effects of electricity have been observed since ancient times, when it was noticed that amber when rubbed attracts small bits of straw and wood. When this electromagnetic effect was first examined in the 17th century the words electric and electricity were coined from the greek "elektron",(amber)

Electroencephalogram n. An instrument for recording the electrical activity of the brain.

Ziggy Stardust: The Motion Picture I'm too sexy for shirt; so Sexxy it hurts
Wright Brothers Aeroplane Company and Museum of Pioneer aviation
Sticks and stones.....
Aviation Museum: North Carolina ANG
Charles Lindbergh FBI files
"The last words of Lee Harvey Oswald" Mae Brussell
Falken's Maze: a fun "unrelated" thing " a simple parlor trick, done with the help of two friends, that can fool your brain into thinking your nose is three feet to the right

maxim Online: Home of the W "Stand proud,boys; here's proof that when it comes to sex, nobody delivers like the American Man"
US Air Force Museum
a War Games: the Movie review
Movies that begin with W
Project Xanadu: another fun "unrelated" thing
Ted Nelson and Xanadu
"Who is John Galt?" t shirt at freeworldtrading
Neanderthal Fiction
John F. Kennedy Space Center June 21: a baby manatee enjoys the good life at the mouth of the Banana Creek at Kennedy Space Center
The Countdown Page
Pooh goes Apeshit
"The Eight" Contest "a big, rich two tiered confection of a novel....a rousing,amusing game"    The San Francisco Chronicle
Bobby Fischer: Live Radio Interviews "Which one is you?"
"What do you mean? They're just pieces"  excerp 'searching for bobby fischer' the movie

Nova Online: Secrets of Easter Island Mega Monoliths
Apollo Movie Guide's Review of "Against all Odds
CIN 3 MA-permanent Waves-Internet Radio station for Film
Genesis: Search for origins/JPL/NASA
Moog Taurus pedal 205A: Audio Playground Synthesizer Museum
Roller Spit
The Loser Lounge Link
Meter in Music
Death of a Salesman:The Village VOice
"Jukebox Hero" Independant Music Network TV: Paul Kelly
Quelle Horrible!
Hear Police calls, Music at the same time
The Fisher King


wall street journal online
village voice online

national institute of mental health
Center for Disease Control
US Census Bureau
republican national committee
demographics and census data


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