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The Nameless Website

Since May 2003

As the world turns... so slowly that I want to dig my brain out with a dull spoon.

July 10, 2003

I think I'm getting a little bit bad about updating. I mean, my last update was about june 20... that seems so long ago now. This summer has got to be the slowest thing I have ever seen. It doesnt want to ever move along. The days pass like weeks. You would think, hey! this summer is never gonna end, meaning I dont have to go back to school... ever. But this isnt my mind set any more. I only have one more year of public school bs to put up with, It might as well get over with asap.

Oh, and my very last marching band season is sorta underway. The first practice already has occured and we will be playing a selection called "Slaughter on Tenth Ave." but the show will be called "On Tenth Ave." I shall explain why. Apparently the word "slaughter" is too... sensitive shall we say, of a word to have in the title, so it was stricken from the title entirely. But come on, its not like it's "Hate Crime on Tenth Ave." or "Ethnic Clensing on Tenth Ave." or "Satanic Ritualistic Killing on Tenth Ave."its simply slaughter. I mean, what if it was talking about a meat packing plant or somthing, where they slaughter pigs or cows or somthing. The point of my rant being... Sensorship is retarded. And I say, if the word "slaughter" offends you, then just go fuck yourself or somthing more constructive than being offended at somthing as stupid as the word "slaughter". ***rant done***

That's about it for now

Muy Bien, Gracias.

Oh yeah, I'm currently in the process of expanding the site, so be prepared for... The Nameless Website v2.0!**un-expectedly delayed for a long long long time**

My web links and stuff that you should see because I said so.

When farming fish, beware of Aliens
Ich bin ein Berliner!
Be the pimp!

Email me... NOW! ok? It's all I ask:

updated: July 10, 2003