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Shanghai Photos

Gallery 1

<Birdview of the city>

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(Photos were taken during Oct 2 and Oct 5, 2002. Due to time factor, I can only take so many photos this time, leaving many other places of Shanghai untouched. Current number of images: 200+. Later on I will add more and better-shot photos on this site, and of course, divide the site into more pages if more photos come up)


******* 1--10 *******

LuJiaZui, Pudong veiwing from DongFang Rd.

High rises in LuJiaZui,viewing from DongFang Rd.

Looking at the south of LuJiaZui, JinMao Tower is right there in the back.

Looking from JinAn District at HuangPu District and LuJiaZui, Pudong.

North west of HuangPu District viewing from JinAn District.

Looking at the Border of HuangPu District and HonKou District, far away is LuJiaZui

South west side of HonKou District, with Oriental Tower seen behind the high-rises.

HuangPu District and west of LuJiaZui at night.

South of HuangPu District with all the skyscrapers rising high. Nearby is the People's Square.

Skyscrapers in HuangPu District viewing from LuWan District.


******* 11--20 *******

Skyscrapers in HuangPu District looking from LuWan District.

Skyscrapers in HuangPu District viewing from LuWan District.

Skyscrapers in South part of JinAn District.

Skyscrapers in South part of JinAn District.

Skyscrapers in North side of LuWan District with JinAn District far away in the back.

Skyscrapers in JinAn District and North part of LuWan District.

Looking in LuWan District at the border of JinAn and HuangPu Distict, facing north.

High rises in HuangPu district.

High rises in NanShi District viewing from LuWan District.

Skyscrapers in NanShi District viewing from LuWan District.


******* 21--30 *******

High rises in NanShi District, JinMao Tower is in the background.

High rises in NanShi District and LujiaZui, Oriental Tower is in the Left.

High rises in HuangPu District.

South west side of JinAn District, YanAnZhong Viaduct is down there.

West part of JinAn District.

High rises in west part of JinAn District.

High rises in west part of JinAn District.

High rises in north west part of JinAn District.

High rises in north west part of JinAn District.


******* 31--40 *******

High rises in South east part of PuTuo District.

High rises in east part of PuTuo District.

Extensive view of PuTuo District with countless high rises visible.

West part of JinAn District. Are they New Yorking or something?

West part of JinAn District. Are they nuts?

I think it's near the border of JinAn District and ChangNing District.

Near the border of JinAn District and ChangNing District.

High Rises in North of JinAn District.

High rises in north of JinAn District.

High rises in north of JinAn District.


******* 41--50 *******

Skyscrapers in HonQiao Developing zone, ChangNing District.

Skyscrapers in ChangNing District.

Skyscrapers in ChangNing District.

In ChangNing District. Building in the left is ChangNing Exibition Center.

In JinAn District. That blue building is Plaza 66.

In JinAn District.

Viewing from JinAn District towards South east with countless high rises of NanShi District in the back.

Looking south from JinAn District, you can see hundreds of high rises of LuWan District far away in the back.

In JinAn District.

Viewing north of JinAn District.

Viewing north west of JinAn District and south east of PuTuo District.

Skyscrapers in HuaMu, Pudong.


******* 51--60 *******

Skyscrapers in HuaMu, Pudong.

ShiJi Avenue near HuaMu Railway Station.

Near HuaMu, Pudong.

Near HuaMu.

Near HuaMu.

Near HuaMu.

High rises in XuHui District viewing from XuHui District.

High rises in XuHui District viewing from the same District.

Hundreds of high rises in XuHui District.

Hundreds of high rises in east part of XuHui and West Part of LuWan District.


******* 61--70 *******

Hundreds of high rises in east part of XuHui and West Part of LuWan District.

Viewing from south part of XuHui District at XuJiaHui--the heart of XuHui District.

High rises in south of XuHui District.

High rises in XuHui District.

High rises in XuHui District.

Viewing from LuWan District facing west in the direction of XuHui District.You can see waves of buildings in east part of XuHui District far away.

High rises in south of HuangPu District and north of LuWan district viewing from LuWan District.

High rises in south of HuangPu District and north of LuWan district viewing from LuWan District.

High rises in South of PuTuo District.

High rises in South of PuTuo District.


******* 71--80 *******

Skyscrapers at the heart of XuHui District viewing from the same District.

In XuHui District.

In XuHui District.

High rises in JinAn District.

High rises in ZhaPei District with hundreds in a distance.

In ZhaPei District near the old Shanghai Railway Station.

Residential area in ChangNing District.

Residential area in ChangNing District.

In XuHui District.

In ZhaPei District near the old Railway Station.


******* 81--90 *******

In YanPu District.

Somewhere in YanPu District.

In NanShi District with countless of high rises of Pudong far away in the left. You can also see NanPu Bridge in the right corner.

Residential area in NanShi District.

Residential area in NanShi District.

Office buildings in JinAn District.

High rises in JinAn District.

In JinAn District where JinAn Temple is nearby.

Near the border of JinAn and ZhaPei District.

In JinAn District.


******* 91--100 *******

Near People's Square.

Viewing from HuangPu District toward Pudong Side. Down there is a part of YanAn Green Belt.

Residential area in JinAn District.

Near HonQiao Developing zone, ChangNing District. It's a public park there.

Near HonQiao Developing zone, ChangNing District.

High rises in PuTuo District.

Residential area in PuTuo District.

Residential area in PuTuo District.

Residential area in JinAn District.

Viewing YanPu District from ZhaPei District. With Hundreds of high-rises very far away.


******* 101--110 *******

Looking from JinAn District facing east at south of HuangPu District and West side of LujiaZui, Pudong.

Looking from JinAn District at south part of HuangPu District and West side of LujiaZui, Pudong.

Residential area in BaoShan District.

Residential area in BaoShan District.

Office buildings somewhere in Pudong.

Office buildings somewhere in Pudong.

High rises somewhere in PuTuo District.

High rises somewhere in PuTuo District.

High rises in XuHui District.

High rises of XuHui District.


******* 111--120 *******

Old Residential area, isn't that a Cathedral down there in the middle?

A public Park in XuHui District.

Viaducts are everywhere in town! Shot in ChangNing District.

Viaduct in ChangNing District.

Residential area in BaoShan District.

In ChangNing District.

In ChangNing District. Numerous high rises in the back.

DongFang Radio Station in the outskirts of ChangNing District.

Road in residential area somewhere in Changning District.

Residential area somewhere in XuHui District.


******* 121--130 *******

Residential area somewhere in ChangNing District.

Road in residential area somewhere in ChangNing District.

Road in residential area somewhere in BaoShan District.

Bossini and Sparkle

Night in XuHui District.

GangHui Shopping Center in the left while TaiPingYang Shopping Center in the right. (in XuHui District)

Night ads shot in LuWan District.

At the cross of HuaiHai Rd and Maoming Rd.

Night ads in LuWan District.

Walking along HuaiHai Rd.


******* 131--140 *******

Red Earth?


One of thousands of fasion stores in LuWan and JinAn districts.

Sidewalk at night.

A&D, I heard about it.

One of several thousand stores in LuWan and JinAn districts.

One of hundreds of Shopping Centers in several downtown and midtown districts.


At a food store.


******* 141--150 *******

At a security bureau. Is this what they call it? (Shanghai is said to be the safest megacity in the world)

A small sidewalk in LuWan District.

Night road in LuWan District.

'outside' a shopping mall.(cannot take camera 'inside' shopping malls)

'outside' a shopping mall. (cannot talk camera 'inside' shopping malls)

Commercial ads on HeNanZhong St.

In NanJingDong Rd.

In NanJingDong Rd.

The nearest is Shanghai Book Store JinAn Branch.

HuaLian Department Store. One of hundreds of huge sized department stores just like Macy in New York or anywhere else!


******* 151--160 *******


Horse in the sky.

Friendship Department Store.

Shanghai Landmark Shopping Center.

Sendnc*? It's another shopping center!

Metersbonwe? never heard of it!

Pizza Hut and other good things to eat.

A square in NanJingDong Rd.

Buildings around.

Countless ads and countless people.


******* 161--170 *******

Shanghai Travelling Goods Building.

Another department store.

A silk store and Itokin.



HuaQia Department Store on the other side of the road.

Office buildings and hotels in HuangPu District.

Office buildings and hotels in HuangPu District.

NanJingDong Rd.

Another HuaLian Store.


******* 171--180 *******

Shanghai Fashion ******? Must be for clothing, wearing stuff or something.

BaoDaXiang Shopping Center for Children.

BaoDaXiang Shopping Center for Children.

NanXinYa Hotel. Just like hundreds of other various kinds of big hotels out there on the streets.

At a food store.

Stores selling anything that you can possibly imagine.

'Nothing you can't get in Shanghai' ---usually at a good price. Some goods are way cheaper than the same in the west.



Outside a Department Store.


******* 181--190 *******

A lot of ads with a lot of people.

Department Stores in HuangPu District.

In HuangPu District.

Outside of a department store.

So many people window shopping.

On a pedestrian bridge near People's Square.

Hotels in HuangPu District.

AT XingShiJie Shopping Center.

Streets getting crowded.

Outside a hotel in HuangPu district. Countless hotels in Shanghai, even surpassing New York??


******* 191--200 *******

Hotels and office buildings in HuangPu District.

At a road cross.



Sidewalk in HuangPu District.

Sidewalk of HUangPu District.

European style buildings can be found very often with statues on the wall in Shanghai.

The Final Showdown--Tennis! Masters Cup to be held in Shanghai.

Huge video screen on the wall.

Midtown road.


******* 201--210 *******

Bobu? --A shoe store somewhere in JinAn District.

Right there in the front is a children's book store.


Is KFC dumping junk food in China?

MoShiDa Shopping Center.


Dragon Studio.

Blue Navy? Which fleet did they belong to -)

MeiLongZhen Department Store. Could beat the Macy even. Nothing you can't buy here.

At a bakery in JinAn District.


******* 211--220 *******

On FenXian Rd in JinAn District.

Roadcross at RuiJinEr Rd and ?

A sea food restraunt over there in LuWan District.

A fashion store in LuWan District.


Sharp--Be Sharp.

Buses on streets of LuWan District.

Over there is a store selling women's stuff.

TaiPingYang Department Store.




******* 221--230 *******

Saibo Digital world.

A Shopping Center in LuWan District.

Sidewalks at dusk.

Too many stores. I was exausted to walk!

Another Shopping Center.

Could beat NY. Wondering how many people re actually able to afford things in the store

Sidewalk in downtown at dusk.

Night soon to come!

QingHua Digital Center and Bank Of Communictions.

Office buildings in HuangPu District.


******* 231--240 *******


Night shoppers

A road in LuWan District.

There are plenty of pedestrian bridges in Shanghai, this is just one of them.

At a bus station.

Haagen-Dazs. Love it.

Sidewalk in downtown at night.

National Flags.

At a book store.

At a book store.


******* 241+ *******


One of several hundred Shopping malls located everywhere in the city. Many goods sold in those shopping malls are way cheaper than places like fashion stores of course. These are often huge in size, where you can buy almost anything you can think of, just like in the US.

Statium of Shanghai University(SHU), BaoShan Branch.

Inside Shanghai University, BaoShan Branch.

Inside Shanghai University, BaoShan Branch.

No idea what they do with that architecture, perhaps another Statium? Shot in Shanghai University, BaoShan Branch.

In Shanghai University, BaoShan Branch.

Chemistry Lab 1 of Shanghai University, BaoShan Branch.

In Shanghai University, BaoShan Branch.

Fine Art Building of Shanghai University, BaoShan Branch.


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Site created and updated by JJ. All photos in this gallery belong to JJ@ShanghaiPhotos.

If you have any suggestion or require higher quality images, please contact me via Email:


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