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The scene opens outside the Rated X mansion, the camera pans around, you see fountains, fantsey cars, and you can see through the window, a topless maid dusting the furniture, as the camera continues to pan around the yard, you see a few men doing some work to the garden of roses which are around the mansion. You can see the pool from afar, as the camera gets closer to the pool, you notice two topless girls swimming in the pool, as the camera circles the pool, you see Tommy lying face down next to the pool, trying to catch some sun, as he hears the cameraman approach the pool, he immeadiately gets up in a setting position and smiles for the camera......

Tommy: Well, well, well. Look who we have here, The CWC. Girls, take 20, go get yourselves some drinks and bring me one.

The two girls get out of the pool, they both grab a towel and wipe off, they then throw the towel down as Tommy smirks, they walk by him, both blowing him a kiss. Tommy then directs his attention to the cameraman.....

Tommy: Whoa cameraman, control yourself, your going to poke someone's eye out with that thing, haven't you ever seen a naked girl before....

The cameraman in embarassement, sets the camera on a tripod and hurries into the restroom to try and take care of his problem, Tommy looks into the camera once again with a smile on his face....

Tommy: I've been in this business for quite sometime and I've impacted many wrestling feds, and for some reason on Friday, I think I might have gotten an old feeling back in this body, a feeling that say " I'm Back". I've been out of the business for about a year now, thought I'd never go back to it, but then I looked into the mirror one day a couple months ago and said, I'm still the best, no one ever beat me out of wrestling, so what the hell am I doing here at home? Well I said to myself, "It's time to get back into the ring and start taking names again", and low and behold, what did I do? I took my first name, Jimicho McMillion. The sound of your face hitting that chair was almost unbearable to watch, the blood that came out of your forehead, that was almost as rediculous as the outfit you had on, where in gods name do you shop? I almost put my Edmonds Jersey on you, because I felt sorry for you.

About that time, the cameraman walks out of the restroom, sweat now coming from his brow, he picks the camera back up and goes to work again...

Tommy: Geez, looks like you worked up a bit of a sweat in there, I see you took care of your problem. But anyways, Friday night was a start of something special and spectacular all in one. Friday night when Kevin and I interferred in that match, it was the beginning of a dynasty, a dynasty that is going to take over the CWC world, a dynasty that will cause each and every wrestler on the CWC roster to bleed, and I just happened to start with you Jimicho, because I felt that you were someone that I could work my ringrust off of, someone that I could take it easy with and still get myself ready for the rest of the roster, not to mention I like splitting heads open.

One of the girls comes out with a drink in her hand, she hands the drink to Tommy and walks back inside, he takes a sip and sets the drink down....

Tommy: Nothing like a good long island to get your day going. You know though, Rated X isn't a two man stable, it expands, it expands to the rest of the roster, I've been watching over the fed for quite sometime, and I've seen the ones that have potential and I see the ones that don't, I'm keeping an eye out for certain wrestlers, and you'll know who you are in due time. Obviously, Jimicho didn't cut the mustard, and Cruz, well you didn't get the job done either, and both of you are going to pay the Rated X price. People don't understand what it takes to get to the top of a wrestling fed like the CWC, alot of people depend on hard work and determination and don't get me wrong that helps, but it's who you know that gets you to the top. You got to have connections, and I can gaurentee that Rated X are going to have a few connections and will be to the top in no time. With a little bit of luck, a few wins here and there, and a few beatings here and there, Rated X will stand tall at the top of the CWC Ladder, and there's no one that can stop us.

About that time, Tommy's cell phone rings.....

Tommy: Yeah?

Kevin: Tommy, it's Kevin, I just heard that were wrestling this Friday night, you got Jimicho and I got Cruz, management must have wanted us to beat up on some jobbers for our first match, awfully nice of them.

Tommy: Well, I tell you what, jobbers of no jobbers, I want to make sure we show the rest of the roster that we mean business, I want to punk these two guys out and then we'll do what we have to do later on. Let's get these two punks out of the way and then we celebrate.

Kevin: Sounds like a plan, Mr.Cruz seems to think he and his split personality is going to take me out, seems to think what we did was shitty and not good?

Tommy: Sounds like a cry baby to me, guess we'll just have to change his diaper for him huh?

Kevin: Sounds like it. You know that guy you were talking about to possibly be the third member of Rated X?

Tommy: Yeah, what about him?

Kevin: I think we should do something special for him this Friday, you know, maybe throw him a party or something, make him feel welcome.

Tommy: We'll see, I'm still not sure about him, he might be a slouch on a role, you never know, let's see what he's made of this Friday night. This mansion and these parties are for members only, and you have to be a real bad ass to get a membership from me. These girls don't strip for just anyone. Kevin, I'm going to let you go, I'm doing my first CWC interview right now, so I'll call you back later.

Kevin: Alright, later.

Tommy shuts the phone off and looks back up at the camera...

Tommy: You know, I really hate to send you on your way, but I got alot of girls, I mean things to do around here, and well you know how that is, or maybe you don't. By the looks on your face when you got here, I doub't you do. Jimicho, there's a big diffence between you and I, except that your a slouch with no talent, your also very poorly dressed, I'm going to take my doc martin boot and stick straight up your ass this friday, and I'm going to make sure that you and the rest of the roster knows exactly what I'm made of.