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There is a Fine Line Between Genius and Insanity
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March 28, 2003

So far, I have news of the various papers/projects that I am involved in, and the breakdown is as follows: I have a mythology paper due in two weeks, a presentation concerning a biography of Albert Einstein due on Monday, a compare/contrast paper of two cities due in a week (I think), and two Shakespearian plays to read by Monday. It's a whole hell of a lot. if you want to know anything else, feel free to visit HREF="">my deadjournal, and see for yourself. Thank you.

*NOTE: All images on this site belong to other sites, other than the background image on this page.*

Most of the things on this site don't work; it's a work in progress. I know that sites shouldn't be up until they have all of their bugs worked out, but, I am a very busy man, so..........just know that I'm working on this. My apologies.

*Note: Any of the works presented on this site cannot be altered or reproduced without expressed written consent of me, the author. Email me regarding this or you will be charged*