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Columbus - Columbus Class Deep Space Mobile Starport

Designed by: Admiral Savage
10,000,000-ton Hull (Sphere) - Partially Streamlined
AC: 9 (-1 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 6 (TL-14)   SI: 1900   Initiative: 1
Starship Size: Colossal   Cost: 4,004,731.8 MCr (5,005,914.75 MCr without discount)
Model/9 Fib (PP: 65/14) Computer   Avionics: Less than 1,000,000-ton   Sensors: 2 Parsecs (passive survey)   Communications: Extreme Range (Maser, Meson)
Cargo: 1,640,325.0-tons   Extra Ship's Stores: 100,000 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 1,000,000 person/weeks of Standard Stores, 1,000,000 person/weeks of Low Stores
Annual Maintenance = 400,473.18 KCr (200,236.59 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 100,118.295 KCr/Month (1,001,182.95 KCr per year)
Jump-6 (enough fuel for 0.5x Jump-6)
Acceleration: 1-G   Agility: 1
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion (10,000 EP output, enough fuel for 52 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-15, 5hrs per 2,000,000 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds:   NOE = 875kph   Cruising = 2,625kph   Maximum = 3,500kph
Active Defenses:
Nuclear Dampers USP:9
Meson Screens USP:9
Black Globe Generator USP:4 (300000 EP in Jump Drive capacitors and 1,260,000 EP can be stored in extra capacitors)
Hardpoints: 5000
1000x Triple Pulse Laser Turret TL-15, +4 To Hit, 4d10 (19/x2), Range: 45,000km
200x Double Popup Fusion Gun Turret TL-12, +5 To Hit, 5d20 (16/x5), Range: 4,500km
200x Triple Sandcaster Turret TL-15, +3 AC, Ammo: 200000 sand canisters
100x 50-ton Missile Bay TL-15, +9 To Hit, 9d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km
100x 50-ton Nuclear Missile Bay TL-15, +9 To Hit, 9d6 (17/x2), Range: 90,000km
100x 50-ton Fusion Gun Bay TL-15, +9 To Hit, 9d20 (16/x5), Range: 15,000km
Particle Accelerator Spinal Mount: TL-15, +17 To Hit, 16d12 (17/x1), Range: 105,000km
Ship's Vehicles:
50x 8-ton vehicle hangar
100x 15-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
50x 1000-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
10x 100-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
5x 10000-ton large craft (External Dock - Streamlined)
10x 50000-ton large craft (External Dock - Streamlined)
29x 100000-ton large craft (External Dock - Streamlined)
50x maintenance shops (1,000 Mechanics)
4x 15-ton launch tubes
Launch facilities for 1001 Craft per turn
Accomodations & Fittings:
60000x Double Occupancy Stateroom (120,000 People)
2000000x Low Berth (2,000,000 People)
50000x Emergency Low Berth (200,000 People)
5000x Standalone Fresher
2000x Engineering Shop (40000 Engineers)
1000x Laboratory (2000 Scientists)
1000x Sickbay (2000 Patients)
1000x Autodoc
51x Airlocks
Crew Details:
8x Command Officers, 10000x Command Crew
2x Flight Officers, 511x Flight Crew
2x Gunnery Officers, 2,241x Gunnery Crew
3x Engineering Officers, 12,347x Engineering Crew
5x Medical Officers, 528x Medical Crew
1666x Ship's Troops Officers, 60,000x Ship's Troops
138x Marine Officers, 5,000x Marines
22,000x Service Crew
Deep Space Mobile Starports are designed as a colony vessel, mobile base and class A starport.   These vessels have the ability to carry 100 15 ton fighters, 50 vessels up to 1000t, 5 vessels up to 10000 tons, 10 100t scout class ships,  2 50000t Exploration class ship, 6 50000t warships, 24 100,000t Mobile Colony Ships and 4 100000t refueling/cargo ships.  The ship plays host to 2 million colonists in stasis chambers.  A columbus class vessel can use open ship docks for the construction of additional vessels. Th DSMS carries 1 year of power plant fuel and extensive cargo room. She also carries 110% crew for easier work schedules, 2000 naval engineers, 1000 scientists, and 2540 passengers.
A SDMS is an extremely expensive vessel. For this reason the ship has numerous defenses and hosts 2 exploration ships.  The scouts and exploration vessels look for the best routes while the DSMS sets up a colony base.  The concept is that the ship could deposit all of the colonies on 1 planet or as low as 2 per planet.  Refueling/ cargo ships could ferry supplies/passengers to the surface while the portable "Shake and Bake" colony is landed.

New World - New World Class Colony Lander

Designed by: Admiral Savage
100,000-ton Hull (Flattened Sphere) - Streamlined
AC: 10 (4 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 4 (TL-14)   SI: 750   Initiative: 0
Starship Size: Gargantuan   Cost: 28,092.235 MCr (35,115.294 MCr without discount)
Model/9 Fib (PP: 65/14) Computer   Avionics: Less than 1,000,000-ton   Sensors: 2 Parsecs (passive survey)   Communications: Extreme Range (Maser, Meson)
Cargo: 2,726.25-tons   Extra Ship's Stores: 1,500 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 300,000 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 2,809.224 KCr (1,404.612 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 702.306 KCr/Month (7,023.059 KCr per year)
Jump-0 (enough fuel for )
Acceleration: 1-G   Agility: 0
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion (4,000 EP output, enough fuel for 2 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-15, 5hrs per 10,000 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds:   NOE = 875kph   Cruising = 2,625kph   Maximum = 3,500kph
Active Defenses:
Nuclear Dampers USP:9
Meson Screens USP:9
Hardpoints: 50
50x Triple Pulse Laser Turret TL-7, +3 To Hit, 3d10 (19/x2), Range: 45,000km
5x 50-ton Missile Bay TL-12, +8 To Hit, 8d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km
1x 50-ton Nuclear Missile Bay TL-12, +8 To Hit, 8d6 (17/x2), Range: 90,000km
Meson Gun Spinal Mount: TL-14, +17 To Hit, 16d20 (15/x10), Range: 75,000km
Ship's Vehicles:
200x 8-ton vehicle hangar
26x 15-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
5x 100-ton large craft (Internal Hangar)
50x maintenance shops (1,000 Mechanics)
Launch facilities for 11 Craft per turn
Accomodations & Fittings:
18000x Double Occupancy Stateroom (36,000 People)
500x Standalone Fresher
100x Engineering Shop (2000 Engineers)
100x Laboratory (200 Scientists)
100x Sickbay (200 Patients)
50x Autodoc
7x Airlocks
Crew Details:
7x Command Officers, 100x Command Crew
1x Flight Officers, 128x Flight Crew
1x Gunnery Officers, 88x Gunnery Crew
2x Engineering Officers, 36x Engineering Crew
1x Medical Officers, 160x Medical Crew
16x Ship's Troops Officers, 600x Ship's Troops
200x Service Crew
The Colony Lander is designed for a delivery by a jump vessel. The lander leaves the vessel and enters the atmosphere horizontally above the intended landing site.  It is intended that scouting parties would've already determined a suitable location with plenty of water for the power plant processing.  Extension hoses and basic colony construction materials and tools are placed in to the cargo hold or delivered by other vessels.   The CL is a flattened sphere with a transparent domed top. A spinal mount is mounted in the center of the dome. All, sensors and vehicle bays are also accessible from the top.
 The CL can use empty bays to construct additional vehicles and has the ability to construct 100t starships or smaller. It is also capable of constructing buildings, utilities, and basic colony infrastructure for 35,000 colonists.  More can be supported if the colonists have additional residences.   The Colony Lander can lift off and re-land as necessary, should the original landing site have unforseen problems. Although, it is not intended for excessive mobility.  The colony has adequate power supply for sometime by not using the manuever drive system and weapons. 

Frontier - Frontier Class Deep Space Exploration Ship

Designed by: Admiral Savage
50,000-ton Hull (Needle/Wedge) - Streamlined (airframe)
AC: 10 (11 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 1 (TL-14)   SI: 600   Initiative: 1
Starship Size: Huge   Cost: 25,879.216 MCr (32,349.02 MCr without discount)
Model/9 Fib (PP: 65/14) Computer   Avionics: Less than 1,000,000-ton   Sensors: 2 Parsecs (passive survey)   Communications: Extreme Range (Maser, Meson)
Cargo: 391.1-tons   Extra Ship's Stores: 1,000 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 10,000 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 2,587.922 KCr (1,293.961 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 646.98 KCr/Month (6,469.804 KCr per year)
Jump-6 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-6)
Acceleration: 1-G   Agility: 1
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion (4,000 EP output, enough fuel for 8 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-13, 7hrs per 40,000 tons of fuel)
Active Defenses:
Nuclear Dampers USP:3
Meson Screens USP:3
Black Globe Generator USP:2 (1500 EP in Jump Drive capacitors and 100 EP can be stored in extra capacitors)
Hardpoints: 75
25x Triple Beam Laser Turret TL-7, +3 To Hit, 3d8 (20/x1), Range: 30,000km
24x Double Fusion Gun Turret TL-12, +4 To Hit, 4d20 (16/x5), Range: 4,500km
24x Double Sandcaster Turret TL-7, +1 AC, Ammo: 0 sand canisters
4x 100-ton Missile Bay TL-12, +9 To Hit, 9d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km
Ship's Vehicles:
4x 8-ton vehicle hangar
2x 50-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
2x 400-ton large craft (External Dock - Unstreamlined)
Launch facilities for 6 Craft per turn
Accomodations & Fittings:
315x Double Occupancy Stateroom (630 People)
165x Emergency Low Berth (660 People)
20x Standalone Fresher
5x Engineering Shop (100 Engineers)
20x Laboratory (40 Scientists)
10x Sickbay (20 Patients)
10x Autodoc
3x Airlocks
Crew Details:
7x Command Officers, 55x Command Crew
1x Flight Officers, 10x Flight Crew
1x Gunnery Officers, 103x Gunnery Crew
2x Engineering Officers, 73x Engineering Crew
1x Medical Officers, 4x Medical Crew
2x Ship's Troops Officers, 100x Ship's Troops
110x Service Crew
The Deep Space Exploration Vessels are intended for peaceful exploration. Weapon systems are designed for a defensive roll fire while running roll and a reduced ship troop compliment assuming that the vessel is to avoid confrontations. The ship carries 100 engineers, 40 scientists and 10-20 passengers.   There are ships and vehicles for planetary surveys. Only the captain has a private stateroom and there is a 110% ships compliment to provide an easier work schedule.  All ships troops are also trained in damage control.

Texas - Texas Class Fuel-Cargo Lander

Designed by: Admiral Savage
100,000-ton Hull (Flattened Sphere) - Streamlined (airframe)
AC: 11 (5 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 4 (TL-14)   SI: 750   Initiative: 1
Starship Size: Gargantuan   Cost: 21,930.926 MCr (27,413.658 MCr without discount)
Model/9 Fib (PP: 65/14) Computer   Avionics: Less than 1,000,000-ton   Sensors: 2 Parsecs (passive survey)   Communications: Extreme Range (Maser, Meson)
Cargo: 72,202.25-tons   Extra Ship's Stores: 1,500 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 300,000 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 2,193.093 KCr (1,096.546 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 548.273 KCr/Month (5,482.732 KCr per year)
Jump-0 (enough fuel for )
Acceleration: 1-G   Agility: 1
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion (4,000 EP output, enough fuel for 2 weeks)
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-15, 5hrs per 10,000 tons of fuel)
Active Defenses:
Nuclear Dampers USP:9
Meson Screens USP:9
Hardpoints: 50
50x Triple Pulse Laser Turret TL-7, +3 To Hit, 3d10 (19/x2), Range: 45,000km
5x 50-ton Missile Bay TL-12, +8 To Hit, 8d6 (18/x1), Range: 90,000km
1x 50-ton Nuclear Missile Bay TL-12, +8 To Hit, 8d6 (17/x2), Range: 90,000km
Meson Gun Spinal Mount: TL-14, +17 To Hit, 16d20 (15/x10), Range: 75,000km
Ship's Vehicles:
2x 15-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
1x 1000-ton large craft (External Dock - Unstreamlined)
1x 1000-ton large craft (External Dock - Unstreamlined)
Launch facilities for 11 Craft per turn
Accomodations & Fittings:
500x Standalone Fresher
100x Engineering Shop (2000 Engineers)
100x Laboratory (200 Scientists)
100x Sickbay (200 Patients)
50x Autodoc
7x Airlocks
Crew Details:
7x Command Officers, 100x Command Crew
1x Flight Officers, 128x Flight Crew
1x Gunnery Officers, 88x Gunnery Crew
2x Engineering Officers, 36x Engineering Crew
1x Medical Officers, 160x Medical Crew
200x Service Crew
The Refueling-Cargo Lander can provide fuel to the fleet or mothership, deposit colonists,  cargo or troops to the surface.  It is intended as a support vessel but and does not use a transparent upper body.  These ships are named for fuel based regions of worlds.