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Brinn Nest class Cruiser

Designed by: Admiral Savage (based on Digest Groups' Brinn species)
T20 Statistics:
5,000-ton Hull (Buffered Planetoid) - Unstreamlined, TL12, Species BRINN
AC: 10 (11 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 1 (TL-12)   SI: 350   Initiative: 0
Starship Size: Large   Cost: 2,205.134 MCr (2,756.418 MCr without discount)
Model/5 Fib (PP: 49/13) Computer   Avionics: Less than 10,000-ton  
Sensors: Very Long Range   Communications: Very Long Range
Cargo: 10.8-tons   Extra Ship's Stores: 400 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 220.513 KCr (110.257 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 55.128 KCr/Month (551.284 KCr per year)
Jump-2 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-2) 1000dt fuel
Acceleration: 2-G   Agility: 0
Power Plant: TL-12 Fusion (250 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks) 250dt fuel
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-12, 8hrs per 800 tons of fuel)
Active Defenses:
Hardpoints: 20
20x Double Plasma Gun Turret TL-12, +3 To Hit, 3d12 (18/x2), Range: 4,500km
3x 50-ton Particle Accelerator Bay TL-12, +4 To Hit, 4d12 (17/x1), Range: 45,000km
1x 50-ton Nuclear Missile Bay TL-12, +8 To Hit, 8d6 (17/x2), Range: 90,000km
        Ammo: 10,000 nuclear missiles
Ship's Vehicles:
2x 100-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn
Accomodations & Fittings:
40x Double Occupancy Stateroom (80 Brinn)
50x Emergency Low Berth (200 Brinn Nests)
1x Laboratory (2 Scientists)
1x Sickbay (2 Patients)
1x Airlock
Crew Details:
7x Command Officers, 3x Command Crew
1x Flight Officers, 2x Flight Crew
1x Gunnery Officers, 14x Gunnery Crew
2x Engineering Officers, 8x Engineering Crew
1x Medical Officers, 0x Medical Crew
1x Ship's Troops Officers, 30x Ship's Troops
10x Service Crew

The Brinn's homeworld of Kateri (Divad) in corridor sector was was a contributing member of the First Imperium but was
subjugated by the Rule of Man and Third Imperiums. After the fall of the Third Imperium, the Brinn exterminated the
humans they found and built civilizations on six of the surrounding worlds. By 1212, the Brinn were on 12 worlds
with their J2 ships.  Initially, the Brinn returned the brutality of humanti but eventually allowed the existance of
several small humanti technical slave cities to remain.  Brinn don't eat humaniti, their poison, but there is a brain
eating, rare tradition.
The Brinn only have a few starships designs. They've taken humaniti technology and used it in their designs but these
vessels are purely built for Brinn crews. This vessel has two refueling/transport shuttles.  Brinn Nest ships travel in
groups, usually a minimum of 6.  The Brinn Nest ship carry nests in "low birth"-like chambers. When the attacked
planet has been nukes, it will land these seed pods and within days have thousands of Brinn on the world. The only
alternation to the Brinn Nest is a non-armed transport. The only other brinn starship is a capital ship.