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Sky Raider class Exploration Scout

Designed by: Admiral Savage (based on a FASA design)
T20 Statistics:
150-ton Hull (Needle/Wedge) - Streamlined, T16
AC: 15 (16 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 1 (TL-14)   SI: 100   Initiative: 4
Starship Size: Medium   Cost: 134.248 MCr (167.811 MCr without discount)
Model/5 Fib (PP: 49/13) Computer   Avionics: Less than 600-ton  
Sensors: Very Long RangeCommunications: Very Long Range 5
Cargo: 12.45-tons  
Extra Ship's Stores (80 weeks,  1dt,  .054MCr):
           80 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
Annual Maintenance = 13.425 KCr (6.712 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 3.356 KCr/Month (33.562 KCr per year)
Jump-3 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-3) J1=7.5dt, 3=22.5dt fuel
Acceleration: 6-G   Agility: 4
Power Plant: TL-16 Fusion (30 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks) 10dt fuel
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-16, 4hrs per 50 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds:   NOE = 1,175kph   Cruising = 3,525kph   Maximum = 4,700kph
Active Defenses:
Hardpoints: 3
1 Forward Battery of 4 Weapons (90 degree firing arcs)
3x Triple Beam Laser Turret TL-16, +5 To Hit, 4d8 (20/x1), Range: 30,000km
1x Single Particle Accelerator Turret TL-16, +3 To Hit, 2d12 (17/x1), Range: 30,000km
Ship's Vehicles:
2x 5-ton vehicle hangar
Accomodations & Fittings:
8x Single Occupancy Small Cabin (8 People)
1x Airlock
Crew Details:
1x Pilot
1x Astrogator
2x Engineer
1x Gunner
2x Middle Passengers
The Sky Raider starships were cutting edge high performance scouts for the great adventure. No one on these vessels lived better than anyone else. It carried stores for 10 weeks and a full crew. The cargo would vary lab, medical, survey modules were not uncommon.