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 Explorer class Survey Cruiser

Designed by: Admiral Savage (based on a design by FASA)
T20 Statistics:
800-ton Hull (Sphere) - Streamlined, TL15
AC: 12 (7 vs. Meson Guns)   AR: 1 (TL-14)   SI: 205   Initiative: 1
Starship Size: Medium   Cost: 441.492 MCr (551.865 MCr without discount)
Model/5 Fib (PP: 49/13) Computer  
Avionics: Less than 4,000-ton  
Sensors: Very Long Range (5)  Communications: Long Range (Maser)  (5)
Cargo: 61.85-tons  
Extra Ship's Stores (16 wks, 4.5dt, .20358Mcr):
          16 person/weeks of Luxury Stores, 276 person/weeks of Standard Stores,
          64 person/weeks of Low Stores
Annual Maintenance = 44.149 KCr (22.075 KCr if routinely maintained)
Routine Maintenance = 11.037 KCr/Month (110.373 KCr per year)
Jump-3 (enough fuel for 1x Jump-3) J1=80dt, J3=240dt fuel
Acceleration: 1-G   Agility: 1
Power Plant: TL-15 Fusion (114 EP output, enough fuel for 4 weeks) 57dt fuel
Fuel Scoops, Fuel Purification Plant (TL-15, 5hrs per 400 tons of fuel)
Atmospheric Speeds:   NOE = 875kph   Cruising = 2,625kph   Maximum = 3,500kph
Active Defenses:
Hardpoints: 8
8x Double Beam Laser Turret TL-15, +3 To Hit, 3d8 (20/x1), Range: 30,000km
Ship's Vehicles:
1x 8-ton vehicle hangar
2x 4-ton vehicle hangar
2x 50-ton small craft (Internal Hangar)
Launch facilities for 1 Craft per turn
Accomodations & Fittings:
22x Double Occupancy Stateroom (44 People)
4x Low Berth (4 People)
2x Standalone Fresher
1x Engineering Shop (20 Engineers)
5x Laboratory (10 Scientists)
2x Sickbay (4 Patients)
1x Autodoc
2x Airlocks
Crew Details:
2x Pilot
1x Astrogator
4x Engineer
1x Medic
6x Gunner
8x Troops
20x passengers

Explorer class Scout Cruisers are a brand version of the 800t Broadsword Merc Cruiser. They
were more popular with corporations than the scout service but the government did own a few. The
ISS depended more heavily on the variations of the 1kdt Xboat tender, scouts and couriers. 
Lynx/ Chameleon producers, in Corridor, also have an 800-ton wedge design with the same stats
named the Pathfinder.