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Satrine Myndra

Age: 3
Eye Color: Steel grey
Hair Color: Honey brown
Race: Unknown
Ability: Control over man-made things
Background: Satrine is a very social child, however, she has a stuffed toy monkey with her at all times to be her companion. Though she doesn't know it yet, Satrine is actually a relation to Retsuna, who is a protector to nature and symbol of pure innocence. Strangely, she's different than Ret in ways. Whereas Retsuna is naturally innocent, Satrine is just like a human child and has difficulty following in her footsteps. Not only that, but she has an ability Retsuna lacks...

Whereas Retsuna can control anything having to do with nature, Satrine can control everything else. Anything having to do with a man-made product can be manipulated whichever way she desires, but those products only. If it has been tampered with by man, she can do something with it. Unfortunately, she's far too young to be near mastering this ability, let alone use it well at all. Being as young as she is, she doesn't even know about the ability she possesses but it can show from time to time.