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Welcome to Royal Blue!! If you haven't joined Royal Blue yet let me tell you a little bit about this place I call home. We're not like any other guild out there. All of our members are so friendly and warm. You can't help but feel right at home here. I've joined other guilds and I've never felt the coziness that I do when I'm with another member here. When I created Royal Blue I always focused on friendship. That's the #1 thing Royal Blue has to offer and it's my main goal. I honestly believe that this guild is only as great as its members are, so I'm picky about who I ask to join my family. I know many people want to join guilds to get free things, and that's fine for guilds that need to bribe members to join. But, for me, I want members that have the same interests as me. I want us to have a common goal. Now that I have this wonderful group I strive to make them happy, because that is what truly makes me happy. I do my best to give the best prizes and help whenever  I can. To me they are royalty and deserve to be treated as they are. Making my members smile is why I work so hard at Royal Blue. My reward is knowing I've made a difference. When I stop succeeding at that is when I will close down Royal Blue.
I pray that never happens.
Love always,
The Queen

Image copyrighted by Meilin Wong. To visit her gallery click here.
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