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News Update - - New and improved layout! - - - Please Enjoy! - - - New Games Added! - - - Ranks Added! - - - Join RLF Page Added! - - - Site Updated! - - -

: Site :

- Home
- Members
- Enemies
- Join RLF
- Games

: Community :

- Forum
- About RLF
- Downloads
- Feedback
- Polls
- F.A.Q

: Top Downloads :

- 1.0d Patch
- 1.0c Patch

- 999 Taunts
- Kazaa Lite
- Kazaa
- MSN Messenger
- Yahoo Messenger
- Link Here


- Mystic
- Brave
- Mythos
- LuK
- KI
- Brutal

< - - - 468x60 Logo here - - ->

First Off, WELCOME!

*** RLF - The One and Only ***


Sorry guys... :

I havnt been able to update the site in quite a while, ive just been too busy, but i will now update it and finish it off! :-)

Please remember that because we are currently discussing ranks, they will not be available on the site. When we have reformed them, I will post new ranks up on this website.

Rates, Ranks and Polls :

Ok, the Rates on the right are just telling you who are the highest rated players in the clan. If you click on their name, you will be able to find out information about that person and find out their rate.

The member ranks are just to save time looking around all the ranks on one page. If you click on a rank that you would like to see, all the people under that rank will come up. Inactive members in that rank will be in BLUE so you will be able to spot them. If you are that member, please just post it on the Forum.

Polls will be coming to the site soon. So please be patient.

High Council Members:

I will put it plain and simple, we need to have a council meeting. We need to disscuss the ranks at the minute.


If you have any downloads for me, please post the link on the Forum, or Email them to me. I will add more downloads every month (If I get new ones).

If anyone that uses this site needs a particular download, please post it on the Website Updates board on this Forum or contact RLF_DrEaD_2 on the zone, and I will try and find it for you.

New Recruits - 2

Name: RLF_AuRoN
Recruited By: RLF_Psychokilla

He is good at DM.

Name: RLF_XNOXFEARX01 (Re-Recruited)
Recruited By: RLF_RAMSES (I think)

He is good at DM.

Have any new recruits for RLF? Post them on the Forum

Copyright 2003-4 (RLF). All Rights Reserved.

: Highest Rates:
- Finding
- Finding
- Finding
- Finding
- Finding
- Finding
- Finding
- Finding

: Member Ranks:
-High Council
-Elite Guardians

Poll :
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon
- Coming Soon