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The End Game: Final Moments

June 23rd, 2007: The world's doom was assured. Terrorists had struck the heart of America, making 9-11 seem like child's play. The White House, along with most of D.C. was demolished. The President of the United States was assassinated within the same set of hours, the nation was in shock, motivated by anger and thus the End Game could begin... June 24th, 2007: The United Nations held an important meeting with the Middle Eastern countries, they demanded to know which country did this. None would answer, the United States' ego would not allow this to happen and so war was justified, declared and started... June 25th - July 7th, 2007: The United States of America prepared for an assault on the suspected countries, all the time the other members of the United Nations demanding they stop this madness. The United States would not listen, and so the world would slip into the Third World War... July 8th, 2007: The sparks of war were ignited, the world was forced to choose sides. Russia, the largest opposing country, opposed this war and soon the other countries came to it's aid. The United States was aware of this, but paid no attention, until the Russians removed themself from the United Nations... July 9th - September 9th, 2007: The war ended, countless deaths, millions of dollars in damage and morale shattered. The United States never did find the culprits, but felt they had once again saved the world from ultimate danger. The U.S. Armed Forces soon prepared to head home... this is when the Russians struck. September 10th, 2007: The Russians confronted the United States, the United States would not listen, and so the Russians would have to continue trying. Meanwhile, the small country of Slovakia sent guerilla fighters to grasp America's attention through aggressive means, the United States still furious over their lack of support, attacked Slovakia in full force... September 11th, 2007: Another day which would be remembered in infamy, a day in which was remembered for a tragic event would be also associated with the Third World War. Russia was forced to meet, secretly, with other members of the former Union of Socialist Soviet Republics. A verdict was decided, the U.S.S.R. would enter the war. The Warsaw Pact was resurrected... September 12th, 2007: The United States declared war on the Russians, this also including the other Soviet nations. September 13th, 2007: Mutants exposed which side they were for. The two Global Superpowers decided to use each to it's own advantages, manipulating the weaker ones and forcing them out into the front lines of battle. Russia had the numbers, America had the will. The first major battle was fought on the outskirts of Slovakia, the Russians obtained the victory and pushed the Americans up towards Turkey... September 14th - September 21st, 2007: The United States launched a massive operation into action. Congress backed it, the mutant world was forever changed when they were to be captured and used to fight against the Soviets. Meanwhile, the Soviets reached the same conclusion and now mutants would play a vital role in this war... September 22nd, 2007 - April 17th, 2015: The final battle was held in Archangel, Russia. For these past years the Americans had rapidly increased their firepower, technology and access to mutants. The world was in shambles, the U.S.S.R. could not continue to fight for much longer. It seemed the arrogant United States would win out. Other associated Soviet nations backed away from supporting the Russians, they became neutral, surrendered or joined the Americans. Russia was desperate, it had fewer allies, fewer secrets and even fewer soldiers left to fight... the choice was made. Operation: End Game was set into motion. September 23rd, 2015: The world was shaken, shattered and destroyed by the awesome force of the Soviet's ultimate weapon. The majority of North America was obliterated, what remained was unable to commit to the American warmachine. But, most mutants survived this deadly bomb, and were forced to help end this senseless battle over a disagreement so many years ago. Meanwhile, the Battle for Archangel was coming to a close, the Americans were winning... September 24th, 2015: Another Soviet ultimate weapon was deployed, this time it destroyed most of the United Kingdom. America's only remaining ally who could muster up equal support for their fighting was gone. The English who fought alongside the Americans were pushed to their limits and leapt head-first into battle. The Soviets soon would feel a taste of their own medicine, the United States had finally perfected it's own ultimate weapon... September 25th, 2015: Deep inside the Ukraine, the American & Ukraine scientist had finally done it. The ultimate weapon was deployed onto the Soviets. Archangel was taken, but at what cost? The Americans could no longer fight. They slowly submitted to the Soviets... September 26th, 2015: Magneto, one of the world's most powerful mutants, came to the aid of no one. His only concern was to save the mutants, he thought to use them as test subjects was uncalled for, and purely evil and a reason why the human race must submit. Magneto caused mass chaos, destruction and his rage was inflicted on both factions. Soon, the war would come to an end. An end which would only mean the end of the world as we know it... September 27th, 2015: The final day of the war. No major battles were fought, only the display of power upon one another. The Soviet High Commander was killed by American assassins, as was the American Tank Commander. The sides continued to switch victorious blows, but the end would be this very day. The Soviets in a frantic effort to win this war had finally completed the weapon to end this fighting... a bomb which would destroy the human D.N.A. system within a specific radius. The Soviets eventually dropped this on the Central Intelligence of the Americans... the war was over. The Union of Socialist Soviet Republics had triumphed. Aftermath; September 28th, 2015: The Soviet Union established themselves as the absolute rulers of Europe and Asia. But, remaining factions rebelled and the iron fist of Russia crushed them easily. Europe demanded it remain free of Russia's intentions, but the Soviets refused until their highly respected Supreme Commander came into the picture. Father Yuri is what they called him, approached the Europeans and promised them to keep their land if they promised to take over the former areas of the Ottoman Empire, this deal also including Northern Africa. The Europeans agreed, they had no choice... America was basically gone. September 29th, 2015: Father Yuri died, his death was known world-wide. With his death, his son came into power and thus the tyrany of the former Soviet Union would be resurrected in this mildly young individual. Many considered him the embodiment of corruption, death and power. But, he kept the Soviet nations in line and the deals with Europe were carried out. But, the son of Yuri wanted to collect Europe as well as the entire world. He soon gathered the remaining factions of his Red Army, preparing them for global conquest... September 30th - October 13th, 2015: Europe united to stand against the Soviet invaders. It would only be hours before they stepped foot onto European soil, and they would have to be ready to intercept the Russian advancements. All seemed hopeless until a German scientist devised a device which would destroy the Soviets, but he had not tested it. Mutant-kind was being captured, tortured and experiemented on inside the Soviet Union. Father Yuri's son never mentioned his name, so the Soviets called him Son Yuri and he seemed to adapt quite well to it. Son Yuri absolished all rights to mutants, making them like African Americans during the years of slave-trading. Mutant who were trapped in the U.S.S.R. were doomed, but those on the outside wished to help bring an end to this tyrant who's action would doom the world. October 14th, 2015: The Avengers were called first into action, as were the Fantastic Four and other superheroes. Europe had summoned them to bring an end to this ongoing war between the nations of the world. Son Yuri had to be stopped, and he would. The German scientist, von Wolfgang, had set the bomb to explode... but if Son Yuri was stopped, the bomb would stop and the world would be safe. If not... then the world would be destroyed.

The Individuals:

The Countries:

The Choices: