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GgGrRrRrR @ ChEw

Hey peoples, so you've found my crappy little webpage that I like to call "Home"...(yeah sure whatever)...well hope you like it..and if you dont, then its your problem!....but for those who care the names sAsHa, tell me what you think of the page, and tell me how I can make it not as much of a disaster....umm yeah my picture page doesnt have many pics yet...patience is a verture....If ya got anything to say just e-mail me Quote of the day "every leader should have to be faced with his own death in a real way before making decisions about other people, before sending others to their deaths." Dave Matthews "The Simplest things in life are usually the most beautiful"

my puppies
fRiEnDs..ya know who you are
more about me
ze houz of picturz
SiGn My GuEsTbOoK
crappy other picture page thats not done yet..and slightly screwed up..i'll fix it..just you wait
