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Cadet’s Log - Earth date 09/20/04

Time 12:45

Well I think that I'm getting the hang of this web page thing. Today I plan to try to get a job. I have a Resume and Cover letter to take to all the places to try to get a job at.

Cadet’s Log - Earth date 09/20/04

Time 01:16

Well I now have this web page up and running. I'll work more tomaro on making it better. See you then.

Cadet’s Log - Earth date 09/19/04

Time 23:52

Today I got all my boxes from California. I’ve set up my computer and every thing is falling back into place. I still miss Tiffany a lot but I’ll see her soon in Vegas. Now I’m going to try to make a web page for my self talk to you soon.
