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~*~ aset & me ~*~ djehuty & me ~*~ other names ~*~
~*~ references ~*~ shrine ~*~

Ii-wy Em Hotep! Welcome In Peace! May Sebek Bless!

Hotep! I'm Sobekemiti, child of the great Crocodile Sobek! Welcome in Peace!

This site is dedicated to Sebek, great crocodile Lord of the Nile and strength of the King. This is a work in progress aimed at providing information and reflections on this wonderful God of mine! I had trouble finding good information on Him, so this site is for future Sebek kids looking for information on Him. I plan to keep information on Him as well as my own reflections and essays on Him and my experiences with Him. In essence, this is all about Sebek. I'll include prayers and songs and stuff I've written about him as well.

Since this is going to be like my spiritual site, I'm going to add pages about my experiences with other Names, Aset and Dehuty first, with a page for other experiences with other Names. I'll add prayers and stuff for Them too, though if I get adventurous enough I might make new sites for Them too, though they may just get more room on here and Their own shrine. I figure this should be a haven for everything about my spiritual and religious life so that you can understand my faith. This will still primarily be about Sebek, so the information about other Names won't be as prominent, especially since Aset and Djehuty already have sites dedicated to Them. It'll mainly be personal things. Besides, I thought it was about time I did some work on here again.

I've decided that Aset and Djehuty can have Their own pages so I can leave my thoughts about Them somewhere. I figure it's wise to give each of Them a page seeing as though They've been in my life the longest. That and I wanted to do some work here.

I've added a page of my prayers to Sebek. Please respect copyright and do not steal/take/borrow them without my permission. I share them with you with Sebek's permission. Both He and I do not want to see them abused.
But first, a guick guide to my site. You can find out all about me. Sebek's history contains all the information I've found on Him; the references page refers to the numbered references in this page. Sebek & me is where I'll post various thoughts about Him. I'm going to set up a shrine to Him here, where I or anyone else can leave their thoughts and prayers for Him.

~*~  ~*~  ~*~
Updates can be found here

A voice offering to Sobek as a dedication of this site to Him.

All original text copyright Sobekemiti 2005 Not to be used without permission. Everything that isn't mine I've cited. Banner(s) and the shrine graphics copyright Sobekemiti 2005. Email: ibdjehuty[at] (replace [at] with @ when mailing)