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Kim's out look on life.....

Well this is my page be careful you might just come out knowing more about me then you wanted to. If you don't know me. I am a 16-year-old girl that lives in Colorado (No I’m not going to say where... I’m not that stupid). If you want to know my name hint look UP!

Lets see now that we all know that I am not stupid lets get personal (smiles) not the kind of personal, Any way....

Hobbies...Lets see... to think of I hobbies I would have to look at what I do all day and almost everyday...hum I go to school (not willingly what a big surprise), then I come home do some homework if the mood strikes me right that’s not very often, and there is one thing that I do 24/7... can you guess? I'll give you a hint I'm writhing this in HTML...any guesses...oh and I thought that it would be obvious. Duh I'm on the computer. And not much to the surprise of any one that is about the only hobby I actually have (If you ask my Boyfriend he will tell you that another hobby of mine is fighting with him but I don't thing that counts).

Family (or the lack there of), there is not really much to say... but here we go, but hold on to your pants this might be just a bit confusing.. Ok I Live with My 3 brothers, really I only have 2 but the other is my oldest brothers best friend the reason that I call him my brother he has live with us for like five years, NEXT---My mom that is a hole nother store don't get me started, oh and I can forget My bro.'s Girlfriend, wife, fiancé (or how ever you spell it) well we don't really know what she is but when we find out we'll let you know....

What would be the next thing on the agenda...hum... Lets see...I'm not too sure... ah lets see hum... Here's an idea Music is a great way to she how the world is going to all those dam preppies... I'm only 16 but this is going to make me sound old... but what the hell What The FU** Has Happened To All The Good Old MUSIC???? Shall I name a few for you?? Well to bad I'm going to any way!!

Metallica ,




And all the other kick ass bands that used to be in the spot light and go kick and by little wh***'s like Brittany Spears, with fake tits and tight pants taking the attention off the music making ability and focusing it on what they look like... That is Bull Sh**....

But as you can see I feel rather strongly about this subject thoughts of you that have the displeasure of knowing me in person know that all too well ...

There are other subjects that are touchy with me. Now I know I'm going to sound old but here goes... I have the BIGGEST beef ever with the females of my generation. To them I have one thing to say...


On one of them I am sure that most the ladies in the audience of, what a million will be happy to agree with me on this view... I mean they don't leave any men for us "normal" ( I'll explain the quotes later on) girls to date. With all their makeup and lack of clothing. I mean what chance does a girl like you and I have.

There is a lot of stuff that people don't understand and I seem to get the ass end of the stupidity and everyone enjoys reminding me that they are smarter then I am and that is not the best thing for a teenage mind set.... as some of you down right deprived rich assholes think you know the hole idea of what I am talking about well I'm sure you don't. And then there are the people that really piss me off the ones that seem to think that they are better then every one else.... But like Tool says 

" all matter is pruely enegery condensed through a slow vibration
we are all one conscious sharing ourselves with each other subjectively
there is no such thing as death
life is only a dream and we are just an imagination of ourselves"

Cool huh?

I dont have to much more to say but if you would like to know more about me the you can always email me(at the bottom of the page)or IM me any time and I will be glad to talk to some interesting people... someone that hopefuly has some thing cool to say and lives in Colorado so they know how much it sucks!(dam sonw and snoby people!)

Hope to hear form someone soon! and while I am at it I mine as well remind you to Give me some of your favorit quotes for the quote page

OK people this is where you come in.... Im in a bit of a rut! I would be more then willing to explan if you want me to just email me at or you can send me an IM on aol or yahoo.....

yahoo= quackums_rider

aol= kaye5786

Sound good? I will come back and write when I have something to write about... if you wanted you could give me some ideas, ways listed above ^...

So Long For Now!

7/13/03- YEah!! it feels GOOD to be 17! it has been some time since I have made this site.... whats that you say.....? Has my out look changed?..... Well not all toghter.
I still Love music, computers,.... well that is about it as for the other things like Hating:Living in colorado, snoby people and Skanks(for those of you who don't know if your a skank.... you most likly are one. Oh I have picked up a Great new hobby.... you wanna know what it is?


I have one thing to say

You men out there that think that women should not play the came should be taken out and shot, come here and I will do it for you if you are unable to find a willing participant out were you live.

2/29/05- Well I guess that it has been long enough, its been over a year. Anyway I am 18 now the my life as I know now is quit is daul. I go to school at the high school during the day and I go to the college at night and when I am not at school I am working. It doesnt leave much time to sleep at all, but I guess that is what makes my life more exciting then the adverage persons. You would think running around half asleep trying to learn as much as possible before your life of not having to pay for college is over with would be more invergerationg but apperantly not. Most the time I am still like the walking dead. Anyway back to the rush that is my life so long folks, until next time.

I for got to mettion that I finaly know what Jess is to me and I told you all that I would let you in on the secret when I found out. THEY GOT MARRIED!! She's an in law now !!!!

I will add more soon enough.