Nuff Said!
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Everyone loves FLCL! If not if it a chance!

When I first saw FLCL,I thought it was a bit strange, but now it's one of my favorite animes. Who doesn't like seeing a guy get hit in the head with a guitar? Furi Kuri as it is commonly known as started out in Japan. And look what it turned out to be. An American hit! So the next time you're in the mood for some violence and cool anime make FURI KURI your first choice. Oh and boo,DBZ!

This is my first website created with HTML so give meh a break! I am learning slowly and will be a master at any cost. Not really but any and all help would be appreciated!

Many of the video game today are extremely violent. Dead or Alive (DoA) for example. That game is just a bunch of non-smoothed out polygons with big boobs kicked each other. It's for 7 year old males who think that's cool. It's not, so get over it. Also this game should die. It’s basically very soft core porn with a controller. lame/10