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Nightmare's Bio


Name: Nightmare

Age: Unkown

Height: 8'

Weight: 300 lbs.

Hair Color: Shadow Black

Eye Color: Dim Green or Solid Black

Race: Hell Spawned Shadow (Demon)

Clan: VwV

Rank: HMK

Physical Discription: Not to much is truely known of what he looks like. But what is known is that he appears to be a shadow figure comprised out of nothing more then shadow. Although he can be solid that fact that he is shadow gives those who are attacking him a disadvantage.

Natural Abilities: He is able to blend into any shadow being as he is made of shadows. He can track almost anyone anywhere. And he has a natural speed ability when it comes to fighting. He has a natural healing ability which allows him to heal faster then a normal human. He is also ambidextrious.

Magical Abilities: He can remove pieces of objects or people by simply placing a shadow hole where the object is.

Weapon (s): He has a staff like weapon with blades on either end which is about 7' in length and he can use this weapon one handed. He also carries a club which is made out of pure onyx rock. Both of these weapons he can work single handedly and at the same time.

Fighting Style: Speed

Character Bio: It was one of the more darker time in Hell. And in that dark time the high mage council in Hell gathered together to see what they could do to turn things around. They meet in secret so as to hide what they where doing from the others. Now they gathered in the darkest depths of hell they where the most powerful magic users and they wanted to create a warior with the ability to kill ruthlessly and show no emotion. The cerimony lasted for several days and the magic users where well wore out. But when all was done a new dark creature stepped forth. After they had created him they tried to control his every move so that they may be powerful among the beings of Hell. He realized what they where doing for when they created him they did not realize how intelegent he was. In a fit of rage he turned on them killing them instantly leaving behind him in that place a blood bath where they stood. After doing so he began to wander the different kingdoms and realms of Hell. He was looking for a place that he could call his own. That is when he stumbled upon Damian of VwV who brought him in and allowed him to reside and in exchange for this Nightmare would help the clan the only way he knows how. And that is to kill all those who try to hurt or distroy VwV.

~"Through my birth I wrought Distruction, Death, and Chaos. And now with the shadows as my guise I bring them to you. Tremble before me and call me master and I promise your death will be quick." (Nightmare)~