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The three faces of evil

Armageddon For Dummies

My thoughts on the revalations of Jesus Christ: Stories of the son of Lucifer are most prominent in the revalations of John. One prominent verse is, "From an endless sea the beast will rise, a great dragon with seven heads and 10 diadems, to build armies on both sides". Many scholars say, and I agree that the sea the bible speaks of is the sea of politics. Being as the political world is a link to the societies of the world and with the helpm of his father, Damien could easily gain control of the political world. Another important verse that people sometimes overlook is, "Be alert for man knows not the hour or the day." While many people believe this verse refers to the second coming of Jesus, I believe this refers to the coming of the antichrist because the bible clearly states there will be 1000 years of rule under Damien before the second coming. *These are my opinions they are only based on theories and interpretations of the bible as researched by myself*