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Marsh Photos











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In Loving
Memory of
Lord Julian Wolfe

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 On this page you will find pictures taken by our members. Captions will be provided when ever possible. If you are the subject of any of these pictures and do not wish your photo used, please contact ME. Anyone with pictures to share, please do so also.

The SCA name of the person providing each set of pictures is listed on top, while the particular events named appear in the drop down menu below. Enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: The Society of Creative Anachronism is in no way responsible for the pictures linked above. They are the sole property of the people who shot them and are provided here with their permission.


Christopher Stokes

Baronial Birthday 2003
Sebastian De Valmont

Tourney Of Lyons 2005

Battle of Jeffries Creek 2004

Graphics on this page were
provided by
Bradley W. Schenck.