Trip to PEI

Last weekend, which was the Forth of July weekend, Jo invited me, Steph, her cousin Sean, and his girlfriend Jen to her place for a concert and just to party and such. So we decided to leave on Friday around 4, so Steph met me at my work and Sean came to pick us up. Then we were off to Sackville to pick up Jen, but first we stopped in the liquor store to stock up! So we got Jen and headed to PEI…but we had to stop and get more liquor because Jen wasn’t with us for the first stop. Jen and Sean went into the liquor store while Steph and I went into the Superstore to get some snack foods…and that’s where the trip went wrong…I bought some animal crackers and cheesies…bad idea…so we all got back in the car and started off, again, for PEI.
A little bit into the drive we started eating the animal crackers…trying to guess what the animals were, here’s one for example:

Is it a giraffe or a deer? I say giraffe, Steph says deer, but, honestly, how many deer have you seen with two horns (not antlers, horns) on its head and huge dots (not little spots like a baby deer, HUGE dots) on its back? Some of us are still undecided…

Ok, so we’re still driving and eating…animal crackers, gummy bears, cheesies, whatever…We got to the other side of the bridge and Sean and Jen both needed to use the washroom so we stopped in a gas station, but it was POURING so Steph and I stayed in the car eating…somehow it came up that it would be really hard to put 7 cheesies in your mouth at once so Steph tried

She could barely fit them, I thought her mouth was going to explode!

So I thought I should try it because my mouth is a lot bigger than hers, or so it seemed…

That’s right, no problem at all! I have a huge mouth. Then when Jen and Sean got back in the car, Steph and I were laughing uncontrollably, and they had no idea why…they just knew that we had been into the cheesies…

We finally got to Jo’s place (with her excellent instructions…I am the first driveway after the set of lights on that street. Almost across from Aliant. You will probably see people picketing. Drive to the third door down.. it has a tree.) Lindy, Daryl, and Becca were waiting for us! So we brought in all of our stuff and pretty much just flopped on the floor…and that’s where my pictures ended for that day cause my batteries died.
Jo and Ben came home from the concert because it was thundering and lightning out so the concert was cancelled. When they got there, we all talked for a bit, had a few drinks, and decided to go to the Ol’ Dublin (a bar). We got there and all of us had a few more drinks, and some of us had some food, and some of us got drunk…some of us more than others (ie Sean). He was hiccupping, he was so drunk. When the night was done, we all headed out to the car (a stick-shift Jetta that Jo was driving! Impressive, I know!) We all piled in, from right to left in the back was Steph, Jen, Sean, and Me…kinda squishy but more hiccuppy than anything. Sean would hiccup and ask me to stop. “Can you please stop hiccupping, you’re going to make me sick!” He pretty much said it the whole way home. Then when we got back to Jo’s, Sean had to pump up the air-mattress, needless to say, it was an interesting sight! The only thing holding him up was that his feet were anchoring the pump to the ground and he was holding onto that. So anyway that got blown up and we all went to sleep.

The next morning, we got up and went to the Superstore to get breakfast supplies. We made pancakes with strawberries, whip cream, and syrup, hash browns, eggs, and I think that might be it. It seems like we made a lot more than that though...meh!

Then we all sort of lazed around all day playing games

We were playing a game that I can't remember the name of because I'm just finishing this now (a few months later) but there were funny questions in it that made you think something dirty but really it wasn't...on top is Daryl reading some questions to us and below is Jo looking through one of the books

And because I love feet so much, Jo took a picture of Daryl's foot and my feet...mine are the cute ones.

Then someone called...or maybe Jo was calling to order us pizza and garlic fingers, must have been someone calling...

These are the books that we were reading out of and if any of you know what the game is ( me or something

I'm not sure who I was giving this evil look to, but whomever it was...I'm sorry!

This is where I was out of the room but my camera was not. I'm not sure who had the camera but there are some interesting pictures of Doritos...

Someone's foot...on the Adultrivia box...heh...that's the game!! You don't need to email me with the name of it now...but you can email me anyway cause I'm lonely and bored!!! anyone? anyone?! oh... :(

These are Daryl and Becca's feet...see what happens when I go to have a shower?!!!

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