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CompuGlobal-Hyper Mega-Net

Free office supplies tomorow! Contact Britney

Hi! Welcome to CompuGlobal-Hyper Mega-Net! We're glad you decided to come on down (well Jim isn't he doesn't like strangers)

Days till HALO 2 comes out!!


"Math, my dear boy, is nothing more than the lesbian sister of biology" -Peter Griffin

"O they have the internet on computers now" -Homer Simpson

"Alcohol, the cause of and solution to all of life's problems" -Homer Simpson

Who would Jesus bomb? -Unknown

If you go into a job interview with your resume written n rolling papers, your probably not gonna get the job -Unknown


Ummm....I'll get back to you on that. You know you people are all about take! Why don't you do some research on your own huh?! No just kidding, but I don't have any news at the moment I will soon, so come back. Also anyone who wants to see something on this site let me know! I will do my best to get it up here, so lemme hear somethin, I need some feedback yo. Ok well I'm sure you haven't read all of the old news, so you should go check that out for now and I will be back on it later.

July 2, 2004

If anyone has any questions on these issues I would be glad answer them so drop me a line here!

Old News!

Waste of Time!

Well I'm not really sure what to put here uhh...let's see. A scrolly thing! What am I supposed to update I mean c'mon, it's a scrolly thing!!


What's new in my life?(scroll down)

Well on July 26 I am going to California, San Jose (that's Hosay to those who don't know). It should be pretty cool, I'm going by myself staying for 10 days at the Hilton (or is it Hylton?) so I'm stoked.
May 25

Ok people well the few of you actually visting my website may have noticed the lack of updates. Well unfortunatly the internet on my main computer (the one with all my programming things on it!) has stopped working. I am in the process of fixing it but I wouldn't hold your breath, actually yes I think you should all hold your breath until I get that other computer fixed, I'll be sure to post it on here when I do. Well otheriwise nothing else is new, school is winding down and graduation is just around the corner. The seniors have already had their last day and will soon off to college. Unfortunatly for us juniors and sophmores, we have exams BLAH! So you can just imagine that fun. Alright well I gotta hit the sack, I will be back later with some more updates and more news! So come back now!

June 1, 2004

Alright well I think I may have FINALLY fixed the computer so those of you holding your breathes can now relax. In other news I have finished my exams and the SAT's. I'm soooo glad to be done. The SAT wasn't nearly as hard as I thought it would be, given all the talk and myth surrounding it. So all of you out there who have yet to take the SAT, don't be too scared its not that bad, but know your formulas about triangles! They are in the front of the test but that can take valuable time if you are havin trouble. Got a cell phone the other day (Kyocera KX414), finally. Well July 26 is getting closer and closer, I really can't wait. Well that's all for now. O by the way any of you that have msn messenger check me out my e-mail is: Well I'm out, later

June 6, 2004

Hey everybody, well school has been out for almost a week, how's the summer going? Well it's rather boring here. there is nothing to do! My days usually consist of going to work for a few hours, lifting weights for awhile and then running, and that is just one exciting day in the life of Matt! July 26 is getting even closer still, and I am really ready to go. I cannot wait to get out of boring WV life and into SO CAL (that's Southern California, but you should know that!), even if it's just for 10 days. Let's see it's 2:00 AM here (that's eastern time), so I guess I should get some sleep, thanks for visiting CompuGlobal-Hyper Mega-Net, and we hope you return again soon!(bring money!)

June 12, 2004

Hey people, finally got around to updating my site. So July is here! What are you people doing for the fourth? How about some feedback on that! I gave you people quite awhile to give some feedback about my other news and I got nothin! Oh well, I've only got about four people that checkout my site. So lets see I leave July 26, its comming up rather soon! I'm planning on getting some subs for my car (Audiobahn Alum10Q), they should greatly improve the sound and have some power too with 800RMS watts a piece. Who likes the new pictures? That's what I thought you do! I'll get around to changing them in a week or two when they get old. You know what I think my site needs? That's right some snappy graphics! Well as soon as I get around to learning to program Flash I will have them!! MUHAHAHA!!

July 2, 2004 Hey people, I've finally gotten around to updating my website. Sorry its taken soo long for me to update it, I got back from Cali on August 4th and then I have been busy with football ever since. Anyway I have to tell you California rules! My trip was tight. I've got some pics to post here, so here is a link: Check out the pics!

August 14, 2004


Who wants a link on my prestigous website! Only $29.95 a month! No actually it's free, but you do have to give me a URL so there! I can make it show up in cool text, yea sounds pretty good doesn't it!

Check out Britney's (STATEMENT RETRACTED) site!

Email: Email me what you think of my website!
Check out anna!