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Majestics Images

Oliver   Enrique   Robert   Johnny   Oliver's bit beast Unicolyon   Enrique's bit beast Amphilyon   Robert's bit beast Griffolyon   Johnny's bit beast Salamalyon   'This is uncouth!'  Enrique as Trojan Man   Enrique the playboy  Oliver in his unicorn marching band outfit  So he thinks he can sing now...  Amphilyon grabs onto a whitish-blue glowing sausage... wait a minute! It's Dragoon!  Yo, yo, yo. My name is Robert and I live in Germany. I'm rich and I'm famous, if ya know what I mean. You can check out my money, I got the bling-bling. Just drop by the hood or gimme a ring. ~*end rap segment*~  Enrique looks a bit out of it  He's so happy. Must've seen an ad for a strip club  Spaced out  Looking a little worried  'Wait! Come back! I still love you!'  Trojan Man and the beast   'Ooohh'  Let's kick it up a knotch  Nice happy smiling picture  Standing by Enrique's stadium  This is a scary picture  Notice, he actually looks normal here  Johnny pouting about his loss  Johnny saying something that is probably rude and/or stupid  Robert put his name there so he wouldn't forget it  'If it looks uncouth, acts uncouth, and smells uncouth, it must be uncouth!'  Looking like a tin can in his armor  Oh no! You offended him!   Griffolyon! ... and part of Dragoon's hand   Griffolyon posing nicely   A rare pic of Amphilyon   Unicolyon pics are rare as well   Robert looks nice here. NOT hot. NOT sexy. Just nice. See! He CAN smile!   Home boys chillin'   In the dining room   Oliver is a slavedriver. Poor Gustav!   The magic pony demands more tea   Hey pal! Get bent!   In the hot air balloon   Should we really be trusting Enrique to drive the blimp?   Enrique and Oliver want me to stop taking their picture  I really like this room. Very cool even if everything in it is from centuries ago   Johnny should stick to playing tennis with Enrique   Johnny wishes he had a nickel   Johnny boy!   Johnny is a lazy bum!   This just looks so totally wrong   Robert has shiny hair   Robert is talking to trash  Robert in the helicopter   Bring me the prisoner!   And this one goes out to all my homies..   A Kodak moment. Robert and Johnny look mad at each other, and Johnny gives the customary whiny little brat I-don't-have-to-listen-to-you face   Robert chats with one of his home-dawgs on the phone   And the winner of the dog show is...   No! Robert! We don't wanna see your purple back hair!   Enrique sucks at tennis   Looking like a girl   The magic carousel pony shall never lose! It just can't happen! WAA!   Who's that Pokemon?! It's Rapidash! ... er, I mean, Unicolyon!   Johnny! SHUT UP!   One problem with Johnny (out of many) is he whines too much!   WAY too close!   My cuz, Robbie (just don't call him that XD)   A very nice, if somewhat serious, shot   Robert next to Griffolyon, and Tyson sleeping on the floor  

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