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Young Blaze

Ight im back. This week we have tha pissed of Ronald McDonald. I bet that clown wished he went to Burger King instead. lol. But any ways I am still in business and please tell all of ur friends about my web site and remember it gets up dated every wednessday un less i get arrested and thrown in JDC for a week again. But If u want me to put u on my webmsite first off you have ta be one of my good friends and you ahve to be on my good side and second of all you have to contact me and tell me you want to be on there and ill tell you if you are worthy enough to be on it. If u want to e-mail me my e-mail adress is at tha bottom of tha page and my aol screen name is tha same as my e-mail adress. So Peace, Love, And Coconuts. -lil Blaze

My Hommies Fa Sho

Some tight ass web sites

Find the words to ya favorite songs
A plaze ta go ta pick up tha hot hunniez
A web site that you can find the biographies of any one famous
a place to get free im'ing and a free e-mail adress
a place where im'ing and haveing an e-mail cost
the place where i built my web page
